Are'nt we over-estimating Don Bradman cricket-14?

Batting/bowling system has been pretty much the same in every cricket game since forever and those mechanics had been long overdue for retirement. We're finally getting our hands on something that is going to be new for everyone so it's surely gonna be a lot of fun, we'll have much more control over the gameplay than ever before even that's enough to make it the best cricket game of all time. Sure there's gonna be ups and downs but all in all it's going to be the best cricketing simulation you've ever experienced.
Has DB 14 been overestimated or not then. We've had 5 months or so to decide now.
I would say DBC lived up to its hype. The controls - both bowling and batting - are spot on and revolutionary. There are a lot of features and career mode is a game changer. Yes, there are a few issues which need to be ironed but most of the folks knew that's bound to happen in the first iteration. Overall I would say the game is more a hit than a miss and keeping my fingers crossed for DBC to develop into a long running, successful franchise.
I would say DBC lived up to its hype. The controls - both bowling and batting - are spot on and revolutionary. There are a lot of features and career mode is a game changer. Yes, there are a few issues which need to be ironed but most of the folks knew that's bound to happen in the first iteration. Overall I would say the game is more a hit than a miss and keeping my fingers crossed for DBC to develop into a long running, successful franchise.
I would sum it up by saying the the game has all the basic mechanics in place for it to be the holy bail. But at present it has too many things not perfected. The academy is the only aspect which I would say has been perfected and is amazing. All other aspects need work and not a huge amount, but it may take some time as cricket is such a hard game to recreate with all its intricacies. As Ross said he is in it for the long haul so it could well happen as long as piracy hasn't scuppered the plans, I sincerely hope not.
While PC version remains cosmetically and performance-wise superior to both the consoles, the thought process to introduce fresh control systems for batting, bowling, fielding, and the new camera angles is praise worthy. But the well-known and over-discussed bugs remain in offline and online game play, bugs in graphics, bugs in commentary, you name it. Some are just annoying, some are game-breaking. All in all, a solid simulation that still casts a shadow of a small scale developer.

Another patch or two for this generation may fix a couple more serious bugs and might just up the experience a notch, but that's about as good as this is going to get, I think. It is still going to remain more entertaining than all other cricket games. Most video games are short lived these days anyway, isn't it? Soon there may be something else, even the next iteration of this game, who knows, and it'll cease all these discussions and people playing this game. We should just play to enjoy it while it lasts and hope for the best.
Im nearing 200 .....

in the hours played ,enough said![DOUBLEPOST=1407515068][/DOUBLEPOST]Its certainly lived up to the hype as well as surpassed in certain aspects, especially if you were someone conservative given the past cricket games.It does have issues like every other game and certainly in gameplay elements like every first iteration of a game, but a solid enjoyable innovative debut nonetheless.
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It's very solid, and so much of what's new has been done really well. Few flaws but still best cricket game I've played. Impressive support from what is (I assume) a pretty small company.

I hope it's sold enough to have made it worth their while. I'd fear not, frankly.
It was promised to be "the best cricket game ever" and it is exactly that. Could it be better? Yes. ( My main gripe is the stats presentation to be honest, which isnt game breaking!) Is it as good as I expected? Maybe not, but that's down to my unrealistic expectations, everything that's been promised has been delivered, coupled with the post-release patches and the developers willingness to take on suggestions and add to the game rather than just fix the bugs. I for one am 100% behind the BA team, enough to guarantee if there's a sequel, whether licenses or stadiums etc are added or not, I'm buying it.
I'd say yes in parts, no in parts. I think as said controls and the academy are fantastic.

I think the AI is the biggest let down, there was a post I recall from Ross prior to release saying Big Ant had a reputation for "hard to beat" AI, the implication being it would be better than the average cricket game etc. maybe even better than average for sports games in general but the AI in DBC is very poor.
I think what's most frustrating is that the game does badly seem like they could be easily fixed (like the field settings), or worked well before a patch did something to them (aerial shots). The AI and fielding needs a lot of work, as does the batting in off-side areas but I would expect these to need another iteration to fix.

With just a few relatively small tweaks it could be improved significantly, although I would still say the game met expectations... Although mine were not sky high due to the bar set by previous cricket games.
It feels like cricket, and with a bit of tweaking plays like cricket. Let's take a look at where cricket gaming was last christmas.
Best cricket title ever made, positives outweigh the few negatives and the online stuff is the most enjoyable and surprisingly fun element. In-Box editor has completely revolutionised cricket games going forward, online save games introduced, something the community has been begging for and works well and the bowling and batting gameplay is tonnes of fun. Career mode is basic, challenging and little mile stone rewards for selections to teams is great.

Dodgy scorecards and the lack of HUD or commentary feedback and quality, the odd anomolie with BARS and the pretty bad fielding AI being the only bits that feel like a let down to me.

I think it's more than lived up to the hype and it's beautiful to look at and at times, you get the feeling of a real match situation playing against someone or the AI.

Looking forward to future DLC or Patches that give the field sets and AI tactics the same amount of TLC batting and bowling have been given. ...and hopefully some cosmetic fixes to scorecards and in game cameras as well, which could be so much better with only minor changes.
Don't know for others - but for me the game turned out to be a bit of the downer after all the hype associated with the game. I have played it for merely 23 hours so far despite having had it for over a month now..
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