Afridi banned for 4 ODIs!

Here is my view.

His angry behaviour towards a fan on its own is not worth a ban of one ODI. However, cricket players are not getting the message that fans have the right to free speech (within reason of course) and if they exceed this boundary they will be dealt with. They must keep their emotions in check or recieve a ban.
very good point evo. if he had missed he would of still got banned so i think adarsh is wrong with his argument.
Yes, he would have still got a ban because he acted like a freak. Afridi didn't act quite so aggressively. If he threw his bat into the crowd or continued to fight against the guy, then yeah. I'm not complaining about the ban itself, I'm debating the length of the ban.
Was it wrong? - Yes
Did he deserve a ban? - Yes
Is the ban too long? - No way, anything less than 4 one day games is pretty pointless, lets face it its not even one test.
Kev said:
Was it wrong? - Yes
Did he deserve a ban? - Yes
Is the ban too long? - No way, anything less than 4 one day games is pretty pointless, lets face it its not even one test.

AMEN! he's done it before and he's gonna do it again.
He is a physco, unstable and crazy but a hell of a lot of fun to watch bat and bowl.
lets face it its not even one test.
They're completely different formats! You can't compare the two just because there are 5 days in a test. For example, you can lose one test, and still win a series, where you have no chance if you lose 4 ODIs in a row (i think).
Adarsh is right here, especially for Afridi, 4 ODIs does NOT equal a test.
Maybe the person you should be upset with is Afridi, he has let his team down with his behaviour. Its nobodies fault but his own.
manee said:
Adarsh is right here, especially for Afridi, 4 ODIs does NOT equal a test.
your right afridi only gets out 4 times stuipidly in 4 odis and 8 times in 4 tests ;).
I do not think it is Afridi's fault entirely, he seems to have a problem of not thinking of the consequences of his actions.

At least his little escapade shows he truly cares about his cricket.
manee said:
I do not think it is Afridi's fault entirely, he seems to have a problem of not thinking of the consequences of his actions.

At least his little escapade shows he truly cares about his cricket.
No, it shows he is unprofessional. Professional sportsmen get heckled by supporters all the time and ignore it.
Kev said:
No, it shows he is unprofessional. Professional sportsmen get heckled by supporters all the time and ignore it.
Nail on the head. Believe me almost everyone gets heckled and taunted.

Besides Afridi has done crazy things in the past and this is just the latest to his rather long list.
i, like other people around here, thought that 4 ODIs was a bit harsh...they could have given him a test ban maybe...or about 2 ODIs...i don't think he even made contact with the spectator...BUT he is a professional so he should behave like one also...
it all depends on what the fan said, its pretty stupid that the guy that was making the decision on how long the ban is gona be actually asked the fan for his side of the storry, like what did he expect the fan to say " o no sir don't ban him he didn't mean anything by swinging the batt at me" its stupid this was a decision to be made by the ICC not by some stupid a$$ fan who probably said something to offend afridi and probably deserved to get clubbed over the head. just like inzamam said after he beat up the fan in Canada, you can offend me and my looks and the way i played but if you bring my family and religion than you deserve to get smacked. ICC is stupid you get a 4 match bann for not even hitting the fan and you get 4 match bann for making racist remarks (gibbs). also if you are a fan and you go to a match just to make stupid racist remarks and offend the players on any other basis than cricket than you deserve to get a cricket batt over your head.

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