Afridi banned for 4 ODIs!

Best way to prove why Afridi is unprofessional is to think of an example of overcoming the heckling.

Lets say we go back to Headingley for the third npower test between England and Pakistan last year then;

Mahmood was being booed by a portion of the crowd but instead of nailing them with a bat he goes and takes 4 wickets to destroy their middle order.

That just shows the difference between a model pro and Afridi who at times makes chavs look civilised.
evertonfan i got a question for you,
how would you react if a fan was saying stuff about your familly and religion, as far as i am concerned pro athletes are regular Joes they go home put their pants on the same way we all do and when some regular dude gets disrispected and takes mather into his own hands we dont complain but when a pro athlete does it everyone is going to complain. so does us not being pro athletes give us the permision to do stupid stuff like Afridi and get avay with it.
Regular joes aren't setting example to the rest in a publicised event, Athletes are.
Agreed. International sportsmen must be able to take criticism and heckling. Otherwise they wouldn't last long in their sport.
you cant compare this to other abuse cases
South African board put the crowd right next to where the players walk in/out

i dont know what was said but the fanw as literally in afridi's face and if any player has something said to them that close then they would react
gambino said:
you cant compare this to other abuse cases
South African board put the crowd right next to where the players walk in/outi dont know what was said but the fanw as literally in afridi's face and if any player has something said to them that close then they would react

What are you talking about son? It's like that at virtually every groud in world cricket. You either have to walk past or through fans to get on/off the field.

No exscuse for Afridi. He deserves the ban.
If you attack a fan, or try, you deserve a ban. Professional players deal with it all the time. Remember the India-Australia game in Mumbai (the controversial 2-day match)? I'm pretty sure we were heckling any Australian player standing in front of us in our stand and the nearby stands.

As they say, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. If everyone in the world (even the average joe) reacted the way Afridi did (and unlike Afridi, did damage), he would get in trouble with some sort of law.
but afridi didnt try to attack him
he just hung his bat out to try to scare him

what inzi did
now that is trying to hurt a fan but not what afridi did
who cares...he's got the ban, if he's not going to oppose it, he'll miss four matches. 4 pages really worth it?
gambino said:
but afridi didnt try to attack him
he just hung his bat out to try to scare him

what inzi did
now that is trying to hurt a fan but not what afridi did
so afridi could of just walked past without hanging his bat out... this abuse he got would of only lasted for about a second so whats the point in hanging your bat out. im sure almost every player away from home get abuse going off the pitch, but how many others try to wack fans in the face? your all BOOM BOOMING afridi but not in the right way ;):rolleyes:
Kev said:
Maybe the person you should be upset with is Afridi, he has let his team down with his behaviour. Its nobodies fault but his own.

Actually Afridi brings a lot of aggressiveness that a team needs. Look at every sucessful team. They all have an aggressive person. Australia- Mcgrath, South Africa- Nel and Gibbs etc.

Did the guy complain?-- NO
I wouldn't consider McGrath as an aggressive person.

But really, Afridi shouldn't have done it at all and he wouldn't be in this circumstance.

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