AMA Ahmad94 - Literally anything!!

What are your thoughts on Sharjeel Khan?

As a player, he is breath of fresh air for Pakistan. But if he actually convicted, he doesn't deserve to play cricket for Pakistan again.

There should be no lenience for fixing at all.

What languages can you speak?

English, Urdu and Hindi

What languages you'd like to learn? (I mean tongues. Don't jump into computer programming.)

Italian and French. I can’t code for the life of me – one of my biggest regrets.

First to exist - Chicken or egg?

Evolution. So I would say eggs

Do you still watch cartoon shows?

Recently watched the first season of Tom and Jerry because it’s on Amazon Prime. I’m a fan of South Park and Family Guy.

Which cartoon show was your favorite in childhood?

Tom and Jerry, Scooby Doo, Looney Tunes

Places you'd like photo-shooting yourself?

French Polynesia


Things you'll do if you had powers of a superhero?

Majority of it wouldn’t be legal or moral!!

Your three wishes if you were an omnipotent? (Don't let one of your wishes be three more wishes)

Unlimited Money, Unlimited Happiness, The ability to make proper change

Five celebrities you'd want to sleep with? Couple of people already denied to answer this one. I hope you'll try your best.

Ana de Arma, Nargis Fakhri, Armeena Khan, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry.

(A quality of Hollywood, Bollywood and Pakistani Cinema)

Do you rate other countries above your country? Which countries are they?

Probably Canada

What if you were PlanetCricket's Bill Gate$?

I used to be remember, until the changed the system.

Do you still play Cricket 07?

Nope! But loved that game

First person you'll shoot in face if you have to?

Hard to pick just one.

Your favorite electronics sellers?


Will you ever try to have pets? Please?

I do love dogs, so maybe in the future.

How are you?

Fine thanks.

How often you get stressed? What do you do to come over?

Not that often. I usually try and calm myself by knowing that I can’t change the situation.

Do you look back at yourself(the you a few years ago) and say "What a jerk!"?

Of course!!! Everyone does

You treat my questions as - some value/fun/crap/shit/shittier? Just say what you truly feel or just pass.

Fun and some value!! Some really

Do you believe if a cat crosses your path, you won't get your job done?

I taking interest in asking you more questions depends on answer of this one.

Depends on the value of task. If I am going to the shops, I don’t care. However if its something important, I am a little more cautious.
I wanna know If bars aren't allowed to serve drunk people, then why is McDonald's still allowed to serve fat people???
  1. Where are you from?
  2. Where do you live?
  3. How many siblings do you have?
  4. Are you in a relationship?
  5. What do you do?
  6. Do you have any nicknames?
  7. Where do you study?
  8. How old are you?
  9. What's your favourite color?
  10. What's your favourite food?
  11. What's your favourite movie?
  12. What's your favourite TV show?
  13. What's your favourite game?
  14. How tall are you?
  15. What's your weight?
  16. Who was your first crush?
  17. Who was your first partner?
  18. What is your birth of date?
  19. What are your future plans?
  20. Do you like or hate your job?
  21. What's your hobby?
  22. What are your talents?
  23. If you were to wish for superpowers, what would they be?
  24. What would your superhero name be?
  25. What team would you join after becoming an superhero? (Avengers, Justice League etc)
  26. Would you reveal your identity to the world?
  27. If you had superpowers, would you misuse them for your own purposes?
  28. How would your superhero costume look like?
  29. Where would your secret superhero hideout be?
  30. How would your hideout look like?
  31. If you were to choose any superhero to become your sidekick, who would it be?
  32. If you were to choose any superhero as your enemy, who would it be?
  33. If you were to assemble a new superhero team, which superheroes would you include in them?
  34. What would your superhero car look like?
  35. Would you rather live a normal life or a weird life?
  36. Would you sacrifice yourself to save other people?
  37. If you were to found out your loved one is a evil mastermind, would you stop them or join their side?
  38. Are you a psychic in any way?
  39. Most embarrassing thing to happen to you?
  40. Funniest thing to happen to you?
  41. Scariest thing to happen to you?
  42. Best thing to happen to you?
  43. What your shoe size is?
  44. What is your favourite outfit?
  45. Do you prefer to wear eastern or western?
  46. What are your favourite type of shoes?
  47. Are you a good actor?
  48. Are you a good liar?
  49. Do you prefer to live alone or with someone?
  50. Your favourite job and why?
  51. What's the scariest thing you've done?
  52. Do you have any family secrets?
  53. Famous ancestors?
  54. What's your hairstyle?
  55. What hairstyle do you like on the opposite gender?
  56. How do you look without makeup?
  57. What accessory on the opposite gender is a big turnoff?
  58. Do you know how to swim?
  59. Name of the highest building in your area?
  60. Are you afraid of heights?
  61. Have you ever gone parachuting or para-diving?
  62. If you were given chance to paradive or go parachuting, would you?
  63. Are you scared of the water?
  64. Have you ever been on a speedboat?
  65. Do you like traveling?
  66. Do you have a habit of getting sick during travelling?
  67. Best hotel you've lived at?
  68. Worst hotel you've lived at?
  69. Worst country you've been to?
  70. Best country you've been to?
  71. How is your country's community?
  72. Do you see any tourists in your country?
  73. Post a picture of your country's flag
  74. If you were to design your country's flag, how would it look like?
  75. Do you go outside alot or not? (excluding work, school etc)
  76. Where do you prefer to go when going outside?
  77. Who makes plans most the times? you or your friends?
  78. What sport you don't know how to play, but want to learn?
  79. Where do you see yourself in 1 month?
  80. Where do you see yourself in 1 year ?
  81. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  82. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
  83. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
  84. Where do you see yourself in 30 years?
  85. Where do you see yourself in 50 years?
  86. If you could switch families, would you?
  87. Are you close to your family or not?
  88. If you were given chance to join politics, would you?
  89. If you were given chance to change your country's national anthem, what would it be?
  90. What foreign country do you dislike the most?
  91. What country do you like the most?
  92. If you were to run away from your family, where would you run off too?
  93. If you were in trouble, who would you go to first?
  94. Who's your crime partner?
  95. Do you know how to keep secrets?
  96. What do you prefer to waste most of your money on?
  97. If you were to be deserted, what 3 items would you take with yourself?
  98. Would you be ready to sacrifice yourself for your family or not?
  99. If a family member, best friend or a hot male were about to fall of a cliff and you could only save one. Who would it be?
  100. If you could eliminate one social network from the site, which one would it be and why?
  101. Your favourite social networking site?
  102. Your least favourite social networking site?
  103. If you were to make a social networking site of your own, what would it be about?
  104. If you could make changes to any social network, what would it be?
  105. Your most liked picture on Facebook?
  106. Your least liked picture on Facebook?
  107. Your most sexiest picture?
  108. Your most funniest photo?
  109. Your most embarrasing photo?
  110. If you could take a picture with any celebrity, who would it be?
  111. Would you cheat on your partner with your favourite celebrity if gotten the chance?
  112. What annoys you?
  113. What embarrases you?
  114. How much frequently do you get ill?
  115. What's the longest you've been ill?
  116. What was the cause of you being ill?
  117. Do you fake illness sometimes to avoid going to school or work?
  118. What's the shortest time you've been ill?
  119. Worst disease you've gotten?
  120. Do you have a family doctor or visit random doctors?
  121. Are there any diseases that run in your family?
  122. If yes, which?
  123. Longest you've been on bedrest?
  124. What do you usually do when you're ill?
  125. Do you tend to google your problems?
  126. Google or Doctor?
  127. Ever had a bad accident?
  128. If yes, how?
  129. How many times you've had accidents in your life?
  130. Have you ever seen someone die right infront of your eyes?
  131. If yes, how did they die?
  132. Do you prefer therapists or friends?
  133. Something that most people don't know about you?
  134. Do likes on social networks matter to you or not?
  135. If you were to become instantly famous on any social network, which one would it be?
  136. What social network would you wanna avoid?
  137. If you could talk to any celebrity on social network, who would it be?
  138. Your opinions on sexting?
  139. If you were to catch your partner cheating, what would be your reaction?
  140. Do you prefer friends over family or family over friends?
  141. What do you think is the greatest invention and why?
  142. Are you more of a friendly or a rude person?
  143. Do you prefer countryside or the city?
  144. If you were a farmer, what would you grow?
  145. If you had a chance to move to the countryside away from city, would you?
  146. If so, why?
  147. Do you think countryside or city is better?
  148. Why?
  149. How do you usually start conversations?
  150. When it comes to socializing, are you the one to start convos first or them?
  151. Are you awkward?
  152. How would you approach your crush?
  153. Why is your crush your crush?
  154. Ways to your heart?
  155. Do you think any kind of afterlife exists?
  156. What do you think happens after death?
  157. What's the strangest dream you've had?
  158. What's the scariest dream you've had?
  159. What do you usually dream about?
  160. Do you discuss your dreams with other people?
  161. Have you ever had a dream that came true later on?
  162. What do you think about dreams?
  163. How much do you cry?
  164. Are you sensitive?
  165. How many emails do you usually get everyday?
  166. How many texts do you get usually get everyday?
  167. How many calls do you usually get everyday?
  168. Do you prefer to speak on call or texting?
  169. What's your favourite instant messaging app?
  170. Do you backup your texts or delete them?
  171. Do you usually delete photos in your phone or keep them?
  172. If so, how do you keep them safe?
  173. our secrets with?
  174. Are you able to keep other peoples secrets?
  175. If you were asked to tell all your bestfriend's secrets at gunpoint, would you?
  176. What's the most money you've ever held?
  177. What's the most money you've spent in a single day?
  178. What's the most expensive thing you've bought in your whole life?
  179. What's the most cheapest thing you've bought?
  180. Where do you usually buy your clothes from?
  181. What's the most expensive clothes you bought?
  182. What's the most cheapest clothes you've bought?
  183. Best brand?
  184. Worst brand?
  185. Your top 5 favourite brands?
  186. If you could invest in any brand, which brand would you invest on?
  187. Are you obsessed about undergarments?
  188. Describe your best undergarment
  189. Where do you usually buy your undergarments from?
  190. Why is it that women are comfortable with men looking at them in bikini, but not in undergarments?
  191. Do you prefer cheap or expensive clothes?
  192. Jeans or trousers?
  193. Do you prefer modest or revealing clothes?
  194. Eastern or western clothes?
  195. Post a picture of your makeup
  196. Name of the makeup's brand you usually buy?
  197. What's the most expensive make up you've bought?
  198. What's the cheapest make up you've bought?
  199. Post a picture of you in makeup
  200. Post a picture of you without makeup
  201. Do you wear wakeup to work or not?
  202. Post a picture of you in your funniest shirt
  203. Post a picture of you in your best shirt
  204. Post a picture of you in your worst shirt
  205. If you could shop from one brand for free forever, which one would it be?
  206. If you were given a wish to bankrupt one company, which company would you bankrupt?
  207. Where do you usually buy your accessories from?
  208. What kind of accessories do you wear usually?
  209. What's the most money you've given away?
  210. Do you spend money on your friends?
  211. If so, how much usually?
  212. Do your friends spend money on you?
  213. What's the most expensive gift you've bought for someone?
  214. What's the most expensive gift you've recieved?
  215. What's the cheapest gift you've received?
  216. Has your gift ever been rejected?
  217. What game do you prefer to play 21 questions or truth/dare?
  218. What questions do you usually ask a person to get to know them?
  219. Would you rather forgive or take revenge?
@Ahmad94 still waiting for these answers... ?
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I'd want to ask ya some tech questions:

Intel or AMD

Nvidia or AMD

Windows 7 or 10.

Wired or Wireless KB/Mouse.

Ultimate PC or Budget build.

iOS or Android

Qualcomm or Exynos.

Coding or Drag*n*drop.

Building a PC or Buying a laptop.

Why AMD is cheaper than intel?
What are your plans for this weekend?

Fan of HS2?

Don't you wish the DBC forums had more activity?

Do you ever frequent the Bull Ring

If been to a Brum recently have you seen all the bears?

Do the nights drawing in bother you?
What are your plans for this weekend?

Fan of HS2?

Don't you wish the DBC forums had more activity?

Do you ever frequent the Bull Ring

If been to a Brum recently have you seen all the bears?

Do the nights drawing in bother you?

1. This weekend is quite boring. I am just packing as I have a flight to Karachi, Pakistan early next week. Going after a long break.

2. Indifferent. Although it is massively useful, this is the UK. It is bound to go over budget and a replacement bus service could happen during the early stages.

3. I do indeed. I have lost a little interest in the game due to the AI. But good on @francobaldo1 , for keeping the game alive for the community.

4. Haven't been in several years. Usually, I go to Manchester as I prefer to Birmingham. Although, I do like what they have done with Grand Central Station.

5. I haven't.

6. Not really. Autumn and Winter means I can go back to wearing layers and enjoying hot drinks and socializing inside.
I'd want to ask ya some tech questions:

Intel or AMD

Nvidia or AMD

Windows 7 or 10.

Wired or Wireless KB/Mouse.

Ultimate PC or Budget build.

iOS or Android

Qualcomm or Exynos.

Coding or Drag*n*drop.

Building a PC or Buying a laptop.

Why AMD is cheaper than intel?

1. Intel, a million times over!!

2. Nvidia

3. Windows 10. Find it much more user-friendly

4. Wired

5. I build my own PC last year. Went for a combination of both. Although best thing about PC's is that you can constantly customize it.

6. Love both. Currently using iOS but planning a move to Android.

7. Probably the SnapDragon.

8. Really want to learn to code. Might be sometime in the future before I learn though.

9. Building a PC!!! - Great fun and worth it completely.
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I wanna know If bars aren't allowed to serve drunk people, then why is McDonald's still allowed to serve fat people???

Good question. I guess not serving fat people is prejudice. Although, I have to confess that McDonalds is the most disgusting place to eat. Prefer BK or any actual restaurant.
  1. Where are you from?
Both my parents are from Karachi, Pakistan. Although I have lived in the UK most of my life making me British-Pakistani
  1. Where do you live?
Just outside Birmingham

2. How many siblings do you have?

2 younger brothers

  1. Are you in a relationship?
  1. What do you do?
  1. Do you have any nicknames?
  1. Where do you study?
Russell Group Uni in the West Country
  1. How old are you

Will answer the rest tomorrow. That was quite a list @SweetCaroline
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Can you speak Gaelic?
Accommodation? Halls or alone?
Do you prefer to study at home or elsewhere?
Are you into kicks? What's your favourite pair?
Do you tend to go all out as soon as your student loan drops?
Did you have a part-time job while you were at uni?
Can you speak Gaelic?
Accommodation? Halls or alone?
Do you prefer to study at home or elsewhere?
Are you into kicks? What's your favourite pair?
Do you tend to go all out as soon as your student loan drops?
Did you have a part-time job while you were at uni?

1. I wish

2. Lived in halls the first year, then rented a house with friends for the other two.

3. Definitely elsewhere, I get quite distracted at home. But usually, I work slowly for 6-7 hours at home with distractions rather than putting on human clothes and goes outside.

4. A little. Currently, I am looking at some nice Camel Chelsea Boots for dress shoes and Nike Air Mags for general life (although I seriously doubt I'll get them).

5. Not really. I waste most of my money on food and technology

6. No. But I did teach first-year students when I was the second year and got paid for it (although admittedly, that was more for the CV than the money).
Have you lived in Canada? I heard you brought wishing you want to go to Canada up several times.

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