Batting mentality

I just had a eureka moment halfway through dealing with a 20 page judgment on a workplace lawsuit on hearing loss.

When one changes the mentality settings, notice the sliders going up and down. Well this is i think all it does. So the game runs off of said sliders, but the actual mentality setting does absolutely nothing. I guess it's hard to tell what effect each of the sliders actually has, but i bet the higher up they go, the more aggressive the strokeplay.
Not even close brah! What about the fielding? The academy experience? The lag? This game is broken in too many places for my liking!!!

I'm more of a batting simulator guy and IMO if the batting is fixed followed by AI (as mentioned as a second priority) a pretty decent game. Again that's my opinion and based on what I want out of the game.
Try as I might I just can't make the difference between a blocker and a bludgeoner. I think it's back to DBC14 batting mode for me, after some time spent outdoors and away from the computer. I'll be checking this forum for any progress made, as I really want the game to succeed, but I just cannot enjoy it in its current state.
Not even close brah! What about the fielding? The academy experience? The lag? This game is broken in too many places for my liking!!!

Uh oh, we're into multiple exclamation marks territory, guys...

Royce, DBC 14 had loads of issues at launch too, and BA fixed them and made that game what it is now, with the help of people here. Should some of the problems now have slipped under the radar again when half of them have already been fixed once previously? No, but being angry isn't going to help.

I notice that BA have been extremely quiet over the last few days here, albeit with the weekend, so hopefully they're busy at work trying to sort it all out, haha! I'd be interested to see a summary post summarising the issues they're aware of and trying to fix and those that they didn't know about and will have to work on. I can't imagine they're happy with things as they currently are either.
Uh oh, we're into multiple exclamation marks territory, guys...

Royce, DBC 14 had loads of issues at launch too, and BA fixed them and made that game what it is now, with the help of people here. Should some of the problems now have slipped under the radar again when half of them have already been fixed once previously? No, but being angry isn't going to help.

I notice that BA have been extremely quiet over the last few days here, albeit with the weekend, so hopefully they're busy at work trying to sort it all out, haha! I'd be interested to see a summary post summarising the issues they're aware of and trying to fix and those that they didn't know about and will have to work on. I can't imagine they're happy with things as they currently are either.

I hope there is somewhere they can find everything if they are interested in fixing things. It can't be easy trawling through this place. Wouldn't opening up for beta testing have been a good idea? I could have bored everyone with attributes and mentality testing, and we could have found the dissatisfaction with cover drives and the horrible cut shots in about half an hour.
I hope there is somewhere they can find everything if they are interested in fixing things. It can't be easy trawling through this place. Wouldn't opening up for beta testing have been a good idea? I could have bored everyone with attributes testing, and we could have found the dissatisfaction with cover drives and the horrible cut shots in about half an hour.

I would say @varunschuey review, @blockerdave review, @Royce thread and the DBC 17 Batting thread are pretty good starting points regarding the major concerns.
I would say @varunschuey review, @blockerdave review, @Royce thread and the DBC 17 Batting thread are pretty good starting points regarding the major concerns.

And @Langeveldt with his mentality concerns.

But no I joke. I have seen them lurking on those posts, and I hope they aren't too disheartened by it all, but it's been a bit tricky. It kind of reminds me of Mafia 3 after Mafia 2. Or EA's Sim City after the awesome Sim City 4.
Well yes, if a guy off a forum from Italy can make significant changes to how the innards of the game works, I'd have thought a Melbourne game developer could. But it's about having the will to do that though. Games in general are heading in the arcade direction, and maybe the mandate was "flashy stumps and big bash", but at first glance I thought this would be a deeper simulation.
I would have thought that the flasy stumps and Big bash was keep to the mobile game seeing that got just released its a pity really because DBC 17 should be more of a simulation
I have seen them lurking on those posts, and I hope they aren't too disheartened by it all, but it's been a bit tricky.

Yeah, part of me feels sorry for them coming on here and seeing all the criticism, when presumably they were as excited for launch (almost typed that 'lunch', haha) as we were.

BUT, either they knew about these issues, and must have known people would comment on them (particularly things that have gone missing from the previous game), OR they didn't, and if they didn't, how didn't they. I don't see how they could have play-tested their own game in any detail and not noticed half of the things that have been mentioned as that just doesn't make sense, so the question is how quickly are they planning on sorting each thing out.

It's a shame when there are people legitimately saying, in the first week after release, that they'd rather play the old game until the problems on the new one are solved, having just bought it full of excitement the day it came out. I'm personally still really excited for the PC release and in the Academy alone (when it's not crashing every couple of minutes), I still feel like I have more control with batting and bowling than I ever did on DBC 14 (missing shot angles aside) and the customisation options are superb (providing they are reflected in how the AI plays with those characters too).

Hopefully BA come out somewhere and say - here are the gameplay issues we're aware of and working on, here are the user interface issues we're aware of and working on, here are the bugs and crashes currently being fixed, etc. It would make it easier for people to then focus on what remains, I guess.

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