Ashes Cricket delayed officially

You still expect something from them?

Who knows, I bet even ross does not know there next move and plans for the next month or so. Even the smartest minds in the world could not work out this ace marketing plan:rolleyes. My guess is they will release something on Friday, who knows what, ask ross he knows more than any of us.:spy
Who knows, I bet even ross does not know there next move and plans for the next month or so. Even the smartest minds in the world could not work out this ace marketing plan:rolleyes. My guess is they will release something on Friday, who knows what, ask ross he knows more than any of us.:spy

You'll be surprised what Ross knows. He knew about the game delay before Trickstar did :D. As for their "ace" marketing plan, I don't think one even existed. Chief was really the only person giving us stuff. You build on trust, if there are issues such as game delays, be honest with your consumers, they won't burn you at the stake if you announce it. It's much worse if you say nothing, duck and dive, play "shadow games" and so on
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Considering both companies are based pretty close together it would be quite exciting to think there was some industrial espionage going on :spy
check How high quality Game developer they are (Rock-stars) Grand Theft Auto V and Now look at Trick-stars, oops !:facepalm no cite like that lmaoo..
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If the game is delayed why the twitter page shows June 21st still the release date?

That's because officially they are still not owning upto it. They are continuing to hide it from you. It's only through the retailers and sites like amazon that we know the game is delayed.

If you,however, call up 505 games, they will tell you it's delayed (some people here called)
the emails and calls has been for all platforms or consoles alone? if you notice the email id it is consolesupport@505 , just telling :rolleyes :rolleyes :D
Yeah, it's really not being released on the 5th. Please don't spread information that isn't true. It'll be most likely the end of July from the information we have been provided in this thread... From what I've heard, it's still not been submitted, so they could potentially miss that window also. Until we hear something OFFICIAL from the Ashes13 team, it's all speculation.

I've had at least two people on here accuse me of creating this thread to "cause trouble". And that I will not listen too.

Who did that? Muppets... Ignore em...

I am amazed how many people here are canceling pre-orders, not buying on principal because of a delayed release date, big deal!!! since gaming has been around hundreds of games have got delayed for one reason or another!!!

Yeah, if you bothered to read the thread you would see peoples frustrations have very little to do with a missed release date and more to do with the fact we've all, essentially, been duped... No communication (still) and all the while they've been quite happy to take peoples money in Pre-Orders for a game almost everyone assumed was running behind and wouldn't make it. So much for the "valuable" input from the PlanetCricket community... that's the issue here. Yes, games miss release windows all the time (so do many films). The publishers usually just announce that publically with reasons why (usually quality control) and if they had done that at Lords when most of us expected they would... everything would have been fine.

To still have nothing official 2 days from release, is a bit reprehensible in my book. The fact PlanetCricket is the only website telling the truth and the official website, twitter and facebook still isn't... there's your problem.



Hope Ross has seen your sig, Dutch! :D
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Still not confirmed by 505 games, I feel sorry for all the casual fans that think they will get a new cricket game in 2 days time.:facepalm
Yes, games miss release windows all the time (so do many films). The publishers usually just announce that publically with reasons why (usually quality control) and if they had done that at Lords when most of us expected they would... everything would have been fine.
Precisely - delaying a game to deliver a better product is the right thing to do, I wouldn't have cared if it was a month late if they'd told us in advance, but to leave it up to retailers noticing they haven't got stock in and a game of whispers with the phone support on the week slated for release - all while tweeting updates about DRS from a profile that still says it will be out on the 21st - is a rubbish way to treat customers.
Who knows, maybe they have a macro or a bot running their twitter id which logs in daily for a few minutes and post same 3 or 4 lines again and again. :spy
If the game is delayed why the twitter page shows June 21st still the release date?

Really doesnt matter. I dont trust them anymore. Just a BS game developeing company . They dont deserves to make a forum like that, worthless.
But I dont blame the game producing company tho.( especially chief)
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