Beta Patch Improvement Area Thread

Ugh, I hate that cutscene. It should be reserved for a player getting a fifty, or a hundred.

Nah, I like it! World peace and all that! Besides otherwise I would never get to see that cut scene if it was reserved only for a good innings! :)
Nah, I like it! World peace and all that! Besides otherwise I would never get to see that cut scene if it was reserved only for a good innings! :)

Yes i also dont mind little cut scenes like this. Wish there was a better cutscene when celebrating a wicket tho.
Yes i also dont mind little cut scenes like this. Wish there was a better cutscene when celebrating a wicket tho.

I like them too but I like them to be in context and appropriate. Celebrating being 11 not out when your team is trailing by 200 is kinda weird :happy :facepalm
This probably sounds stupid, but are the squads updated for the BETA, as in Onions, Morgan etc are now on the England squad?
This probably sounds stupid, but are the squads updated for the BETA, as in Onions, Morgan etc are now on the England squad?

No mate from what i know of they werent aloud to change teams to do with some licence issues probz.
This probably sounds stupid, but are the squads updated for the BETA, as in Onions, Morgan etc are now on the England squad?

No but Aussie1st's excellent international roster sorts that one out no problem!
Ah yes good point, although there is a PS3 roster as well. Not sure about Xbox.

na unfortunenately im on xbox and i havent heard anything about a roster for it.

But really looking forward to the patch and thats all i want. :D
ike in Ricky Ponting 2005, would it be possible to have an option outside the game which allows us to choose the Anti-Aliasing, Resolution and to play the game as a window?

It is not an edited roster that is causing the freeze problem. I am using the default roster and still experirencing freezing.


It is not an edited roster that is causing the freeze problem. I am using the default roster and still experirencing freezing.


In some ways thats good to hear as there was a worry that freezing might be caused by custom rosters. I haven't experienced any freezing on the default roster but loads on the custom one. I wonder why that is? Did this happen just once to you or a number of times?
I'd just like to say that I've had the game freeze a couple of times on my 360 (therefore unpatched and default roster)

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