AMA Ahmad94 - Literally anything!!

Do you spend money on stuff that you're actually annoyed with and later regret about it?

Favorite location you'd want to visit but not really to live in?

Why do you live in UK but not Pakistan? If I guess correctly you're a Pakistani.

If there are no reasons that deny or delay you from living in a place, which place would it be?

Is there a greater feeling for you than being with pets? What is that?

Favorite motorcycle model?

Jersey number you'd choose if you were sportsman? Why?

Considering money can't guarantee peace or buy peace, what would you choose - Peace or money?

Heavy cricket bat or lighter cricket bat?

Comedy or thriller or mystery or sci-fi - your first choice film's genre? And a book genre you like?

Do you like taking random walks alone?

Football or cricket?

A football club you'd like to buy? Why?

Thing you love most about bathe - Swim or shower or just being in bathtub?

A cricket match or tournament result you wish you could change going back in time?

Do you have abs? If not, would you mind not having 'em in your lifetime?
That's kinda negative question but I'd like an answer.

Do you spend money on stuff that you're actually annoyed with and later regret about it?

Worryingly often. Recently bought a new macbook and really regret wasting money on it. Although, I am forcing myself not to buy crap

Favourite location you'd want to visit but not really to live in?

Eastern Europe (especially Warsaw). Those countries are great for nights out and partying but would not live there.

Why do you live in UK but not Pakistan? If I guess correctly you're a Pakistani.

Both my parents are Pakistani, and I am a massive supporter and advocate of Pakistan.

I grew up in the UK, hence I live here. Most of my family go back to Pakistan every year and I go every couple of years. There is no real reason why I don’t live in Pakistan.

If there are no reasons that deny or delay you from living in a place, which place would it be?

Good question!!!

Won’t mind living in NY for a while. Just the vibrancy of the city really attracts me.

Is there a greater feeling for you than being with pets? What is that?

Don’t have any pets, never have. But I do love eating with my family.

Favorite motorcycle model?

Ducatti 1299

Jersey number you'd choose if you were sportsman? Why?

22 – I was born on the 22nd of the month. Not really in to having a lucky number

Considering money can't guarantee peace or buy peace, what would you choose - Peace or money?

In that case, money!

Heavy cricket bat or lighter cricket bat?


Comedy or thriller or mystery or sci-fi - your first choice film's genre? And a book genre you like?

Comedy, massive fun of good quality comedy movies. Although, there is a serious lack of them.

Don’t realty have a genre when it comes to books. I usually read those that are on top of the charts – barring all the rubbish written by youtubers.

Do you like taking random walks alone?

Massively, I walk an extra 15 mins to work everyday with music. Helps get me ready for work.

Football or cricket?


A football club you'd like to buy? Why?

United, have been a fan for a long time. Also, their stadium isn’t far from my parents house so it’s a smaller commute to work.

Thing you love most about bathe - Swim or shower or just being in bathtub?

Shower – I am an in and out guy.

A cricket match or tournament result you wish you could change going back in time?

Pakistan India test series held around Pakistan. I would fly out to watch that.

I think @CerealKiller, @Na Maloom Afraad will agree with me

Do you have abs? If not, would you mind not having 'em in your lifetime?

I do, but they are protected under a couple of inches of fat. Don’t want to expose them to the elements.

I honestly don’t mind not having them, although I am a massive advocate of doing exercise and staying healthy

Really good question, btw.
A cricket match or tournament result you wish you could change going back in time?

Pakistan India test series held around Pakistan. I would fly out to watch that.

I think @CerealKiller, @Na Maloom Afraad will agree with me.
Absolutely. In fact, India vs Pakistan SHOULD have bilateral series every 2-3 years, if not every year. And the fact it doesn't happen pisses me off.
Throw it towards me.

Ah! I see a connection.

You never answered my first question.

On which Career path you would like walk?

Ah, sorry didn't see that one.

I would guess something in the finance/technology sector, although ideally, I would love to have my own tech startup.[DOUBLEPOST=1502129402][/DOUBLEPOST]Keep the questions coming, feel free to ask anything!!
This isn't my first question.

Which new tech has amazed you and which one has bored you.

I'm impressed with the new OnePlus - the ability to provide a quality product heaps and bounds cheaper than iPhone and S7. I am in constant amazement by Tesla. Might have paid for a pre-order if it came to the UK (or I could afford it)

Bixby - Samsung Assistant - is unbelievably poor for a company that has out performed Apple in recent years.
Ah, sorry didn't see that one.

I would guess something in the finance/technology sector, although ideally, I would love to have my own tech startup.[DOUBLEPOST=1502129402][/DOUBLEPOST]Keep the questions coming, feel free to ask anything!!
Ten ask on other peoples!!!
What would you grab if your house was on fire

What was your favorite childhood toy

What was your worst job

What does your name mean

How do you spend your free time, and where do you like to go

What role models do you respect the most

Where were you born

What’s one thing on your bucket list

Are you a troublemaker

Who is your best friend and what do you love about him/her

What’s one place you really want to travel to

What makes you really irritated? Especially something other people do that irritates you!

If you were a woman for a day, what would be the first thing you do

What’s one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a stronger person

What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about

Where is one place you feel most like yourself

What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do

Where is your favorite place to escape to

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be

What is your biggest fear

When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done

Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you hate compliments

How seriously do you take horoscopes

Do you have any regrets? What’s your biggest one
Do you think Ahmed Shehzaad will come through when Pakistan needs him?

I think he has been ruined by management. Had he been allowed to play his conventional cricket, he would have been the ideal opener. Currently, he is a waste of a slot. Unless he changes his game play and style, I don't think he will.

What would you grab if your house was on fire

Make sure everyone is out

What was your favorite childhood toy

Used to have a really nice teddy bear, but no idea where it is at the moment

What was your worst job

I used to do data entry in London during my first year because the guys mis-advertised the job. One of the most boring jobs I ever did, luckily the other interns were nice to hang around with

What does your name mean


How do you spend your free time, and where do you like to go

In London, usually walk around with friends. Love St. James Park and at times, Hyde Park especially in the summer.

In Birmingham, usually stay at home and play games and socialise with school friends occasionally.

What role models do you respect the most

I guess my parents. They came to the country with nothing and put me and brothers through a quality education without comprise on price.

Where were you born

Cork, Ireland

What’s one thing on your bucket list

Bit of a cliché answer, but would love to travel around the world. Places like Bora Bora, Thailand, Canada and even India.

Are you a troublemaker

Used to be a little in school, not anymore.

What’s one place you really want to travel to

Bora Bora, although I really need a girl for that.

What makes you really irritated? Especially something other people do that irritates you!

People who take up all the room on a street and walk slowly.

If you were a woman for a day, what would be the first thing you do

Actually, won’t mind having a period, just to see how women actually feel. Other than that, I would wear the quality wardrobe without being judged.

What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about

The future of technology and Space

Where is one place you feel most like yourself

Walking through an avenue in autumn/spring in relative silence.

What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do

Learn to fly a plane

Where is your favorite place to escape to

The Hoe, Plymouth and the beaches in Cornwall

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be

Probably my how much I procrastinate

What is your biggest fear

Failure to achieve life goals

When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up


What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done

Drove through the sand dunes in Dubai

Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you hate compliments

Do love a compliment

How seriously do you take horoscopes


Do you have any regrets? What’s your biggest one

I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason. Although, I do wish I had worked harder in school.
So why do you talk so much?

would you really want to experience a period? - though not a woman I can tell you from first hand experience all you will do is
  • yell at partner for breathing incorrectly
  • get very emotional over the most minor of things
  • yell at partner for just generally being annoying (this might just be me though!)
  • say you are in constant pain and refuse to do any tasks
What did you think of Land's End (if you have been) - a bit of an anti-climax?
So why do you talk so much?

would you really want to experience a period? - though not a woman I can tell you from first hand experience all you will do is
  • yell at partner for breathing incorrectly
  • get very emotional over the most minor of things
  • yell at partner for just generally being annoying (this might just be me though!)
  • say you are in constant pain and refuse to do any tasks
What did you think of Land's End (if you have been) - a bit of an anti-climax?

haha, trust me I get it.

Honestly, I want to use it as a comparison to getting kicked in the nads.
What languages can you speak?

What languages you'd like to learn? (I mean tongues. Don't jump into computer programming.)

First to exist - Chicken or egg?

Do you still watch cartoon shows?

Which cartoon show was your favorite in childhood?

Places you'd like photo-shooting yourself?

Things you'll do if you had powers of a superhero?

Your three wishes if you were an omnipotent? (Don't let one of your wishes be three more wishes)

Five celebrities you'd want to sleep with? Couple of people already denied to answer this one. I hope you'll try your best.

Do you rate other countries above your country? Which countries are they?

What if you were PlanetCricket's Bill Gate$?

Do you still play Cricket 07?

First person you'll shoot in face if you have to?

Your favorite electronics sellers?

Will you ever try to have pets? Please?

How are you?

How often you get stressed? What do you do to come over?

Do you look back at yourself(the you a few years ago) and say "What a jerk!"?

You treat my questions as - some value/fun/crap/shit/shittier? Just say what you truly feel or just pass.

Do you believe if a cat crosses your path, you won't get your job done?
I taking interest in asking you more questions depends on answer of this one.
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