AC09 Patch open beta 1 released - download it here

Okay this is why I love this patched version of the game. I hope I can describe it well because it is tricky, with typed messages, to convey.

You know when you are watching cricket on the telly and the bowler bowls a wicked ball and the batsmen stands there, his body and bat perfectly in forward or backward defensive shot mode, but the ball has already landed safely in the keepers hands, missing the edge of his bat by the width of a gnats knicker elastic!?

Then you look at the slow motion replay...did he leave or did he play? Sharp in-breath of air. That was close, that was very close. He is either very good or very lucky!

Now I know we can't actually leave the ball in that way and the fact is that I played and missed a defensive shot but the emotion is the same.

I literally took a sharp in-breath as the ball whistled past with my batsman (Strauss in this case to a Bolton super ball) standing there doing his: "I knew where the ball was all the time!" pose!

I have had this gripping emotion with this game on a number of occasions now and it is a testament to the developers that they have created something that is exciting and enthralling and conjures up the emotions in this way.

Both with bat and ball this game really grips the imagination. I am in the middle of a wonderful ODI with England facing the Kiwi's (In Melbourne of all places: everywhere else was busy!) and England have scrambled and clawed and fought their way to 102 for 4 of 23 overs.

Some lovely shots (not too many), some wicked bowling, some clever bowling. AI Oram bowled a brilliant over to Collingwood to get him caught in the gully; bowling ever so slightly wider each ball with a strong off-side field...tempting....tempting....gotcha!! Great catch and Collingwood off to the pavilion to find the coaching manual.

Gripping stuff, gripping stuff.

I hope I have managed to convey some of the emotion that this game is now able to conjure up, at least in me! (But I am soppy anyway!) :)
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I haven't tried Tutsi's patch on this version but I am finding batting hard enough on hard without more handicaps. The one thing I had against Tutsi's patch was the UFO size bowling pointer that would hover around the batsmens feet. It scared me! Great work by the guy though! Could be worth a go though!:)

Could you tell me what he changed to get the big cursor?

Also are they going to address the issues we have found before PS3 release?
From the sound of it they MUST fix.

1. Bad shots going for 6.
2. Wide AI bowling
3. Spinners spinning it too far
Oh, they must must they? :p
This beta already fixes enough for it to be released in its current state. Anything else TMG do is a bonus.
Could you tell me what he changed to get the big cursor?

Also are they going to address the issues we have found before PS3 release?
From the sound of it they MUST fix.

1. Bad shots going for 6.
2. Wide AI bowling
3. Spinners spinning it too far

I think he lowered the batsmen stats so that the bowler could pitch the ball basically anywhere within that circle. How better the batsmen is how more precisely he can "judge" where the ball comes, hence the variations in cursor size. At least I think that's what he has done but then again I am sometimes a complete lemon meringue pie!:)
Oh, they must must they? :p
This beta already fixes enough for it to be released in its current state. Anything else TMG do is a bonus.

What's the point in the open beta if they don't do anything about the response?
I am playing India vs Australia and I am bowling first. Aussies are 65/1 in 30 overs. I wonder whether my bowling is bad or if they are too defensive or if the patch is working like it should

chavanak added 0 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

What's the point in the open beta if they don't do anything about the response?
I guess that was supposed to be a joke :O :D
Yeah, I was just picking up on your use of the word "must". The point of the open beta is, as you say, to deal with any issues that arise and try and fix them.
Did any of you experience a problem installing the patch? I just bought the game, installed it, and then installed the patch but when i extract it it gets stuck around 80% through at the nso.150.tmp file :(
Apologies for asking again - but I feel my question got somewhat drowned in all the chat about piracy !!

I am finding that the patched game seems to freeze quite a lot. I am playing the first Ashes test match with me bowling as England and the AI batting as Australia. The game froze three times on me within 30 minutes, always when the AI went for a four the game froze just as the ball was a couple of yards from the boundary.

Is anyone else experiencing this ??

Is there anything I can do with the ingame graphics settings or my graphics card settings to address this ??



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