Ashes Cricket described - part 4

I'll post it later. Just trying to stagger it a bit as it's a huge block of text otherwise.

Hey don't worry, just paste the whole text here. We still have 20 days before game is out. I am just wondering how will I spend next 20 days now when screenshots are already out..what's next ?:p


I'm fine with that but somewhere I read there could be more, if there is I bet there is a 4th and that's fine by me. Barmy did you see leg byes in the game. Thanks.:D

good point that..its quite a interesting aspect of scoring. Leg byes..
This sounds like a game with tremendous potential. If the game has, bat-pad, leg byes, inside edges going to boundary , occasional no balls and wides and 360 degree shots it would be one of the most awesome things to happen. Thank you very much BA and chief for this.

Are you not just describing what should be in any cricket game in 2013?
Part 2

Part 2 said:
We?ll go straight into the mechanics of the bowling here. We haven?t experimented with line and length bowling before which is how cricket works and is what?s important, it should be what drives the game mechanic. It?s been fiddly in the past and the uninitiated or the more casual fan finds it very difficult to understand what?s expected of them; maybe didn?t fully understand how to use it. So Jimmy Anderson has a choice on the wheel you bring up. You can choose between cut, swing or a straight ball, then basically you set the line, start the run up and then as you run up the length comes from behind. So you learn from that and the power is just a button press at the end.
Each bowler has lots of other different attributes running underneath; how much they can swing the ball, how much they can cut and these alongside the speed of the delivery influence how much movement you can get out of the ball.
This is a new thing that we?ve changed. In the past we?ve had bowling mechanics and fielding mechanics. The player has been bowling and will quickly switch to being the fielder and we have mini-games where depending on timing you?ll be catching the ball. Although from a cricketing perspective I think that worked, a lot of players of the game had issues with it because if you weren?t very good at timing that button press you wouldn?t take any catches and the game was too difficult for you. Seeing as catches are such an important part of cricket we had to find a way of bringing that into the player?s control, making it a skill game without making it a mini-game. So after a lot of conversations we decided that when bowling it makes more sense if you are commanding your fielding unit rather than controlling them directly so what we?ve developed is a sophisticated bowling system that allows players to act as bowler and kind of like the captain, change the field to suit the match situation. So we?ve got total control of the fielder and for the first time control over the individuals in the field.


So if you want to grab a player Ravi. So Tim Bresnan from long on is going to be moved into short midwicket like that. You can pick up these players and move them wherever you want. They all have different strengths so each player has a different catching ability, infield and out, different running speeds, different throwing abilities so it?s very important their position plays to their strengths.
The nodes on the ground which you pass over display the orthodox fielding positions on the bottom of the screen. This is another thing we?re hoping will help people who are fairly casual fans. We?re giving them every opportunity to reinforce their cricketing education while they play the game so this is where people think about both the role of the different fielding positions and understand the requirements by pairing suitable players within that and all the while hopefully they?re starting to develop a picture in their heads of where the orthodox fielding positions are, what they?re called and get a better understanding of the game.
So you can set up different fields for different batsmen. So at the moment Bailey and Cowan are at the crease. We set up a manual field for Bailey. Cowan is currently on auto. So if you don?t want to fiddle round with the fielding settings, which casual players might not, we also have over 50 different field settings picked by the AI to suit the situation. So to suit the bowling you?re facing and to suit the format of the game so you can switch mentality and the AI will switch the field for you so can go defensive, balanced or aggressive according to the situation in the match.


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No more catching mini-game means that the fielding is totally automatic (except that you might still be able to choose ends to throw the ball at). What they could have done is they could have implemented the orange and green ring bar(which turns orange and green to indicate time when to press the catch button) timing based on the player skills. So, for example, for a safe catcher the ring would stay green for a relatively longer time than orange which would make it easier for the fielder to catch the ball and vice-versa.
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Yeah, I'm still about confused about that. I actually liked the previous system and just thought it needed some tweaking. i.e. longer window for better catches and variable depending on difficulty of catch.
The problem with IC10 is that a dolly was as hard as a flying one-hander.

I've listened to that/read it quite a few times now and still don't really get what the new system is if not automatic catching.
It's a bit annoying too - the fielding in AC09/IC10 are the only times I've liked having some degree of manual fielding. If it's all automatic then I don't mind much, but I didn't think that was broken in the old games, and I certainly don't like the sound of manual fielding without quicktime events that Big Ant's game describes - though with the career mode I can avoid that.

The problem with catching in IC2010 is that the horribly clunky animations meant you never really saw the close in catches coming, or you just were bewildered by how the ball ended up where it was.

As I've said before - different difficulty levels for the different elements of the game would solve a lot of problems - not being able to time things perfectly shouldn't mean dropping down to a gameplay mode with completely unrealistic scores and tactics.
As for players not being able to catch you surely just increase the timing window for orange/green and raise the % for successful catches with orange.
I really liked the old system; just thought it needed some improvements.
I has thorough read of the bowling mechanics and I am still baffled as to how it is different from previous game. Can you shed some light on it Colin or Chief for that matter.
As for players not being able to catch you surely just increase the timing window for orange/green and raise the % for successful catches with orange.
I really liked the old system; just thought it needed some improvements.

The overwhelming majority of feedback on previous titles was that the catching mechanic (going right back to 2005 in fact!) was never very well liked as a timing based mechanic. It came up over and over, and we vowed to find a more interesting way of doing it.
I personally had no problem with it, but considering there was a considerable amount of timing involved in other areas of the game, we were happy to come up with a way to balance this.

The new fielding works really really well: as the bowler you set your field to suit your bowling plan of attack, and it's far more rewarding when that comes off: when the 3rd slip you just put in takes a catch it's awesome.
Similarly it's punishing when a player drops a catch, but that all adds to the drama. We're trying to get away from you feeling like a team and more like a player, which creates much richer experiences I think.
I personally had no problem with it, but considering there was a considerable amount of timing involved in other areas of the game, we were happy to come up with a way to balance this.
I'm usually not a fan of the 'give them an off button' approach, as it gives an incentive to not bother trying to make something good for everyone - but for this I'll make an exception and say why not just give them an off button?

Making something all automatic is a bad way of solving a problem from some users, indeed I hadn't heard any negative feedback from it until reading that. The AC09/IC10 implementation was the first time I didn't want an off button for fielding in a cricket game.
I'm usually not a fan of the 'give them an off button' approach, as it gives an incentive to not bother trying to make something good for everyone - but for this I'll make an exception and say why not just give them an off button?

You answered the question yourself: Because we wanted to make something that was good for everyone. :yes
Hey Chief I will love to learn more about bowling system. Will it use colours to define the accuracy of line and length.
Because we wanted to make something that was good for everyone.
Having no interaction in the fielding process after the field is set isn't what I'd call good for everyone.

I've heard that some people like fielding and AC/IC offered a good enough fielding implementation that it finds a balance between needing to do everything yourself (some games you needed to hit a button just to collect the ball in the field) and not having any influence after the ball is bowled.

Considering half the interviews I read talk up how you took feedback from here in developing the game, I'd have thought one of the few features with what I thought to be almost all round positive feedback would have stayed in.

I'm not too concerned as I never minded not doing fielding at all in previous games, but I think this was fixing something that wasn't broken (save for tweaks to the orange timing zones).
When the 3rd slip you just put in takes a catch it's awesome.

To confirm it is auto-catching with no player input other than choosing the slips at the start of the innings?

It seems a shame to throw out a feature that added to the game imo. Hopefully next time (!), as Matt says, there can be an option for auto/manual catching.

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