A controller is REQUIRED to play on PC -XBOX PC Controller recommended


What initiates the shot? The shot button? Or the direction thumbstick? As in which one among the these two will we have to press to time the shot?

Right stick... similar to EA Cricket 2007. You should initiate the shot when you start moving the right stick in the direction of the shot and farther you push the stick more the follow-through and more powerful the shot.
Right stick... similar to EA Cricket 2007. You should initiate the shot when you start moving the right stick in the direction of the shot and farther you push the stick more the follow-through and more powerful the shot.

Could be. I misread the controls to start with: it doesn't use the face buttons as I thought I'd seen (that's for bowling). So yeah, it will be holding one of the shoulder/bumpers to define shot type, and then executing it on the RHS.
Might be like EA07, but potentially could be more analogue than that: could be speed of movement rather than how far for example maybe?
Could be. I misread the controls to start with: it doesn't use the face buttons as I thought I'd seen (that's for bowling). So yeah, it will be holding one of the shoulder/bumpers to define shot type, and then executing it on the RHS.
Might be like EA07, but potentially could be more analogue than that: could be speed of movement rather than how far for example maybe?

Ross/MikeM had confirmed long back that left stick is for footwork and right stick as the bat for playing shots. It was pretty similar to Cricket 07 and TBH one of the better schemes as you have full control of the bat/shot. Yup speed should also be a factor along with how far you push the stick for determining shot power.
Ross/MikeM had confirmed long back that left stick is for footwork and right stick as the bat for playing shots. It was pretty similar to Cricket 07 and TBH one of the better schemes as you have full control of the bat/shot. Yup speed should also be a factor along with how far you push the stick for determining shot power.

FULL control of the bat/shot for me would be a 2-step motion on the RHS: fully analogue. Like a starting position and finish: Pull back and push forwards for a back-down-the-ground, back and release for forward defensive, back and back for a leave. Forwards and then roll 270 degrees right for a sweep or the other way for a reverse sweep.
That sort of thing.
FULL control of the bat/shot for me would be a 2-step motion on the RHS: fully analogue. Like a starting position and finish: Pull back and push forwards for a back-down-the-ground, back and release for forward defensive, back and back for a leave. Forwards and then roll 270 degrees right for a sweep or the other way for a reverse sweep.
That sort of thing.

Based on what we saw in the videos so far, backlift is out of the equation and that's why you had the batsman with his bat up like a fishing pole. Which makes sense as well as you don't want to over-complicate and you only need to worry about the shot direction while the bat on is its way down, again a la Cricket 07.
One thing for sure... the game will have a steep learning curve and we won't be able to master the game within a week and rely solely on online gameplay for longevity :yes
Chief....any "casual" gamers would have issues with these controls....a lot of control is given to us which could have backfired. Good thing is in easy mode people won't have to do everything by themselves.

Ross...while running between the wicket can we sprint, run, jog? I remember you saying we can a while ago but did not see it in controller pictures. Did this feature make it or did you remove it?
Not everything is on the control images so it is possible that it is still included
Chief....any "casual" gamers would have issues with these controls....a lot of control is given to us which could have backfired. Good thing is in easy mode people won't have to do everything by themselves.

Ross...while running between the wicket can we sprint, run, jog? I remember you saying we can a while ago but did not see it in controller pictures. Did this feature make it or did you remove it?

won't the after bowl button R2 work for sprinting while taking runs?
Sorry if I missed it in earlier posts but do u know if there will be an option to swap the left stick and right stick functions as in cricket 07? Wouldn't stop me buying the game but I'm a left hander and prefer to play shots with the left stick..

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