AMA Ahmad94 - Literally anything!!

Have you lived in Canada? I heard you brought wishing you want to go to Canada up several times.

Never been or lived in any part of North America. Just sounds like a great place with free healthcare (same as in the UK) plus I quite like snow and find Justin Trudeau an awesome leader. One of the places that I really want to visit in the near future.

Do you like living in Canada?
Never been or lived in any part of North America. Just sounds like a great place with free healthcare (same as in the UK) plus I quite like snow and find Justin Trudeau an awesome leader. One of the places that I really want to visit in the near future.

Do you like living in Canada?
Yeah, it is a great place to live for sure. Very peaceful and there is not as much gun violence here as compared to America. Trudeau has recently been under a lot of pressure form the media and the opposition party for not keeping all his promises. Still he is a good leader, and I enjoy living here as well.
How different do you think life would be if you were female?
How different do you think life would be if you woke up the next morning and you were gay... ?
You see me in a public place how do you open conversation.
How different do you think life would be if you were female?

Great question. Honestly, no idea. I would guess not very though. There is no inequality between the sexes in life anymore, so I guess it would be the same in that sense. I guess my interests would greatly differ though.[DOUBLEPOST=1502651104][/DOUBLEPOST]
How different do you think life would be if you woke up the next morning and you were gay... ?

Massively. Although, I would really hope I am not cartoony gay.
Massively. Although, I would really hope I am not cartoony gay.

Best answer so far 10/10... Kudos x

Anatomical differences yes, but realistically interests but not exclusively (just don't be a girly girl so annoying).

Probably make a sarcastic joke and talk about cricket, hopefully at somewhere nice to eat!

This sounds good.
Back at you - favourite comedian and ever seen one live?
Why makes you feel comedy is PC these days?
Do you have any favourite panel shows?
Happy Independence day, doing anything to celebrate?
Haha, how did yours happen? Were you saving a wee boy or any other heroic activity?

I don't even have a cool or funny story, I just reached out to far and fell out of the window. Guess that makes me more of a d*ck that cool.
Hi Ahmad. Its been long since we last chatted.

Could you describe me?

Your qualification now and what you want to do in future in terms of career.
Hi Nabhan. Its been long since we last chatted.

Could you describe me?

Your qualification now and what you want to do in future in terms of career.

Hey Fenil. Nice to see you back on the forum.

You were the first friend I made on this site way back in 2011. Back then, we worked on a 2011 WC mod for Cricket 07 (under the name Pak-India something). I remember you were always the mature one and reasonable one in both the cricket discussion and Cricket Leagues part of the forum. You also happen to be the first person that I ended up adding to my personal FB. To summarise, you are a nice guy who has taught me a lot about cricket and running leagues, although we have drifted apart a little since.
You were the first friend I made on this site way back in 2011. Back then, we worked on a 2011 WC mod for Cricket 07 (under the name Pak-India something). I remember you were always the mature one and reasonable one in both the cricket discussion and Cricket Leagues part of the forum. You also happen to be the first person that I ended up adding to my personal FB. To summarise, you are a nice guy who has taught me a lot about cricket and running leagues, although we have drifted apart a little since.
Forgot to get around to these questions. So here goes. Sorry for the delay @SweetCaroline

Where are you from?

Both my parents are immigrants from Pakistan. Was born in Ireland but have lived in the West Midlands most of my life.

Where do you live?

Just outside Birmingham

How many siblings do you have?
2 younger bros

Are you in a relationship?

Currently no. But actively seeking. Any available friends @SweetCaroline ?

What do you do?

Currently doing my masters in Economics and Maths

Do you have any nicknames?

Not appropriate to post

Where do you study?

Exeter Uni

How old are you?


What's your favourite colour?

Don’t really have one but if I had to choose I’d have to say blacks/grey (based on clothing)

What's your favourite food?

Asian – Biryani/Chicken Tikka British – Won’t say no to a good pub roast

What's your favourite movie?

Officially Shawshank Redemption. Unofficially Mean Girls.

What's your favourite TV show?
How I Met Your Mother or Friends

What's your favourite game?

Unchartered Series (especially the 4th one)

How tall are you?

5 ft 11

What's your weight?
84kg last I measured

Who was your first crush?

Celebrity – Emma Watson

Who was your first partner?

Never been in an official long-term relationship.

What is your birth of date?

22 December

What are your future plans?

Most likely work in London in Tech

Do you like or hate your job?

Haven’t got one yet, but hopefully will love it.

What's your hobby?
Cricket (obviously) and going out usually (does that count as a hobby)

What are your talents?
I am very good at Calligraphy

If you were to wish for superpowers, what would they be?

Probably flying.

What team would you join after becoming a superhero? (Avengers, Justice League etc)
Avengers (have you seen Black Widow)

Would you reveal your identity to the world?
No, that is the best part of being a superhero

If you had superpowers, would you misuse them for your own purposes?
Honestly, probably.

How would your superhero costume look like?

Hopefully not too tight or bright. And no animation (referring to the Green Lantern suit)

Feel free to ask any more questions.
Forgot to get around to these questions. So here goes. Sorry for the delay @SweetCaroline
Feel free to ask any more questions.
And feel free to ask some on mine. !!! You still owe me around a hundred answers!

Surely, being the only female on the whole dam site someone somewhere has something to ask me... ?

Within reason!!!

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