Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

You're not going to hire out Lord's and invite a load of journos to an event to tell them the release date is postponed! Probably...

You didn't really think that I was serious about it... Did you? :eek:
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Pretty ordinary effort all info and more importantly no confirmation of the release date. Waste. My. Time.

There was some info.

  • There is a player creator which you can use to put yourself in the game and assign yourself licensed kit.
  • A drag and drop field editor lets you place fielders anywhere you wish.
  • There will be music played in the event of a boundary in Twenty20s.
  • The game is suffering from a delay but there will be DLC.
  • The game was made from scratch.
...Yeah, and that Player-Creator is a genuine surprise. No idea how in-depth it is, but at the very least it's better than what we had originally heard was going to be included (ie, nothing at all or just 'template' players ala AC09). Had heard the kit licensing thing has been a bit of an issue in the past, but apparently they worked out a compromise on that in regards to giving "the player" access to that licensed team stuff. Great news all round.

That fielder-placement thing sounds interesting, would love to see it in action. Hopefully Barmy has something he can share with us upon his return.
Now I'm more interested to know when the meet ends?

Well don't forget the event is at Lord's and Colin lives in Edinburgh, so unless he's planning on posting from the train we will have a wait while he gets home.

That is, if he hasn't sneaked into the pre-Ashes dinner at Lord's tonight.
Yeah, realistically that's all we're getting until tomorrow... assuming Chief doesn't roll by and mic-drop a phat beat of stuff on us later on. Barmy no doubt will post a more thorough run down of stuff tomorrow, being the weekend n'all.

Bit of a let down, but still something interesting tidbits I guess. Wait and see is the name of the game...
well he has seen the game being played, so i would assume that he would have a lot more to say when hea back. what i would like a 100% confirmation of is that it really isnt another AC 09 rip off and indeed is something new, only then i would breathe a sigh of relief.

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