Batting in career mode is a serious issue

:) well... now that you mention it...

but no, seriously, I actually think career bowling is too easy, as apposed to the batting being too hard, I really shouldn't be getting 8 wicket hauls as a 16 yo off spinner in Ausie conditions.

On my debut career game I got all ten wickets of their first innings and 7 of their second innings as a batting alrounder
I'm also a decent batter made 3 fifties a bbl hundred batting right now on 48*


Spinners I have some difficulty but I just have to stop and concentrate just hit a spinner for 14 off an over I have to either charge every ball or block every spin ball
After trying numerous times and being patient...very patient, its plain to see I'm struggling with batting, particularly with fast bowling. Maybe I'm getting old but I can't seem to pick up the length of the ball until its too late...and even if I do, I end up playing the wrong shot.

I should've been dropped from the Qld Bulls team a long time ago but they seem to persevere! Playing spinners is obviously easier (and harder at the same time) - but I have no idea what to do re picking up the ball.

I even tried turning off the ball colour but found I couldn't even pick up the ball in the background.

*sigh* I absolutely love this game and the challenges it presents....but man is it hard! and batting is what I want to do above all.
After trying numerous times and being patient...very patient, its plain to see I'm struggling with batting, particularly with fast bowling. Maybe I'm getting old but I can't seem to pick up the length of the ball until its too late...and even if I do, I end up playing the wrong shot.

I should've been dropped from the Qld Bulls team a long time ago but they seem to persevere! Playing spinners is obviously easier (and harder at the same time) - but I have no idea what to do re picking up the ball.

I even tried turning off the ball colour but found I couldn't even pick up the ball in the background.

*sigh* I absolutely love this game and the challenges it presents....but man is it hard! and batting is what I want to do above all.

Keep practicing and it will eventually get easier. Batting is rewarding in this game.

People mainly complain cause they can't average 50 with the Bat to go with that bowling average of 6.
I think the bowling is slightly too easy, but it does get more difficult when you start playing in the international matches, so give it time.

I think the batting is very good. Picking a 16 y.o. bowling allrounder I'd expect the batting to be challenging. I'm now starting getting the hang of it and averaging around 20-30 per innings. I think people are probably annoyed that they can't go in and slog every ball around the park for 6. You have to read the ball, pick the balls to attack and defend and look to build a score. Keep practicing, work on your foot placement as I find that to be the biggest challenge.
All i see here is people whinging about not scoring 100's every innings in career mode. You all seem to have forgotten that your 16 yrs old and crap to start with. You have to build up your stats to score big runs.
I'm only in my 1st season and my average has improved from less than 10 to now 1/2 way through the English season 40.2 4 day 36.8 50 over and 44 T20
Although I am struggling with bowling only taken 48 wickets in total.
I've posted this before however the reason everyone struggles with batting is because you go from zero to facing Coulter-Nile @ 140kmph. There is no intermediate or getting used to this type of bowling.

What would be great is if an easier career mode was offered ie. it starts at Veteran, how about an Amateur mode where the fast bowlers bowl as fast as Fast-Med, and Fast-Med bowlers bowl as fast as medium. Don't let the stats be recorded, however what it does do is provide the user with a chance to actually last longer than 12 balls, and actually know what its like to bat for 2 hours.

That way, once they're comfortable, they can start a proper career and be able to last. Trust me, if this was real life and a 16 year old got promoted to open for Qld, they'd better get a good avg or they'll be back in 1st grade quick smart. Having an avg of 2 or less and still keeping your spot in your state top order is a bit far fetched.
I've posted this before however the reason everyone struggles with batting is because you go from zero to facing Coulter-Nile @ 140kmph. There is no intermediate or getting used to this type of bowling.

What would be great is if an easier career mode was offered ie. it starts at Veteran, how about an Amateur mode where the fast bowlers bowl as fast as Fast-Med, and Fast-Med bowlers bowl as fast as medium. Don't let the stats be recorded, however what it does do is provide the user with a chance to actually last longer than 12 balls, and actually know what its like to bat for 2 hours.

That way, once they're comfortable, they can start a proper career and be able to last. Trust me, if this was real life and a 16 year old got promoted to open for Qld, they'd better get a good avg or they'll be back in 1st grade quick smart. Having an avg of 2 or less and still keeping your spot in your state top order is a bit far fetched.

I find it easier to face the faster bowlers. I can't stand the medium pacers and I'd say over 50% of my wickets this season have been caused by them.
Reaction time is very hard in batting in career mode. It's not a question of being patient and getting used to it. It's just damn, damn hard getting the foot placement right because your reflexes need to be absolutely lightning quick and your finger movement on the controller needs to match it. Otherwise, I end up just pre-meditating all the time, leading play and misses and dismissals.

Played numerous career matches as a batsman-keeper today (hate having to bowl in matches) and after a string of failures, I'm convinced that batting is just damn hard in this game.

I tried grinding it out, seems to make my scores worse as I just get a few singles before getting out. Also misjudging singles is damn easy in this game, leading to frustrating run outs.

I think career mode could have been started at club level and then graduate to state side and eventually national side. Rightly as observed above by @The_Pharoah, you shouldn't be allowed to bat and struggle in the top order of a first class team and leading to their downfall.
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You've hit the nail on the head there mate - I'm doing the exact same thing re premeditating and going out primarily because I can't for the life of me pick up the ball quick enough to be able to correctly choose the right shot - remember he updated batting controls are themselves different.
Risk of being returned to club cricket again will add another dimension to the game and probably allow the career player to work back. Right now, failure in career mode has no consequence except not being considered for national side or other leagues. Maybe it's not necessarily in this edition of the game as it might require too many core changes for a patch-level fix ??
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Risk of being returned to club cricket again will add another dimension to the game and probably allow the career player to work back. Right now, failure in career mode has no consequence except not being considered for national side or other leagues. Maybe it's not necessarily in this edition of the game as it might require too many core changes for a patch-level fix ??

This does not target to the general market of the game though, who wants to be playing a game of cricket with 21 other players all of whom you have no connection with and are entirely fake?
To practice a couple of things (trying to react against quicks rather than just pre-meditating and practice against spin, and in general try and hit square on the off side) I went back into the nets for pretty much the first time since the game came out. Legend bowling, rookie batter, the ball seemed to come on alot quicker than a) I'm experiencing in my career game (probably because not every fast bowler I face in the domestic league are not top of the top) and b) that I remember it from the CA Nets (maybe ramped up speed in full version based on feedback or just slower performance on the my PC with nets (doubt)).

That being said, I felt that I did not need to pre-meditate any of the shots.. I found I had ample time to select where I'd put my feet and where I'd play the shot based on the actual delivery being made. This was even when I was making sure not to watch the position of the bowling machine's head to tell me where the ball would pitch. It actually felt quite sureal that I felt confident that I could react to every delivery.

Going back into the career mode, I, once again, could not play without pre-meditation. It totally comes down to the fact that I've surveyed the field, I know where the best gaps are, and regardless of where the ball is going to be delivered, I'm going to be targetting that gap.. mentally I've blocked off all the other options that is forcing me to pre-meditate. Such a mind game and hard to get out of that premeditation mindset to allow batting to open up more freely, just something I'm going to have to practice.. (probably need time in the practice match where I can think about fielders and the gaps and just practice practice practice playing the ball on it's merits with the fear of getting out but without the fear of stuffing up my career).


One of the best innings I've had so far was a 50 over game with my batting allrounder coming in #4 for QLD. Got 50 off about 56, one premeditated agressive six over square leg, one four through a big gap they had yet to fill, the rest were just putting it around the ground in the best gap's available, but with alot less boundaries than I'd normally get. They had set the field up pretty defensively, giving me the chance to play freely without worry of being caught (no agressive shot apart from the 1 six). I think it's my first 50 with any career player, batter or all-rounder on legend difficulty, was very rewarding.. (however, not rewarding was getting out on 50 after trying to drive too close to a fielder in close, going against my mindset that had got me to 50 in the first place).
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This does not target to the general market of the game though, who wants to be playing a game of cricket with 21 other players all of whom you have no connection with and are entirely fake?

I don't understand. Isn't that the premise of most video games?

What I'm saying is, that the game in career mode has no proper risk/reward strategy to keep the interest going. Right now, after several failures in a row, you still bat at the same position and retain place in the team. What could work is:

(a) after some failures with the bat (say 5 or 6 innings of low scores in a particular format), you are dropped for a couple of games or pushed down the order.
(b) after more failures, dropped completely from the squad and returned to a lower division of cricket.

Right now I end up just deleting the career player out of frustration.
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after more failures, dropped completely from the squad and returned to a lower division of cricket.
And at some point you would get to the lowest division and maintain your place. Big Ant aren't going to just throw up a Game Over screen if you get out too often.

In this edition, that lowest division is the state/county teams - it would be great in future if they added more levels to the career - but you'd still have a low point that you couldn't go below.

Once you make it to a higher level, you can fall back down if your performances are bad, but you can't fall lower than the bottom.

You could even use the existing editing options in the game to pretend there's another level - create 6 local teams and replace the Australian domestic teams with them, and then try to make your way from 'local' cricket to the county tournament.

Obviously the batting order would be one way - but what if you started to bat really well lower down the order - would being promoted back up the order be the right reward for doing well? There would need to be more to it than simply dropping a batsman down the order if they fail and moving them up if they succeed.

For me 'not being considered for national side or other leagues' is a huge consequence for failure - I want to make it to the international stage, seeing the changes in how close I am to that are a huge reward, and seeing them get further away is a big risk.

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