AC09 Patch open beta 1 released - download it here

Update at the end of the innings:

After my previous post, Clarke and Hussey carried on batting solidly, before Hussey was caught at long-off from a lofted back foot drive off Swann. Clarke was the next to go, trapped LBW by a big off spinner from Swann as he tried to cut. Haddin was caught at mid on off a leading edge (off Harmison) before North holed out to the cover boundary - Swann again. He then bowled Hauritz, again a big spinner coming from way outside off stump, beating his backward defensive and bowling him. Siddle was plumb LBW to an inswinging (reverse swing) yorker from Flintoff, and Swann wrapped things up by bowling Hilferhaus in the same manner as Hauritz. Pictures are attached.

Further comments:

- First of all, I enjoyed the hell out of that :D

- I think the ball was turning too much for Swann. When he was confident enough to bowl the doosra he became almost unplayable. The sort of spell I bowled (while hugely enjoyable) is the sort of spell you should get on the last day in Karachi, not the first day at Cardiff.

- Never had an innings last long enough to get reverse swing before. It's brilliant :) I went through a phase (while Clarke, Hussey and North were batting) where I didn't know where I was going to get a wicket because swing seemed much less threatening than with the new ball. Reverse swing got me interested again - this is quite a good reflection of actual test matches.

- The tailenders seemed convincingly worried by short-pitched bowling. I had a few bouncers go past the outside edge as they prodded at them off the back foot - very realistic. They didn't last long enough in this innings to find out if they would settle down, but I think it's important they do to an extent, or you'll be able to keep their confidence low by bouncing them and the tail will never wag - and it should occasionally.

- It would also make life easier if the game remembered which field was used by against each batsman by both bowlers you are using. While I was using custom fields (which were different for spin and seam) I had to change them at the start of every over as it was just remembering one field for each batsman.

Will go and try batting now :)

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Although i know its a beta, but still the game starts after a long period on my win vista. Do others have the same problem..
I think that the Anti Aliasing has been used well in the patch and the developers have done well, i wonder why was it not in the game in the first place. I haven't really tested the gameplay in detail as yet but i will do so soon. I shall soon post screenshots of the game with and without the patch highlighting the subtle differences. The major drawback for me is that the texmod does not work after the patch and hence my custom kits are not compatible with the game after the patch. I will try and find a workaround for it tomorrow.

The beta only works with the retail version. I don't know if Codies will patch the gameplanet version but there are awful lot of people who suddenly "got it off Amazon" now a retail copy is required...

I cannot say for the people living abroad but I am pretty sure for the people from South Asia that most of these guys were using the illegal versions rather than their "Amazon downloads" and now they will be soon be left behind.
Like all other previous cricket games in the past decade, after 2/3 weeks of initially playing AC09 I got frustrated and placed it on my shelf to gather dust and to wait with eager anticipation for the next Cricket game to be announced..... it just seemed to be the same old story and cycle all over again which became way too familiar over the years - - hear about new game/game gets hyped/wait around for release excitedly like a school kid waiting for christmas/ game gets released/ first few plays great/ next few plays not so great/ bugs reported/ patch requested/patch demanded/ no patch released/ game (and our dreams) dies off/ wait around for next title to start this cycle all over again........ BUT the guys at Transmisson :hpraise have finally broke this cycle (thank the lord!!) and we have a cricket gameplay patch :eek:

Wow this is great news and from reading the previous 10 pages of posts the patch seems to be progressing the game nicely to the level we knew it had the potential for. Thanks again to the blokes at Transmisson for sticking with this and breaking the all too familiar cycle. Thanks also to the guys at PC for the work they are doing in providing feedback - I for one really appreciate it. ....Right thats enough slabbering from me -my download is nearly complete so I'm off to test it for myself
So only 1 no ball in 11 overs, that sounds great. The no ball bug is very annoying to me, because i try to play normal and not slog every ball to the rope. But when they sometimes bowl 3 no ball in a over i will hit them for 6 the next ball or get out. Anyway good luck finding the other bugs and problems and maybe be we will all have the 8.5 to 9 out of 10 cricket game we have been wanting for 10 years. PS the future looks good for cricket games with transmission and codemasters, ea sports hahahahaha, a joke there.
I disagree slightly there. Batsmen do hit straight in tests to spinners. I remember Ian Bell hitting Hauritz for a straight 6 first ball.
I disagree slightly there. Batsmen do hit straight in tests to spinners. I remember Ian Bell hitting Hauritz for a straight 6 first ball.

Yeah I stand corrected! however was there a man back on the boundary?:p

annnnnnnd.... cover is not straight!
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Yeah I stand corrected! however was there a man back on the boundary?:p

I have no problem with a few lofted shots against the spinners - no issue with the Hussey dismissal in my game. However, when North got out they were in a bit of trouble and I had 3 men on the boundary (deep point, deep extra and long off). Even occasionally this is fine, I just mention it because if lots of people have it happen then it should be looked at. If it was a one-off, brilliant - all batsmen have rushes of blood occasionally.

I agree, spinners become too effective. :D

Ponting was impossible to remove, not even a hint of a chance. He cleared the ropes seven times as well.

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