Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

let them keep it with themselves some day their product has to come to market that time we can decide


it will be a same crap like ashes cricket 2009

Oh what a joyous existence yours must be, such joy, such longing
Almost just 1 month left yet no video/screenshots!Dissapointing.

Yeah I think we are all thinking this now, I'm in shock to how quiet this forum is at the moment. Guess I will have to eat the chief cake I got him, chief must have a weakness.:p
Screenshots better come out before its too late for me to cancel my preorder.

You don't have to threaten them mate, they don't have to do anything if they don't want to, sure it's strange they have not shown the game yet but still first day buy for me.:D
Chief your cafe is half eaten.
if you guys need to see screenshots or game play , just play Ashes 09 and see. it will be the same thing with a different cover :lol
we should commend chief for his stubbornness


we have 38 days left for the release but still no screenshots, they are the best marketing team in this whole universe and also in the infinite number of universes :clap :clap :clap :clap
Altleast can we have any game details info........:wave
Okay. Word of the day: Perspective.

Next person to badmouth Ashes 09 gets a punch in the throat...

It's just fine for it's era, technology and experience. Average scores of over 7/10 for a cricket title does not a bad game make. Perspective.

IC2010 is a different story, as it really didn't expand much on 09 and those issues are well documented... but can we please stop re-inventing history. Ashes 09 was (and still is) a great cricket game.


Lets talk about facts more... I like those...

It is already FACT (read it in this very thread) that Ashes 2013 will be a COMPLETELY NEW game. It has no relation whatsoever with Ashes 09. Repeating that nonsense over and over again just makes you look really foolish and using it as a "slam" or a way to provoke is nonsensical because legally, logically and technologically it's impossible. You may as well just call someone a poopy-head or say the game will suck because it's possessed by a monkey-headed half-trojan blooded warrior of Zeus hell-bent on revenge via your playstation. Seriously. It's that stupid.

Lets evolve the discussion away from screengrabs. Yes it's frustrating, I agree... I'm desperate for a look myself. There's a reason why we haven't seen anything yet, whether nefarious or for promotional/legal reasons it actually doesn't matter to us one bit. Because we'll eventually get a look, get the game, and judge for ourselves. To me, that's really exciting... We'll see stuff, when we see stuff. I cannot, in any universe, imagine Chief and the team at trickstar and 505 aren't absolutely busting their asses to give us FANS a look their game they're making...



Also - totally as an "aside" ...but lets not forget we've been ABSOLUTELY SPOILED by BigAnt with their public Beta. That's the kinda perspective we need to keep here, that sort of thing has NEVER happened before for a cricket title. Ever. They've been incredibly generous (and ballsy) to release a beta player-creator to give us a taste of their sweet sweet goodies. ...and we've eaten it up. But this kind of fan-service is UNPRECEDENTED. I understand some people won't "get" that. But we as tier one, high-use and smart fans NEED to keep that perspective. There's no way we would've predicted two cricket games coming out a year ago, let alone hands-on beta testing for BigAnt. That stuff is really special... we're very lucky.

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Well said Biggs - blows my mind how stupidly people are acting. I've said it before and I'll say it again: we've got two brand new, ground-up cricket games and I'm damn happy that that's the case. You'd think people would grow the hell up and stop acting like babies by trying to be provocative. It's pathetic. Chief will release the damn shots when he wants to.
Not a fan of any of the ashes or IC game but agree with the second part of biggs's essay. The type of support shown by BigAnt is not only rare for cricket game but it's rare for any game out there. Trying to make this the standard and judging other games/developers based on that is just simply put...stupid!

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