AI Extreme patch released

Also the main thing which is needed is the ability of cpu to bat according to situation either chasing or setting totals in odi and test matches depending on pitch,weather , score, wickets etc.try to simulate this close to real time as much as possible especially for 50 overs one days and test matches.forget about 10,20 over matches as ever one try to just crash and bang there.
hey satish! nice work with tht patch of urs, juss 1 request man, do u know how can v customize the controls? pls do reply ,really need 2 know tht bro.
sahail said:
hey satish! nice work with tht patch of urs, juss 1 request man, do u know how can v customize the controls? pls do reply ,really need 2 know tht bro.
thanks,sahail...and to answer ur question,no the contols cant be customised in this game and nobody has figured out a way to change it manually as well..
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has somebody opened a seperate thread for comments on my patch???? i dont see any comments here!!! the patch so good that u guys are busy playing it or is it so totally hopeless tht ppl dont wanna waste their time replying???
i am assuming its the former!!!
do post ur comments guys !!! hoping for a better response!!!
hi man,
i came from office and about to use your patch in short time. i will let you know soon
I played a test match between Australia and Sri-Lanka, I won the toss and elected the feild. This match was played on hard mode and on a hard pitch.

The agressivnessof the CPU for a test match is perfect, I bowled 15 overs 44/0. I'm not sure why I was not able to pick up a wicket as I was bowling swing to the openers. The bowling cursor is also a perfect size as it allows you to put the ball releatively close to where you want it to go but it sometimes goes a little wide and results being smashed away.

Batting was fun, I found that because they had brough their feilders in I could pick the gaps more often and score at a higher rate. The cover drive does go a little to square but the BF version goes perfectly where it should. The straight drive and on-drive also look good and The outfeild has been slowed down well.
Satish sent you a private message buddy.please check it.The patch is awsome.I just sent you my observations.Very good work
thanks subash...excellent observations there....
the problem in increasing AI aggression is that it might make the game one sided..
i paced the cpu to make something between 250-320,cuz one of the beta versions i edited actually had cpu scoring above 300 in every match & it was awfully frustrating to see them hitting me all over the place......if u want i can send it across...
cpu changing its pace based on the target being chased is sumthing i have still not mastered,probably sumthing for the next version...
and cpu playing the same shots is sumthing i will look at immediately cuz tht wud definitely slow down the game....
it wud be great if u test the patch on a test match & give ur opinion on the pacing there...
thanks buddy..keep them coming...
Please send it to me satish the aggressive A.I patch.I would like to test that one also.Also please let me know if that one has slow outfield of patch v2.0 or not.Personally i just think you can have a temp. patch one which combines V1.1 patch pacing with power shots of v2.0 and outfield slowness it would be good.But do please send me the second patch which has aggressiveness by cpu and also how is the run rate for test matches on that one.I will test all the patches and can give you more details.

Also if you think AI will be too aggressive, then i think in the present patch v2.0 , if you can edit the short pitch, short of length balls just outisde off stump,good length and yorkers on off and middle stump or just outside off and give cpu chance so that it can atleast try for single, (need not be successful every time)it would take care of the issue( three scenarios which i mentioned earlier in my PM ).I think it will be exactly 50-50% chance for both human and cpu. In my match there were around 80-85 balls of these types and all cpu could manage is not more than 10-15 runs.If cpu has fair chance and could atleast scored 30-40 runs around 40-50% success rate the match woud have been very competetive.See if this is possible if u can.

By the way i cannot find V1.1 patch in any of the downloads.What happende to it?

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