Aussie cricket summer is ending soon but where is the patch#3?

They are taking plenty of notice of the community. The problem has been there has been an unbelievable amount of solar system penetrating and universe filling hyperbole that's been made harder for them.

Surely not.....on Planet C?
He isn't speaking to me as I brought up something they had 'taken out' which defies belief however, he referred to me as a guy so not too sure he read my post or took any interest in me as an individual considering I am the minority they are trying to address. But you are correct MLB the show and what a game that is.

I feel he needs a cuddle and a coffee break.
Certainly don’t know what gave you the impression that you represent me? Didn’t ask or nominate. If I’ve something to say will say it thank you. Also, how exactly does someone try being a minority? Minority, nope gaming isn’t, no not going to use my PlayStation friends list as an avatar either.

Kisses left on messages? You don’t, not to complete strangers anyway. AKA inappropriate. Where exactly have you been the past 8 years? Sorry but I needed to ask. Pussycats? Well sure some, yes ok my razors aren’t even as sensitive.
Certainly don’t know what gave you the impression that you represent me? Didn’t ask or nominate. If I’ve something to say will say it thank you. Also, how exactly does someone try being a minority? Minority, nope gaming isn’t, no not going to use my PlayStation friends list as an avatar either.

Kisses left on messages? You don’t, not to complete strangers anyway. AKA inappropriate. Where exactly have you been the past 8 years? Sorry but I needed to ask. Pussycats? Well sure some, yes ok my razors aren’t even as sensitive.

Try reading the post again before going completely off topic.
A random stream of consciousness (of half sentences), with no relevance to the topic, and telling another member what to do is something you might want to revisit.
Its questions to last god knows how many posts. read them all then read the message again. Hint look in other threads too.
They are taking plenty of notice of the community. The problem has been so much hyperbole that's been made harder for them.
Wasn't the bugs thread supposed to have descriptions of real issues without hyperboles? How about having a vote on top issues so that only real issues reach them?
I know people are frustrated here, so am I but blaming not releasing a patch on frustrated buyers seems lame.
Wasn't the bugs thread supposed to have descriptions of real issues without hyperboles? How about having a vote on top issues so that only real issues reach them?
I know people are frustrated here, so am I but blaming not releasing a patch on frustrated buyers seems lame.

Nobody is blaming them not releasing a patch on frustrated buyers. Ffs they released a patch, then it was Christmas.

Not only were the BA staff entitled to a break, but the platform holders would have been on a break too.

Moreover, one assumes the amount of people with the game would have increased over that time giving more opportunity for issues to be reported and looked at.
Don't expect the patch before mid or end of February if the patch is going to be significant

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