AC09 Patch open beta 1 released - download it here

This threads dominates with postive energy about this patch :). I will try this patch later in the evening. I wonder what would be the revised score for this game after this patch. May be around 8.5/10?
Good job Transmission & Codies :clap, I whole-heartedly appreciate your dedicaton, hardwork and support. You are making worth of each penny we spent on this game. Cant wait for the PS3 patch too :banana2.
And this is only the beta! Still, this should of been released with the initial product. Good job though boys. Now, once the gameplay's perfect, we can focus on more teams, stadiums, licensing etc.
hell...i am not staying in india.Here game isn't available.I downloaded from gamesplanet . Come on guys please please release beta2 which is compatible for online buyers . I hope they are listening to me .
Hi guys. I figured I might as well post my thoughts/experiences. I played a 5 over ODI - Australia vs England on Hard. I was Australia and batted. I hit 40 runs in my 5 overs. A few things that cropped up while playing:

-I was dropped at first slip 3 times in the first 1.5 overs of the match
-Hitting lofted shots was a fair bit easier than before the patch. I hit a lofted shot over cover with poor timing that almost went for six.
-The quicks mainly bowl wide outside off. I didnt get too many straight ones.
-Swann spun a couple of balls a very long way (a bit too much I think)

The only other issue I had was with the 4X Anti Aliasing. My machine is an Intel Q6600 with 3GB RAM and 2 x ATI 3870's in Crossfire and the game was not very smooth with 4X AA but if I dropped it back to 2X it was fine. Im not sure if its because of my machine or not.

Besides from this the patch is great! :hpraise
i just played two matches after applying the patch...

1.As i didnt have any suicidal run outs before, there wasnt much difference for me...but the AI batsman are far more cautious now!!!
But i had a run out in one of the matches where the batsman hit the ball straight and started running, but it hit the non-striker when he started to run...and the ball stopped near the bowler and he hit the stumps!!! ITS OUT...but that was the only runout i had so far!!!

2.The bowlings speeds are perfect now...the ball's pace is also words to express the bounce(its perfect). Once i had Kallis bowling to my middle order batsman, and the ball was short and I top-edged it...the ball started to fly behind me and it went for a four before the third man even came near it!!!...thats more like original cricket...;)

3.As the bowling length has been tweaked, its adding to the +'s of the bowling experience.

4.The AI bowling, batting and even field settings are far more realistic than before. They are really reacting to the situation.

5.I had 'poor' timed shots going for four and 'good' timed shot going for a six...but they were in the gaps and of a fast bowler only.

6.I dunno whether this is because of the patch but, i had a few direct hits not hitting the stumps(of pakistan team) while i was batting, which was better than before, where the balls hit the stumps more often!!!...

Overall, this patch has provided a very good fix to the bugs and issues we had...i thank the transmission team who had worked on this patch, the game is so much better now!!!...Im looking forward to the final release of this patch...:)

And now the game runs smoother than before!!!...
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Slip catches and edges are stunning now!

I wish I had more brains than your average cuttlefish because then I could get the videos uploaded.

I went out and swished at everything to record some edges and catches behind on hard.

The ball went to keeper, 1st and second slip and gully I think dropped a chance that went very, very fast off a Bolter outswinger. Good stuff, stunning to watch.

There does seem to be a huge difference between hard and normal.

Maybe too big?

Normal is too easy where as hard is good for those who really can time things well and want to play proper "oooh I might actually have to not attack every single ball and want to score at 15 an over!"

I tried that and was 22 for 7 within no-time. :)

No I need to re-think my whole bowling game strategy as that what I had got used to in the previous version is not working obviously!

Anyway, great stuff and very playable off-line.

However I will repeat the need for some AI fieldsetting editing as they are sometimes too slow to react to situations and do set silly fields sometimes. The good thing is that they do bowl much more effectively to the field they set.

Had a couple of dubious run-outs that were fifty fifty whether they were "suicido-run-bug" or genuine attempts to keep the run-rate healthy.

In an ODi against Zimbabwe (I get wickets then!) the AI scored at the required run rate and it was an excellent game although I won with England.

The AI hesitate on easy singles and the run-outs happen when they attempt a three which they could easily manage if they didn't hesitate on the third run.

Having heaps of fun! Thanks!
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problem with the patch installation

when i install the patch , the installation gets stuck at one point and says the patch is not compatible with the version installed ?

Why ?
when i install the patch , the installation gets stuck at one point and says the patch is not compatible with the version installed ?

Why ?

I the version that shows on my pc for the already installed game is
when i install the patch , the installation gets stuck at one point and says the patch is not compatible with the version installed ?

Why ?

It is either a legal download version or an illegal version. Take your pick. Unfortunately the first version isn't compatible yet, fortunately the second version never will be!:)

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