A New Manager-Manchester United (Full Team Posted)

Cheers for the support guys. I am going out in a bit, but I will do some more updates later. Be sure to check back.
strong squad for the start of the season there, should be strong title contenders. The stadium should be good hopefully you'll rake in some more fans. reps for the great story.
Cheers again, for the support. Updates to follow later.
Breaking News
Riots have ensued outside the Old Trafford football ground on the eve of the first game of the season. Manchester residents are angered about being evicted from their homes in order to let Old Trafford expand it's ground. Police are at the scene and the riots are slowly coming under control.

Simon said "I can understand that the residents are annoyed, but at the end of the day the houses are owned by the council, and it's their right to do what the want with them. I think the residents are forgetting about the economic boost which this will cause the city, and are just thinking about themselves"
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A reporter for The Guardian has asked the Manchester United manager, Mr. Simon Dukes the following questions:

1. Would you agree that your spending has been extortionate thus far?
2. Do you honestly believe Manchester United can gel together in time to win the Premier League?
3. Are you aiming for the quadruple?
4. Did Old Trafford really need improving?
5. Where do you see Manchester United in 5 years time?
i did warn you you'd get riots. luckily the police were on hand before it got violent. great update mate maybe the fan numbers will plumet. I'll certainly be looking out
Pah, Manchester United fans are ponces ;)

"Due to Manchester United's stadium expansion, how do you think United as a club and a business will benefit?"

skater said:
5. Where do you see Manchester United in 5 years time?

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"You currently have a very strong selection up-front, who do you believe will fight off the rest ot secure the spots for the opening game?"

"Do you believe the expantion of the stadium will increase attendences, or as has been sugested by some, will cause a sudden plummet in Attendences?"
Press Conference
Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the final press conference before the start of the new season. Any questions, please?
A reporter from the Guardian stands up and asks...
Would you agree that your spending has been extortionate thus far?
In a way, I would agree. The owners of the club have given me a budget, and a list of players they would like to sign, to improve the squad as necessary. I am doing my job, and that is to improve the club, extortionatly or not.

Do you honestly believe Manchester United can gel together in time to win the Premier League?
From the training sessions so far, I am hugely impressed and proud of my team. They appear to have gelled, and are definitly working well together. I am hoping for a strong start and then the foundations will be built with something to build on.

Are you aiming for the quadruple?
Haha, that would be very nice, indeed. I cannot say we are aiming for it, but with a squad like we have, I could not rule it out. We will talk every opponent, very seriously and will play a strong side whichever trophy we are playing for.

Did Old Trafford really need improving?
In my opinion, the stadium did need improvements. We had thousands of fans being turned away from games, last season because there were not enough seats in the stadium to accomodate them all. Hopefully, now we will be able to do that.

Where do you see Manchester United in 5 years time?[/QUOTE]
Let's take a look back at 5 years ago. Manchester United were at the top of the Premier League then, and still are now. In 5 years time, I see them at the top still, where they belong.

Thank You for your questions.

A reporter from The Sun named Stuart Cullington then stands up, with his own questions.
Due to Manchester United's stadium expansion, how do you think United as a club and a business will benefit?
As a club, Manchester United will benefit greatly. Well more to point, the fans will benefit greatly, because they will all be able to fit into the stadium, and watch their favourite club. Improved restaurants and exhibitions are also key to the improvement of the new stand. The business will not actually benefit too much, I don't think. Although there is a much larger capacity, ticket prices have been driven down, and this will also benefit the fans.

Thank you for you question.

Finally, a reporter from The Times stands up.
You currently have a very strong selection up-front, who do you believe will fight off the rest ot secure the spots for the opening game
Currently we have 4 strikers in our team. Really, we only have three because I am planning on using Sergio Aguero as an attacking midfielder. I see, Wayne, Dimitar and Carlos fighting hard to get those 2 places and I only see that as an advantage to the team.

Do you believe the expantion of the stadium will increase attendences, or as has been sugested by some, will cause a sudden plummet in Attendences
I believe the new improvements will increase attendances, for sure. As I have already said, last season we had to turn away thousands of fans every game because we did not have a large enough ground to accomodate them. Now we do, so I see the ground being packed out every home game this year.

Thank You very much, Ladies and Gentlemen for your time and questions.
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great press confrence. We'll have to wait and see on the fan front. Also can't wait to see who wins the 3 horse race
Who says it's a three horse race. I have heard reports that Everton have invested heavily in new players and i'm sure Liverpool will be as strong as ever.

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