Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Mike clearly came out with a rash, untrue statement on Facebook in an attempt to garner buys. He knew the game didn't have what he claimed which is why he won't confirm it when pulled up on it.

This sums up this game and company totally. They knew for months the game wouldn't be released and made no correspondense at all until the day before the scheduled release to attract more pre-orders. Mike was then given more lies to spam the audience with in podcasts despite again knowing the game was way behind schedule.

Trickstar/505 have proven themselves to be a lying, shady, horrible little company who treats a loyal fanbase beneath contempt. For that reason I hope Don Bradman Cricket takes the entire market share away and continues to build on something that is resembling a franchise rather than this blatant cash in, Mike is trying to defend.
I don't think Mike is telling lies, settle down. I think he made an over enthusiastic reply on a social media site and has now put himself in a corner... Lets not exaggerate to the nth degree here, we all know it's a junk statement. The "gotcha" attitude that's been festering here isn't terribly pretty. The frustrations that are genuine come from the lack of transparency and a simple mea-culpa that would have fixed this right off the bat before it became a "thing". Getting pretty bored of these kinda posts and some of it's getting pretty silly (and unwarranted)... No-ones killing puppies...

Far be it from me to say, but we've beat this dead horse... Lets move on...

EDIT: I love it when my posts get liked by Barmy... all warm and fuzzy...
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Far be it from me to say, but we've beat this
dead horse... Lets move on...
what do you mean by this Biggs?
Are you sure that you are on the correct statement?
Mike I think you should continue to do the weekly Q&A videos for those who don't know about Planet Cricket.

Okay maybe don't bother with the Q&A because you've said 'all will be revealed in September' but a nice little update on the progress and current status of the game would be nice.

Infact it doesn't even have to be a video, just a short statement on your progress as your facebook page is a bit dry. I know you're personally commenting on there but I think a status update would be appreciated by those who don't know about Planet Cricket but those who follow the facebook page.

Just an idea.
what do you mean by this Biggs?
Are you sure that you are on the correct statement?

To flog a dead horse means to hit a dead horse with a whip hoping that it will still move. It wont, its dead. It is an expression to say there is no point going on about something because it is not going to change anything or help.

And yes the statement is perfectly true and apt.

It doesnt have to be like that because Mike could give some real answers to questions instead of reproducing soundbites. He is choosing, to go with the picture, to be a dead horse.

We can whip it what we like, it aint moving.
Don't flog the dead horse
It won't move of course
Neither will show remorse
No matter with how much force
You flog the freaking dead horse
Roses are read horse is dead
Violets are blue stop flogging it will you
Don't flog the dead horse
It won't move of course
Neither will show remorse
No matter with how much force
You flog the freaking dead horse
Roses are read horse is dead
Violets are blue stop flogging it will you

:eek: surreal! Our friend srteyhs12314528827542 or whatever his name is will be so chuffed!
It doesnt have to be like that because Mike could give some real answers to questions instead of reproducing soundbites

Not even that, could simply just have said "We don't have ALL the features of DBC14 but we do have many complimentary features and other different ones that we'll reveal soon"

...Or just said "sorry, overreaction... I'll get back to you in September with our full feature list"

......OR just said nothing at all to begin with.

They're good at doing the last bit... after a fashion...
I can only liken Mike's statement to telling a girl you have a 12 inch penis all night, to then take her home and whip out 4 inch.

Thats the disappointment level that will be felt...
Hi Guys, Here is a brief update of WIP for this week past. We have isolated the memory leak which is 100% repeatable and we now know exactly where it is the code so we have a bunch of coders working hard to resolve it. We are still including more content in the game notably the planned DLC and other assets. QA has now ramped up 24/7 so we have regular sweeps of the builds to identify as many bugs as possible so we can fix them with optimisation continuing. We are currently on track for our scheduled submission dates and the team continues to work hard. Thanks for keeping the faith and I will update you further next week.
Hi Guys, Here is a brief update of WIP for this week past. We have isolated the memory leak which is 100% repeatable and we now know exactly where it is the code so we have a bunch of coders working hard to resolve it. We are still including more content in the game notably the planned DLC and other assets. QA has now ramped up 24/7 so we have regular sweeps of the builds to identify as many bugs as possible so we can fix them with optimisation continuing. We are currently on track for our scheduled submission dates and the team continues to work hard. Thanks for keeping the faith and I will update you further next week.

Well this certainly matches the hype in the DB forum....
Hi Guys, Here is a brief update of WIP for this week past. We have isolated the memory leak which is 100% repeatable and we now know exactly where it is the code so we have a bunch of coders working hard to resolve it. We are still including more content in the game notably the planned DLC and other assets. QA has now ramped up 24/7 so we have regular sweeps of the builds to identify as many bugs as possible so we can fix them with optimisation continuing. We are currently on track for our scheduled submission dates and the team continues to work hard. Thanks for keeping the faith and I will update you further next week.
Once you have memory issues under control, will the load speed of the PS3 make things difficult for high res textures, or will the game need an install?

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