AC09 Patch open beta 1 released - download it here

@barmyarmy I know the online version isnt enabled in this version of the patch. But what will happen if we play online one guy uses a patch and the other one doesn't? How will the game run then?
Just had a quick go at bowling...

...And I had a truly a special moment just 5 overs in. Australia had crawled to 6-0 and I'd been testing Watson outside and on his off stump a few times with Jimmy. First ball of a new over, and I bowled a lovely inswinger with Jimmy which Watson played a defensive shot at, missed, and was bowled off stump. I actually punched the air several times in satisfaction. :D

In the unpatched version I could only ever bowl out the rabbits in the tail so this was a lovely sight.

One bad thing did happen though - Ponting ran him self out for 4 in what seemed like a suspicious repeat of the run out bug when the computer waited til my fielder had started to throw the ball in before running. :doh

But it's the only run out I've seen in about 30 overs worth of bowling with the patch which is still promising.
@barmyarmy I know the online version isnt enabled in this version of the patch. But what will happen if we play online one guy uses a patch and the other one doesn't? How will the game run then?

They'll be prompted to update their game to play you online.

@Nick - if you get a runout I know Rob would like a video if possible. ;)
iam gonna ambush my bro
hey ...rockymazza ,,,,,plz tell me them crap shots that go for 4

rocky you said,,,,,,,,, All lofted shots, when poorly timed it nearly always goes for 4. With my brother, normal. On the test match, hard. The game appears to have got easier in my opinion.

my brother is coming for a game this saturday

lol ,,,,,,,,he thinks the pitch of the ball is ok ,but hes just a button masher.

geez hes in for a surprize :)

i will tell him the game has changed ,but i dont think he will take any notice

we are lucky to have real people to play against,,,one on one
online is cool ,but i lag like mad

sad game ,,,,,,,,,,,, great patch ,,BL99-RIP
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I agree, spinners become too effective. :D

Ponting was impossible to remove, not even a hint of a chance. He cleared the ropes seven times as well.

By the sounds of things, I'd say lofted shot power needs to be reduced. Also the scores seem quite low so far.

Thank you for also making the patch for the consoles. Its a bloody shame about the piracy, especially since you made the game so cheap for people in the subcontinent.


As for the admins, can we now ban all those who said they got the patch compatibility error? no difference between them and a common theif.
Bit harsh, there are two cases (GP and steam) where it was legal.
Yes, it seems that the beta patch is incompatible with the online versions. I got mine from Gamesplanet and have the exact same problem you report when installing the patch.

I've e-mailed Codemasters but got no response yet. Also, started another thread about this, but no "official" response there either from CM/TM guys. It truly sucks :(

Hi guys,

Please do not contact customer support in regards to beta issues or feedback, they won't know anything of it as this is an unsupported release. Just to clarify, this is the nature of beta versions, there are no guarantees. This beta process is being conducted between Transmission Games, Planet Cricket and our producer Jamie from Codemasters. It's not however officially backed up with Codemasters customer support, they'll essentially not know what you're talking about.

I apologize, it was an oversight on my part that we patched the retail DVD version only, as it was the only distribution prepared by Transmission Games (the Steam and Gamesplanet ones were prepared and distributed by Codies). I'll contact the appropriate person at Codemasters to see if its possible and how much work would be involved in preparing a patch distribution for the Steam and Gamesplanet versions. I'll do what I can, but more than likely it will mean that you'll have to wait for the final v1.1 patch rather than participating in the open beta.

Keep in mind this is also currently the case for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners, who represent the overwhelming majority (~99%) of those who purchased our game. We're not playing favourites with the retail DVD owners, it's just a practical and logistical thing. The point is to get a wider spread of testing than would be possible by Codemasters QA alone, so we can hopefully deliver a better end result for everyone with the final v1.1 patch.

For the non-Steam and Gamesplanet versions of the game, if you're unable to apply the patch, it more than likely means you are playing a modified or pirated version of the game. If you genuinely didn't know this was a pirated copy, please consider purchasing the official product as its only official purchases that make it possible for us to develop this game, and our PC sales to date have been seriously, seriously impacted by piracy.

If you did know you purchased a pirated copy, (or could've guess by the cheap price), stop being a jerk and consider the wonderful benefits to your karma for supporting us while we're working hard to support you! You may not realize just how much seriously hard work goes into developing a commercial game by a lot of professionals who are only able to do this with the support of those who purchase our product. You'll also have the added benefit of enjoying the patch open beta immediately.

Thanks for the feedback so far too, we hope you're enjoying it! :happy



(Apologies for the double post!)
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Bit harsh, there are two cases (GP and steam) where it was legal.

Yes but there are specific cases of people who said they do not have the gameplanet/steam version and they are getting that error. According to Rob that only means one thing, they are thieves.

Burn them at the stake I say :spy
Wait, has Rob's post gone behind mine? Why?

EDIT: Oh I think he edited?

Fair enough, but if you do have a pirated copy you're not getting the patch, so you fail.
Just had a quick go at bowling...
First ball of a new over, and I bowled a lovely inswinger with Jimmy which Watson played a defensive shot at, missed, and was bowled off stump. I actually punched the air several times in satisfaction. :D
lol love that comment as I can totally empathise with what your saying, normally i can be seen clutching my head in anguish when an lbw shout is turned down or a catch goes down as if I'd just bowled the ball etc. Very similar elation though when I take a big wicket with shouts of "COME ON!!!!"
lol nice one :rtfl
My feedback so far:

Loading times under Win XP - slightly shorter.
Stuttering issue sorted out under Win XP for me.
I still can't get my PS2 pad working, not even under XP, maybe I'll just have to bite the bullet and get a 2nd Xbox 360 pad, knowing that it'll be good for all two player games and will avoid the arguments over who gets the Xbox 360 pad!!

OK, I wanted to get to the AI batting, so when put in to bat as England, I didn't play 'properly' - got punished for it, of course and got out very cheaply.

However, some things leapt out at me as being vastly improved:

The bowling lengths are now proper cricket lengths.

Top edges - Excellent! The first one I had flew over the slips and went for four - it was without a doubt the most realistic top edge I've ever seen in a cricket game.

The batsman still doesn't get out of the way of bouncers - a leave/duck button is still a necessity for the next game.

Medium fast bowlers are fixed and now carry some venom!

All edges are fixed - they fly beautifully now.

The AI now bowls wides and I didn't get my first no-ball until 11.2 overs in. Wides are rare, as they should be.

The AI seems to be switching from over to round a bit too often.

Hussey came on as second change, not sure about that...

Medium pacers seem tricky to play, but there's probably a knack to it.

My overall opinion is the AI does now carry some danger when bowling. Before, most of the wickets I lost were catches in the covers. Now, there are edges to the keeper, edges to slips, edges to gully, bowled dismissals. No LBWs as yet, but I wasn't really batting for long enough. Later, I'll start a proper series and play 'properly' to see if I can build an innings.

Some feedback on the AI batting, more to come later:

The AI still like to play backfoot defensive shots to balls they should duck, but bouncers (when they don't play that shot) seem to carry more venom now.

An annoying bug is still present - the game often calls a very short ball a no-ball, even if it was bowled in the yellow zone of the meter. This usually happens if you drop too short and get called for a wide - short balls immediately afterwards seem to get called too easily for no-balls/over head wides, when they're clearly not.

Otherwise, AI's batting is far more sedate, as is my batting as well (unless I want to get out too quickly).

So far, so good, to be honest - this looks like it is going to take BLIC 99's crown, after all this time; good work, TG. And of course, this is only Beta 1 of the patch...

I don't know if anyone has gone into the second day, but is there any sign of the weather changing day to day, or even session to session?

Great analysis sounds very promising.

But yes wish they could still add a few little things that could make it so much better like weathering and the change of weathering throughout the day.

I was wondering when people play against the aussies in an ashes mode ect what line up you suggest to give them to make it fair i dont want to make there side bad so i can win thats just boring.

jamershepp added 9 Minutes and 39 Seconds later...

I disagree slightly there. Batsmen do hit straight in tests to spinners. I remember Ian Bell hitting Hauritz for a straight 6 first ball.

I remember that exact shot and completely agree with you, that shot is played now and again.
@barmyarmy I know the online version isnt enabled in this version of the patch. But what will happen if we play online one guy uses a patch and the other one doesn't? How will the game run then?

If I've tried to join a game of CoD 4 that has a different patch to me, it usually doesn't let me join, so maybe you'll only be able to join games that are patched up.
O ye also all the transmisson guys i was just hoping that all these comments and issues that need to be sorted and all the notches you have done for the pc beta will be taken into account and will be contained in the console version as i am a 360 owner and i just wanted to make sure that the pc and the 360 version are both treated with the same respect and there are no differences in pc and console as its only fair that were treated equally, im just checking?.

And i wanted to thank transmission and shizzle for a great job to which they seem to have done by my impressions of reading feeback. I did have my doubts about a patch being reeased and even a patch suceeding but it seems you have come out on top, but i have not played it but as i said impressions are good. And if this is naything to go buy the final patch released should be out of this world for a cricket game.

Once again thanks cant wait for the 360 patch

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