Ashes Cricket described - part 4

what ashes team trying to achieve is , when we are bowling they wants us to concentrate only on that which is kind of good. But as Matt mentions taking away a feature which was kind of "almost good" wont help. i dont know whether a patch update of AC 13 in near future will help us have an option to switch it on or off.
So for an example EA cricket 2004, you deliver the ball see the edge fly to the slips and its up to the AI to take it?

In some ways i like this. My gripe with the old way was that there was no excitement with plays and misses etc. There was no did he hit it? Did he not? Because you knew istantly there was an edge becauae it went k to that horrible twisted camera!
Colin, is there anything to tell about diving in the field? Did you see any effort being made to prevent the ball going to the rope? Please don't say you watched a fielder stare at the ball trickle to the rope from 2 feet away!
To confirm it is auto-catching with no player input other than choosing the slips at the start of the innings?

It is AI controlled fielders which follow your instructions: You set the positioning etc based on their abilities (they have different attributes which make them more suitable for some fielding positions than others).

Considering half the interviews I read talk up how you took feedback from here in developing the game, I'd have thought one of the few features with what I thought to be almost all round positive feedback would have stayed in.

I'm really gobsmacked by the notion that the catching in IC10 was, on the whole, liked. Over and over we had negative feedback, ranging from the colour-blind to the lesser-dextrous, to the QTE haters. It was due to this community feedback that we rethought it!

Wait and see what you think: a manual layer on top to either influence it or decide it outright is something that could definitely be easily layered onto the top in future: (much more easily that turning it off and having no depth underneath anyway!).
Hey Chief I will love to learn more about bowling system. Will it use colours to define the accuracy of line and length.

instead of colors its the timing of button press or release which will first decide the line to be bowled and when the bowler is the run up the length marker will start from middle of pitch moving towards the batsman and on when we release or press the button will decide a short pitched, good length or a overpitched delivery is bowled. Thats how i imagine it would be and this time too pace control may not be given as pre defined attributes will decide the pace and movement a bowler gets.
I may be one of the few who like this!! The Camera change into the catch at some times made it look so ugly!!
I may be one of the few who like this!! The Camera change into the catch at some times made it look so ugly!!

for wk and slip catching i agree but like some input for all other types of catch
I want to know how will button press determine the line. Will we use the analogue stick to determine the line by moving the reticule? I think only a video can show the mechanics vividly.
I think it is okay for it to be auto catching. Not a very big deal on that. Anyways, you could not control running. I like that fact that every player is different in terms of fielding abilities and if it can have a "significant" impact , it would be really cool. Liking the things i hear so far. :cheers
Colin, is there anything to tell about diving in the field? Did you see any effort being made to prevent the ball going to the rope? Please don't say you watched a fielder stare at the ball trickle to the rope from 2 feet away!

i hate that too, no diving to stop boundaries, in ea 07 the fielder chased the ball till last moment. Ideally when a fielder comes into play we should be given its full control like we decide to walk, run or sprint towards the ball with direction left stick and sprint LT button. And when the fielder is brought within the ball range, mini game of catching or saving a boundary should begin. Bit hardcore though, but this option alongwith auto fielding should be there.
chief whats the exact date of trailer, game play video release?

This I do not know. To be honest it's pretty rare for a game to publicly announce when a trailer is coming (though there are a small number that do): I would fully expect it to be just released when they think it the optimum timing.


I want to know how will button press determine the line. Will we use the analogue stick to determine the line by moving the reticule? I think only a video can show the mechanics vividly.

Yeah: this is best explained visually. But you're right: the stick controls the line, the button press sets the intended length and power.
I'm really gobsmacked by the notion that the catching in IC10 was, on the whole, liked.
If these people can speak up I'd really like to hear it. I really think it was the best catching implementation in a cricket game, that was my impression of the general feedback and I'm disappointed to see it go.

Over and over we had negative feedback, ranging from the colour-blind to the lesser-dextrous, to the QTE haters.
Colour blindness impacts most of the interface though - the use of green for good and red for bad was across most of IC2010's interface. I think that's something that could be worked through (glowing, blinking, more contrast, a large circle closing in as it comes down)

I'm fairly rubbish at things that require quick reactions, but the thing to do there would be to tweak the orange time based on the fielder's ability and the ease of the catch.

Catching is a quick time event - but the slowdown (again, ignoring clunky animations) for the close catches helped ease that and the outfield stuff was fine. It's easier to accept a dropped catch when I can blame my reaction for it.
Yeah: this is best explained visually. But you're right: the stick controls the line, the button press sets the intended length and power.[/QUOTE]

hurray, bowling power is under user control!
Bowling power should translate into speed and that has been in user control since Graham Gooch Cricket.

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