Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

I find that if you don't feed the trolls they simply starve and are no more. He was fed, as thus became a problem.
At first with all that bad spelling and grammar, I thought it was a relative of 79cricket! :)


My cat vomits all the time

Living with you I'm not surprised! :thumbs
My cat vomits all the time so i will post a picture for Dutchad and all to see...

Unless your cat vomits chocolate coated unicorn raisins... please don't.
You dont have to spam a thread just because nothing else is happening. If you have nothing to say, dont post. It is not an obligation.

Yeah I was aware of the rules down below. Its being spammed out of control anyway.

If getting back to topic is what matters, then I have been asking this for a while, how do you implement power controls in a keyboard control?
I find that if you don't feed the trolls they simply starve and are no more. He was fed, as thus became a problem.
At first with all that bad spelling and grammar, I thought it was a relative of 79cricket! :)


Living with you I'm not surprised! :thumbs

Troll, takes one to know one mate.
Can i ask you a question, you look forward to my posts more than chiefs don't you;). Got to take your stress out on someone and poor old 79cricket gets all the love.:(Will we ever be be be again my fellow pc man, yeah sing with me again. Will we give be be be again my fellow pc man, yeah sing me again. I'm done for a Duck i mean done now.:D


Chief already said that Superbeast is Steve Mander-Jones - Lead Designer from Trickstar.

Sorry i missed that, would love to hear from him if he has time and if anyone is thinking, no i will not ask him for screens\trailers.
Just trying to put some live back into this forum and stop talking about cat vomit and the banned pc member.:yes
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^Nah. 79cricket may be entertaining but Naveen beats him by country mile in this particular department. I have laughed hard reading Biggs retorts to his gems.
9 times out of 10 your posts are entertaining, so yes I guess I do.
And your relentless use of the word "guys" never gets old.

Yeah you too mate, it's sad we are not talking about the game and have to talk about other things but soon we will all have no time for tease because a new cricket game is coming soon and we are all excited, wait till the first video comes out and this site will explode, unless it's burning stumps again.:p

What wrong with guys so much, is pc members better your Highness.:rolleyes


^Nah. 79cricket may be entertaining but Naveen beats him by country mile in this particular department. I have laughed hard reading Biggs retorts to his gems.

Where did he come from, his writing was so bad i thought maybe he was writing that way to annoying people. RIP King Troll.:D
Teaser that teased my patience

This is quite a long time for tracking a game release and its discussion forum seems much interesting than the game hype :yes

Certainly looks like it. It's not 13.

I was fooled for about half a second then i thought that's ashes 2009, i guess not even players get to see the game in action yet.:D

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