Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Robot mode ON: ALL will be revealed in September.

You know what, it almost feels futile posting here. You'd answer the likes of "will this game run on my PC" when the system reqs have already gone public, but you fail to stand by your words. Duh.
Mike, I think it's time to forget about this scam you came up with a few months ago to sponge off from the Double - Ashes header by making a half-assed game. You saw an opportunity to exploit your old licences in a very uncompetitive market (until Ross announced himself), and even now, your posts make it clear that your main respinsibility is to the pulishers, not the consumer.

You are clearly frustrated how much this has blown up on your face. There is nothing you can do in August that you couldn't possibly do in the "last 2 years". Cut your losses short, and ignore this feeble project before you cause irrevrsible damage to your company and reputation.
This guy gets it.

You can't just say something in an "official" forum (in this case, Facebook) and then not back it up in an unofficial capacity on a fan site (here). It just adds to the confusion and mistrust. I mean, if they really have added in a bunch of new features I'll be first in line to pick the game up if the features match dollar for dollar another product...

But yeah, lets keep the discussion civil because we want community interaction and we don't want to come across like assh#$es... well, I mean... I'm happy coming across like that, but some of you others prolly don't need to.

Addendum: The community creation thing is the smoking gun though... I wonder what community is creating things, cause it aint this one!



Perhaps it's time for a parable...

So, there was this SUPER hot girl in college, everyone knows her... the one you always wanted to date but knew she was waaaaaaay outta your league. So think of her, then think of this new girl who calls your house one day... she's calling from out of town, but she's got this friend (the SUPER hot girl) and she says she's a dead ringer for her, but she's got even MORE going on... she's fully keen to date you and no bases are off limits. You just gotta wait until next month for the date. Until then, you've always got the super hot girl to stare at every day who's started to like you a little, notice you around the place and you know you MIGHT be in with a shot before next month. So what do you do? Believe the random girl from out of town, or go with what you know, can see and (potentially) feel... Fast forward 20 years, I married the hot girl... never heard from the random chick on the phone again.

It was a good move to add that story beneath a proper post...because this has to be the most pointless story i have had the misfortune of reading ever and sure would have gotten deleted if it was a seperate one.


To the rest of you

Hey lay off of mike!!! HE IS MY FRIEND!!! Ok?
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It was a good move to add that story beneath a proper post...because this has to be the most pointless story i have had the misfortune of reading ever and sure would have gotten deleted if it was a seperate one.


To the rest of you

Hey lay off of mike!!! HE IS MY FRIEND!!! Ok?

Hot Chick: BA
Random Chick: 505/TG

Read all that again mate!!
Ashes cricket 2013 might surprise all of us.we are expecting very low from the game and that may work in their favour as we might be surprised by some of the feature but given the track record it might be difficult for the game to win the faith of the consumer.
Yes i know that...i simply meant a lot of time was wasted on a pretty pointless story by him and then by me...and now by us. :p

This is indeed the best place to kill time. It even gets me late at times. Missed my train to the college just cos I spent a good half an hour reading through the forum today morning.
I can't wait to see whats revealed in September which is going to be what was revealed on Facebook already in August and/or more likely what has already been revealed months ago...

...because this has to be the most pointless story i have had the misfortune of reading ever...

^This guy doesn't get it.
Mike, this has got to be the most irritating 3 pages on a forum I've ever read, each page I'm looking expecting him to answer the bloody simple question....

But Noooooooooooooooo,, :mad

Frustrattttttiiiinnggggg much.!!!!!

Right I'm off to go give the wife some snakes on a plane and relieve this tension....

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