Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Chief, its great to see the level of involvement of both the new developers towards the game, something that EA lacked. I wish both you and Big Ant all the very best and hope we have two cracking cricket franchises coming out this year. I, for one will buy both the games.

I see that a lot of questions have already been asked and also answered by you but here is another one. Pardon me if it has been answered previously.

1.) In previous cricket gaming franchises, fielding animations have always taken a backseat. I have never seen a game where a skier has been taken the way it should be in the outfield or a slip catch feeling like a genuine slip catch. Wicketkeepers should catch differently and move differently to a cover fieldsmen and so should he slip fielders. These are small things which will dramatically alter the feel of the game.

2.) Carrying on with the animations, defensive strokes played to a spinner and those to a fast bowler both look very different. To a spinner, you will mostly get defensive shots more often with bat and pad close to each other as opposed to that played to a seamer. Stroke animations have to look and feel different when played against a spinner as compared to a medium pacer or a fast bowler. Its important not just for the visual aspect but also for the gameplay. A cut shot played against a leg spinner would look dramatically different to that played against Brett Lee! Previous game animations have never taken that into account.

3.) There has to be more fluidity to the animations once the stroke is played. Seeing a batsman just standing still takes away the realism of a well played pull or a cover drive! Follow-through is such an important part of the game, be it batting or bowling.

Each of the follow-through animations would have to be linked to a dynamic animation set that would depend on the timing of the stroke, the speed of the bowler, where the ball has hit the bat etc, just a naive thought which would make each stroke look like a different event and not just a canned set.

This would be somewhat similar to how the collision engine of FIFA, just that cricket being a contact sport the mechanics would focus more on bowler actions, ball speeds, stroke timings etc.
Hmm... Cheif, you didnt answer my question, seems like still BLC 99 best things cant be achieved... I wish I am wrong
Hmm... Cheif, you didnt answer my question, seems like still BLC 99 best things cant be achieved... I wish I am wrong

Again apologies: I'm actually saving this for one of the longer answers, because it's definitely an area we've put emphasis in.
I'll get to it, don't worry. :)
Hi Chief,

In AC13, will a defensive shot (just about) reach the boundary if timed perfectly? This wasn't possible in AC09. One just couldn't beat the fielders in inner ring using a defensive shot.

Also, will, this time around, I be able to control when the batsman plays a front-foot leg glance and when he sweeps the ball?(even against a pace bowler)
Chief, is this game being developed specifically for this generation of consoles, or do you have the 'bigger picture' in mind of any next-gen system which would be coming out in the next 12 - 18 months perhaps?

You mentioned that PC is leading the development of this new game, reading between the lines this might assume there's some wiggle-room as to whether or not you might wait for a new generation of consoles to come out?
restarted playing ashes 09...slow bowler run ups..loopy bowling(far from reality) brett lee bowling in parabola is so annoying...early bowling marker(giving a lot of time to judge) ..please answer will these be corrected this time?
Chief, is this game being developed specifically for this generation of consoles, or do you have the 'bigger picture' in mind of any next-gen system which would be coming out in the next 12 - 18 months perhaps?

You mentioned that PC is leading the development of this new game, reading between the lines this might assume there's some wiggle-room as to whether or not you might wait for a new generation of consoles to come out?

One of the things we've done whilst building this engine is ensure there's scalability of everything in it, which means we can adapt to any changes in technology with minimal fuss. And that means up AND down, meaning we can adapt to new platforms, tablets, browser... etc etc as applicable.

If a new generation of consoles comes (and those are almost always announced at an E3, which is in June, ahead of a Holiday or March launch) I have no idea what would be inside them right now. Technology, and indeed the way we use it, is changing so rapidly that I honestly couldn't guess how those would work...


Hi Chief,
In AC13, will a defensive shot (just about) reach the boundary if timed perfectly? This wasn't possible in AC09. One just couldn't beat the fielders in inner ring using a defensive shot.

In IC10 we introduced proper power controls, which allowed you to manually choose how hard to hit each shot, either aiming for boundary or just little nurdles. That will return.

Also, will, this time around, I be able to control when the batsman plays a front-foot leg glance and when he sweeps the ball?(even against a pace bowler)

As stated in my post here about IC10, this was one of my biggest issues with it... We're working on it. :-)


restarted playing ashes 09...slow bowler run ups..loopy bowling(far from reality) brett lee bowling in parabola is so annoying...early bowling marker(giving a lot of time to judge) ..please answer will these be corrected this time?

I think we fixed a lot of these in IC10, and we'll be making sure that they are evident in AC13.
I liked how you could hit softly and hard in ic2010.
The batting was very good in that game, are you
building on that for this game ?

If yes few tweaks to slog mode with better Animations so a soft hit
looks like a soft hit and we can see how the batsman is trying
to hit the ball out of the ground by the animations and the look on his
face would make this game great in the batting part of the game.

How much is this graphics engine better than the last, what can you tell
us about it at the moment.:D
How much is this graphics engine better than the last, what can you tell
us about it at the moment.:D

If I say "it's better", it will only result in demands for screenshots. I think I'll leave this for when we've got visuals to prove it. :)
Please everyone don't ask for screenshots till next year.
Ok chief will you talk a little bit now ?

Ashes 2009 was better than lara 2007 and ic2010 was better than ashes 2009.
But if you can say how much better as ic2010 was not a huge leap.
If not i will not ask again till you guys want to show us.:spy
Around which month (or date to be approximate) we can expect developer diaries?

We shot the first introductory one when I was in Melbourne with the team a fortnight ago: it's being edited right now and will be with you fairly shortly.
Now that's exciting master chief.
Sorry for being annoying yesterday i will not ask graphic stuff
till you guys are ready to show the new engine.:spy

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