2nd Test: England v Australia at Lord's

How about just once you realise the capabilities of the England team? Strauss is so determined to bowl Broad for extended spells of rubbish bowling that Johnson can easily take him to the cleaners and release every single ounce of pressue that Fred put on this morning.

I seriously think we'll throw it away.

Okay if England lose this I will adopt your attitude towards England :D

But they should be in the clear

Howsie added 1 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

Id give him a year then he too will retire

Two years max
I really wish Hoggard was still in the team, you could turn to him and pass him the ball and know he was giving it 110%.

No thanks, last time I saw him bowling he was barely touching 80mph. He's not what he once was anymore.
Howsie added 1 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

Two years max

His 34 now. He maybe could make it to the world cup but if he gets a injury on the way then thats it he will retire.[/QUOTE]

He should be alright, you know he hasn't picked up an injury for quite a while now. NZ just have to ease him into international cricket again.

Howsie added 0 Minutes and 35 Seconds later...

I think the cricinfo commentator must be seeing things. Reverse swing for Broad?

I'm not watching it today, but he was getting some yesterday.
They're now talking about Aussies needed 170 odd to win, not England needing 4 wickets to win. This is unbearable man :\
Bowls a few decent balls (Broad) then Johnson clatters him for 4, what an exceptional way of keeping the pressure on :sarcasm
Why does Strauss have so much faith in this useless lump of blonde? He's obviously nailing Broad's tasty sister.

This is why I know we're gonna throw this away and I honestly can't see why people are putting England as favourites. Especially when we've got tarts like Broad relasing all the pressure.
Or before drinks. I don't fancy him against Clarke though. Mitch will try to hit him but Swann bowls very well to lefties.
I still think Broad deserves to be in this England side. I'd rather have Sidebottom than Onions tbh

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