AC09 Patch open beta 1 released - download it here

I have a 9600GTS and before patching the game graphics were top notch with all settings set to high. Now even with shadows set to medium, the game stutters too much. Also if I enable anti-aliasing, the game stutters still more :(

Gameplay is really good and I have not found glitches but the graphics part IMO needs a bit of optimization. I know 9600GTS is not a good card but still it was playing good before the patch.

You on the latest drivers?

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Stevie - Front foot edges do carry.
My first LBW after applying the patch. Bowling's been fun! (Hard difficulty)

Didnt look amazing but a massive improvement from how they looked on the the game pre patch and well its goood, anymore vids and screens some bowls maybe??
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Hi guys, it all sounds very good to me. I can not play it, im on ps3 but i cant wait for the patch next month. Also has the no balls and the invisiable edges in front of the wicket been fixed yet, if not please tell transmission that if they have time that would be great. ps what are some of the smaller bugs fixed guys, please tell:D
I also thought i would mention about the edges now and how they are caught at slip cuz on the game pre patch i would egde the ball so much but would always fall short and i probz woudnt even edge a ball to slip once in an innings is it much more risky now if so i should have a challenge on my hands??

jamershepp added 2 Minutes and 21 Seconds later...

End of day one:


I batted out my innings (England). I was a little too positive and paid the price in the end, mostly with back foot drives getting edged through to the slips. With Strauss I stuck to mostly playing the cut and driving off of Hauritz, which brought rewards as seen in the screenshot. Pietersen, Colllingwood and Prior were all caught in the slips. With Anderson and Broad I went back to just nudging it around and scored runs with relative ease.

As for the bowling, well frustrating and then a huge amount of joy. :D Watson was cruising along, scoring at a decent rate with Katich just sticking around, neither looking like getting out. On comes Swann, in his fourth or fifth over, having looked fairly innocuous, rips one into Watson, he's on the back foot and the ball hits the pad bang in front! Talk about an awesome feeling, I was literally punching the air. :laugh

After that, Ponting came in and played with some freedom, reaching 27 not out by the end of the day.

No sign of suicidal runs from the AI. I'm so pleased the spinner is now a genuine option. One irritation that is still there from the original game is the way the AI uses over and round the wicket tactics. Far too much of right handed bowlers bowling round the wicket to right handed batsmen. Same goes for left handers bowlers to lefty batsmen.

I can say that day has been one of the most satisfying I can remember playing any cricket game, ever. From that first ball bowled by Johnson to the Watson lbw dismissal.

It is possible to hit sixes with "normal" timing. I did so with Strauss a couple of times, then with Swann and Anderson. Each time the boundary was cleared comfortably, although Anderson's six did go over the shortest boundary at Cardiff. I can see how you would get high run rates, but you would simply have to lose wickets at some stage. I don't see how you'd be able to go at 20 rpo all the time with the patch on hard, not at the moment at least.

Onto edges. Edges do carry, but every edge I've seen carry has been off of a back foot shot. The couple of front foot edges I've seen from the AI didn't get near to carrying. This so far looks the same as the original game, unless I've just been unlucky.

On top of everything else, the actual performance of the game appears to be loads better. I can now run at 1440x900 (max res. for my monitor) with everything turned up and it looks stunning.

Whilst early in the testing of the patch, I would say this is the best cricket game around, by a distance.

wow everyone look at this ponting 27(38) you dont see that very often normally around 50 (20)
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The problem now is that it might be too hard to bowl the opposition out. :D
Firstly, huge thanks and congratulations to the developers. Your commitment is much appreciated and has hugely improved the game.

I started an Ashes series with England, lost the toss and Australia batted first. I've bowled 40 overs and Australia are 193/3, which is well within the realms of possibilty, so I'm hoping that it's been a fairly fast innings and the AI tends to average closer to 4 an over. Obviously can't comment on that as this is my first game. My first wicket was Watson LBW to Anderson on the last ball of the first over. I then had Katich caught in the slips, before Ponting was run out (see below). These are the comments I have so far:

Firstly, big improvement. The following are things that I think would further improve the game:

- As far as I can tell, there is no difference between the 'ideal length' (where the cursor goes yellow) for seam and swing deliveries. The seam length is spot on, but I'd like the swing one to be a little fuller - seam bowlers generally try and keep the batsman in two minds (front foot or back foot?) but swing bowlers are trying to encourage the bastman to drive and tend to bowl a little fuller.

- The AI batsman have ignored easy singles on a few occasions, usually having played the ball to fine leg (with a man on the boundary) or having edged through the slips (only had one of these).

- Is there any way to default the bowler selection to the bowler who bowled the last over from that end, rather than going to the top of the list all the time? I keep picking Anderson when I'm not paying attention.

- There are still too many lofted shots for my liking. There should be hardly any in the first morning of a test match.

- I've had one run out, where the batsman played the ball out to the boundary and took two initially. There was an easy three, but they paused for a few seconds before starting the third. It was close, and the wicket was confirmed by the third umpire. I appreciate that having no run outs isn't what we want, but huge pauses aren't realistic.

- When bowling with an off spinner to left handers, the ideal area for the standard off-spin ball are far too wide. I'd prefer them just outside the line of the off stump, ready to spin away. It appears you've tried to put them in the footmark and I can understand why, but batsman can leave them alone all day.

- Most of the fields are stupid. Captains will hardly ever have a player in the ring on on the boundary in the same direction (ie a mid-on and a long on) but almost all of the pre-set fields do. I can set my own custom fields to be sensible but if the AI can only choose from yours it won't be good.

I will keep playing and add to this list, and I will post batting comments when I've bowled the convicts out :p Thanks for your continuing work to improve the game.
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What an excellent EIDI (Gift) by Codies on EID.
Thank you..
Thank you very much...
Thankyou very very much......:hpraise:hpraise:hpraise
Wait, i could keep the AI to bout 4 an over on the game with bowling odd places and weird field settings....

However im hearing AI scoring at 5 an over.

Is the middle order still playing silly over aggresive shots?

Very excited tho!

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