Australian Domestic Cricket

No, Magoffin doesn't have top tier pace. I hope he doesn't get selected, because although in form, he's just not the highest quality. Hilfenhaus definitely has to be at the top of the list. While I think Magoffin would struggle against top quality opposition on Test pitches, I've seen Hilfenhaus bowling the sort of balls that only great players manage to snick. Even then, I'd like to see him find a fuller length and be just a little more encouraging to the batsman.
Such a shame as hes got such good results, the height and a bit of swing. But bowling under 130km/h ain't going to cut it at Test level. Vaas started to struggle when he dropped to that pace.

Don't know where WA keep finding these handy all rounders from but they keep doing the job. Simpson started the season so well but really has fallen. Yet another poor choice of captain from a State side just like SA one last season.
Great start by NSW so far. Hughes has been the star with a 55 off 63 balls. Khawaja in there with him and with his form of late he could convert this into something. No Bracken for NSW again.
The openers were slow and then Holland came in and made it snails pace. We wasted a wicket with Henriques run out though, I was hoping to see more from him. Still I reckon we should have gone with another batter rather than these all rounders as we need someone to up the tempo now.
Certainly fortunate they've got Thornely, though I don't think it's enough, it is defensible. The best sides at North Sydney use the short boundaries to their advantage and perhaps, with the inexperience of the NSW team, Thornely was the only one who knew how to do it well.

Good to see him growing in consistency, for that matter. He's a much better batsman than an average of 29.
The way Victoria have started they will have this chase done in 30 overs! Really bad time to give Henriques his first spell. I reckon they should have gone with O'Keefe as opening bowler again. Also I reckon we should have stuck with Cameron, again too risky to play Cockley against the top team.
The attack doesn't look all that scary on paper (less so on the paper the scorecard will be written on). There are a lot of minor players and this is not a ground where you see new bowlers proving themselves. I don't even think the Vics are much cop without just one of Harwood, Siddle, McGain or Pattinson, but it was still an experienced line up.
Certainly a less experienced lineup than last year, but playing just as well. When you take out Denton, Wise, Siddle and McGain you've lost 4 front line bowlers so it's a real testament to guys like Nannes, McKay, Holland and McDonald (plus Wright the recruit) that we're still able to keep up, let alone be top of the table.

Quiney is in great form now, looks to have really come of age. Klinger now SA's best batsman, but the way we're going he'd still be struggling for a spot.

There is no way Klinger would still be getting games in this team. The best top six would be Quiney, Rogers, Hodge, Hussey, White and McDonald. With no real need of a stodger, Blizzard and Hill would definitely be up the pecking order.
Who hit that last six, Hussey or Crosthwaite? has it credited to Crosthwaite, but the commentary said Hussey brings up his 50.
Looks like Hussey. Good fightback by NSW to bring it close but opening overs really killed us. Bird recovered well it seems, his 2 wickets giving life to the match. Hauritz bowled economically again like he has in our other games.

Will be interesting seeing what they do with O'Keefe for the next game, if hes going to bowl only 1 over we would be better off with Warner or Steven Smith. I reckon they should try him opening the bowling again, he did alright when he did that in his other 2 games.
Gutted. Hughes played great early with some cracking shots then Thornely backed it up but they just got off to a flyer. Quiney kept finding the gaps. Thornelys fields were insanely stupid. Plus he opened with Henriques and Cockely.... why not Bird and Lambert, or Bird and cockley?

Anyway North Sydney oval is a 320+ field and a 280-300 pitch usually but the last few games we have played there, we have batted first and got 240-260 then the opposition has chased it easily (eg Tassie last year where they got 1/240 to win it in like 35 overs)
Another 50 for Klinger, and interestingly Cullen was dropped by SA, and not even for Bailey. Don't they realise we need a spinner desperately and that they need the experience.
Wow he certainly has enjoyed his move. Maybe time for more Victorians to move to SA :p

No wickets for Hilfy at his favourite ground which is surprising. Lol I notice SA have a 38yo in Shane George.

Pomersbach made up for his duck by scoring a 100, great to see him hitting some runs. And if you think SA isn't doing their job for spinners neither is WA or Queensland. It's like we've given up on finding a spinner.

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