Ashes Cricket delayed officially

The fact that they have just said 'July' makes me wonder if they are still not 100% certain of the release date. If they were however to say 'Pushed back till 5th July' then I would probably believe them because it's a more specific date.
Someone please go Sam Fisher on the computers at Trickstar and wipe out everything. Then this nightmare might be over forever and we all can go back to our lives and wait for a proper cricket game who's developer actually cares about fans.
The fact that they have just said 'July' makes me wonder if they are still not 100% certain of the release date.

Dartboard dates, man.
They have licencee obligations now to contend with, breathing down their necks I imagine...
I've made the July point to the PR person who e-mailed me who promised to "look into it". At some point it becomes a reputational issue for them as well.
we will probably get a better game

Do you seriously think this delay is to make the game better? I think it's safe to say its due to them forgetting to actual advertise it. They would have know along time ago if the game was so broken it had to be delayed. And chief would have told us........................oh wait! :facepalm
Do you seriously think this delay is to make the game better? I think it's safe to say its due to them forgetting to actual advertise it. They would have know along time ago if the game was so broken it had to be delayed. And chief would have told us........................oh wait! :facepalm

Bang on mate, there was no marketing basically because there was nothing to market.

They have had the mother of all mares!

Deep down we all no this was never coming out this week!
I'm not that miffed or surprised about the delay but what I am disappointed in is how long they've taken to announce it.

They obviously knew well before now that it was going to be delayed; certain retailers seem to have got wind of it weeks ago and Chief just straight up stopped posting on where when we brought it up. It's obviously unlikely to have been his decision there so I'm not pointing the finger at him but it goes to point.

So, poor stuff from 505, or whoever is ultimately responsible for consumer communication. They've really dropped the ball here. In the end though we're not going to be thinking about the delay or even the poor communication if what we get plays well when we get it, and doing something silly like boycotting the game because of this would hurt you as much as the developers in that situation.
If the game is incomplete then they should just swallow their pride and just stop and make a new game for the next ashes series... With better marketing, development and a new publisher i might add...
i had a lot of doubts that if the game was good and without any bugs then they should have shown a video or demo of the game to public. this was a clear sign that their game is not ready for release and needs a lot of improvement..
ashes delayed positive thinking

guys why cant be be positive lets cheer up ashes team and chief guys its k if it has been delayed i know they will come with a new game engine and deliver a quality of cricket in ashes game chief cheer up we all r wit u and come up with a blast on july:cheers
I've made the July point to the PR person who e-mailed me who promised to "look into it". At some point it becomes a reputational issue for them as well.

Colin, would appreciate it if you can make the response you get from Jamie or anyone from 505 Games regarding the fiasco public.


guys why cant be be positive lets cheer up ashes team and chief guys its k if it has been delayed i know they will come with a new game engine and deliver a quality of cricket in ashes game chief cheer up we all r wit u and come up with a blast on july:cheers

Do you really believe them when they say they are using a new game engine or that they have been working on the game for close to 2-3 years or whatever? I don't. Honestly the critics, whom we initially thought of as trolls, have been more correct about the game than 505 Games themselves!

In fact, if I go back to the earlier threads it looks like Chief/Jamie was the one trolling us all along. No way a producer doesn't know the shambles the game was in and he still kept on harping about the June 21st release date :facepalm
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guys why cant be be positive lets cheer up ashes team and chief guys its k if it has been delayed i know they will come with a new game engine and deliver a quality of cricket in ashes game chief cheer up we all r wit u and come up with a blast on july:cheers

Trying to decipher your message I feel that you are not quite getting the picture. Had a delay been announced, honestly, openly and with a real explanation about the reasons, I imagine they would have had the fullest support from all of us.

However they declined to tell us, or distributors and who knows else, until right up to the last minute even though they knew weeks ago that the game would be delayed.

Even now they are blaming the ECB and CA for not having their licenses in place, whatever that means.

Shortly before this all happened, Jamie Firth, the games producer stated quite clearly after being directly asked, a question I asked him directly, whether the game would release on time; he said it would.

THAT is why there is so much negativity.

Let me rephrase that: it is not negativity. It is pure disappointment and anger at being lied to. That is not negative, that is realistic and justified.
^THIS...guy gets it...

Colin, would appreciate it if you can make the response you get from Jamie or anyone from 505 Games regarding the fiasco public.

I don't think that's appropriate at all... We're not a lynch mob and Chief is a real person, we don't need to see personal communication from Staff members and 505, thanks. That's not cool. I draw the line at calling up their offices as a bit odd... we don't need to see blow-by-blow accounts of personal communications.

I'm sure Barmy will give us a summary of what he's been able to uncover when he can.


If Cheif wants to respond to us publicly, he has a log in. Otherwise, just assume he's as clueless as the rest of the Ashes development team and we've been duped... It sucks, but we're a bit wiser now for it.
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