2nd Test: England v Australia at Lord's

My late night prediction:

Australia will win by two wickets.

I hope it goes down to the wire though, hopefully Clarke and Haddin add an extra 50 runs before getting out.
The game's as good as gone for England I think. I know our team all too well; if we were facing any other team we'd have bowled them out yesterday. But because it's Australia we're bottling it big time.
Gonna state the bleeding obvious now, but it all depends on the first half an hour. I can't see us getting Clarke BUT Haddin's got a few weaknesses e.g temperament. So if we can get Clarke to run out of partners, we should win. Although, it's England.
Haddin can't be throwing the bat around once he gets 100, if he gets 100 that is. Johnson and Hauritz can hold up an end, and Siddle can get lucky, but partnerships are the key here.
I don't see where bottling comes into it anyway. We've not bowled badly; Clarke and Haddin have just batted well on what we know is a batman's wicket.
The Saffers are chokers, we're bottlers.

Honestly, no other team would struggle to defend 522 on any pitch.
Haddin obviously is one that can get out of any time, of course he can also put 100 runs in no time. Clarke's weakness is the close of a session.

Very good first ball by Anderson, what a 1st hour this is going to be.

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