Australia tour of New Zealand 2010

whats the name of Warner's bat again? i forget. Khapow? or something like that :laugh Gray Nic

ahh out
At least Bond got Warner out. He coulda had him twice in 2 balls. 2G. Damage was done off Tuffey though.

I hope we can start a collapse. We needed early wickets, but they got a few too many runs on the board before the first for my liking. If Bond hada struck first over. He was swinging it beautifully.
Argh, damn. Time to turn off now, me thinks. Clarke will just knock it around and we'll coast home with 2 overs to spare.
Skipper does it for his side. Crucial wicket of Shane Watson gone!
Good move Vettori.

Damn, if only we had another 20 runs to play with.

We're going to fight to the end at least. As we always do.
Wow Warner.

They shoulda sent Mitch or Haddin in :D

Gazza added 0 Minutes and 24 Seconds later...

Dang, Watto's out
Watson looked all at sea there. Nice bowling by Vettori.
Wow Johnson promoted to 4, seems Clarke has learnt a bit from Katich and his roving order.
Vettori far and away the best OD/T20 spinner in the world by some margin.
Bowled! Bond you beauty!
Johnson BOWLED by BONDAGE. Take that cocky Australians. Batting Johnson at 4 and thought you'd get away with it.

I don't care if we win or lose. We just made you look like muppets.
Luckily Bond only has 4 overs :p Not the wises move sending Johnson in to face Bond though. Lets see how White's technique handles this.

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