Ashes Cricket 2009 [Release Date: still unknown]

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Oh Man. August is too Damn Far Away. Why the hell would they release an Ashes game halfway into the series. Anyways I hope they are taking the time to iron out issues like loopy deliveries and unrealistic speeds for fast bowlers.
the guy on TRF who went to test also said

" I would advise there's not likely to be a demo. "
What the hell, August?!


Oh least they should get a couple trailers out right now and generate as much hype as they can, if this really will be the first good cricket game after Brian Lara 99.
^Rubbish is an understatment. I remember i could only endure playing it for an hour and dumped it . Only thing that kept me playing BLIC 2005 was Classic Matches mode. I hope Ashes cricket does have this mode
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I'm beginning to fear this may be the case. Releasing it toward the end of the Ashes and one day before the start of the football season isn't the most sensible business move Codemasters/Atari could make though.
Unless they couldn't finish the game on time and delayed it by a month.
I would rather wait for a complete and polished game than having something which is missing out on crucial pieces.
Trouble is, it's not really news, is it? Those articles were posted at Gamespot on the 8th and 14th of May.
Unless they couldn't finish the game on time and delayed it by a month.
I would rather wait for a complete and polished game than having something which is missing out on crucial pieces.

i second this opinion.let them take time,but the final product should be worth it !
Hang on a minute, am I missing something here? I don't quite see on what basis people are claiming the game will be released a month late.

Codemasters know what the release date will be and, as far as I can make out, they are waiting until England announce the squad for the test series before they let us in on the secret.
I'm sure there will be an announcement from Codemasters soon regarding the release date. Then we can stop all this nonsense.

Actually, considering this thread is entirely conjecture (I know there are links saying August 7, but these sites are often wrong) can we stop all this nonsense now. Arguing about it isn't going to make the release get here any faster - all it does is annoy people. Hell, you can just pre-order if you want, then the release date is irrelevant as you don't even need to leave your house.
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