Beta Patch Improvement Area Thread

I LOVE the spin you can get with the patch. I know it is maybe not realistic, but it is so much fun to get Swann to ping one up well outside of off stump then just watch it bounce back in and take that wicket - SUPERB.

It is nice to see that the ball now swings and cuts too - the patch is awesome.

I am still playing on Normal level until I get used to the patched changes, but at that level I managed to bowl the Aussies out for 44 in the first innings of the second Ashes test last night (and 12 of that 44 were extras I gave away for no balls !!). Collingwood is the boy for wickets - 5 for 15 !!
Are their chances of having more game play modes in the next beta patch ?

Like more tournaments (ICC Champions trophy or Worldup etc) ?
Are their chances of having more game play modes in the next beta patch ?

Like more tournaments (ICC Champions trophy or Worldup etc) ?

I seriously doubt it, but it'd be nice. It's not really in the scope of a patch, that's the problem.

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

Now you have really hit rock (Side)bottom. And Prior to that I already told you to Flint-off. Does it ring a Bell? Thats two times on the Trott I have had to tell you that you (Pieter)son of a gun. Any yes this is my Swann-song!:)

You're doing what I do with song titles when I'm with my friends!

Good stuff.

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 24 Seconds later...

If you're using a keyboard there's no point in the 360 batting anyway.

I can't imagine playing this game with a keyboard.
Seriously a keyboard? the game is not desinged for a keyboard so any complaints about difficulty in using one will likely fall on deaf ears.
I've just had my first freezing experience. The crowd sound stuck and then shortly after that, the game locked up. I don't think it was an ordinary crash, because the game didn't crash immediately - the sound stuck first. Anyone else had that happen?
I've just had my first freezing experience. The crowd sound stuck and then shortly after that, the game locked up. I don't think it was an ordinary crash, because the game didn't crash immediately - the sound stuck first. Anyone else had that happen?

I still think this is related to the special effects, have you got them turned off or on??
I had this pre patch until I turned them off, haven't had it since the patch even with them on.
I still think this is related to the special effects, have you got them turned off or on??
I had this pre patch until I turned them off, haven't had it since the patch even with them on.

I have them turned on and always have done, but I've never experienced this before, maybe it was a one off.
Ok, firstly to say that the patch has really made the game a massive step closer to where we ultimately want it to be - so massive kudos for that. The issue now is now that the gaping chasms have gone, the cracks are appearing.

I haven't played the patch much compared to others. I've bowled around 60 overs against the AI on hard mode, here are some random thoughts:

AI Batting

- Don't seem to play and miss enough - its either a leave, or a full blown forward defensive. There's no element of dangling the bat out there or going for a loose drive.
- Working balls from outside off stump - it feels asif I'm bowling against Kevin Pietersen all the time, alot of balls that are outside off stump (more evident when your bowling right arm over to a left hander) they walk across and hit it through mid-wicket. More offside shots through the v and wide of it. Simlarly with defensive shots, they always seem to get well across their stumps.
- Beating the fielders - AI rarely seems to hit the fielders when playing an aggresive ground stroke. Its either through the field or the shot just isn't played. Seems to happen alot when they're hitting square - not so much down the ground.
- Short balls - Alot of problems with these. Firstly, they play them far too easily (whether this could be rectified before the next game I don't know). But the ball doesn't seem to bounce enough from back of a length.
- Some odd lofted shots - For example, a backfoot straight six off a Steve Harmison short ball.
- On the subject of short balls - they don't seem to bounce enough. I've had batsman driving balls on the front foot that I would consider at the very least a short ball.
- Bowling with Swann. First day at cardiff and he was turning the ball an awful long way. Also, I got two batsmen out leaving straight delieveries - off cutters that I moved so that they wouldn't turn - rather than arm balls.
- Full balls, has anyone noticed that when you bowl a very full half volley (if such a term exists), on the replay the ball hits the ground and then bounces extremely sharply... :/
- Seems to pick everything, every alternate ball is played as if it knows its coming (I refuse to bowl the doosra with Swann), but every arm ball and top spinner is picked - and often whacked too.
- Few chabces. Only 1 edge to the slips, can only think of one play and miss (and that was a ghastly attempt to work a ball a foot wide of off stump through mid wicket). Not enough chances/plays and misses.

T20 AI Batting -

- Blocking in the first over the game...
- Seems to hit sixes off spinners far to easily, and in general straight (I mean dead straight) at will, mistimed shots seem at a premium.
- Bowling as Adil Rashid (Leg Spinner) around the wicket, left handers seemed to not be able to play a length delievery
- Batsmen leaving the ball - ok, I've seen Ponting leave his first ball before - but in the 14th over with a batsman 80 not out...

A few fleeting hits with the bat (haven't had much time on my hands).

- Ball is too easy to time.
- AI fielders still hit the stumps far too often,
- Non-strikers don't backup - this makes taking quick singles a near impossibility.

Problems with the game

- Field settings. Annoying on a lot of parts. Firstly, you cannot save fields, this needs to be introduced. Secondly, I'm not sure on this (It confused me all the way through the sixty overs) but it seemed that when I changed the field for a bowler at one end (lets say Swann, for the sake of arguments). When the seamer came on at the other end the field was the same (or atleast the same name, ie Balanced 10). I might be wrong on this, but it was annoying all the same.
- Bowlers coming on after a reload at the wrong end. Ok, this is quite picky, but when you reload a game the bowler has appeared to switch ends.
If you're using a keyboard there's no point in the 360 batting anyway.

No, that's one of the biggest improvements in this game compared to EA's. With a keyboard, I can still place balls into gaps in the field just as easily as with an analogue gamepad. The only difference is that I can't correct as quickly if where the ball is going to land changes more than expected.
The AI still plays backfoot shots to full deliveries a bit too much.

This surely will get sorted before the final patch cause bowling full and having the ai go on its back foot and get bowled doesent bring me joy in picking these wickets up:(
This surely will get sorted before the final patch cause bowling full and having the ai go on its back foot and get bowled doesent bring me joy in picking these wickets up:(

Yeps, that needs to be sorted, but quite often, the AI actually manage to hit the full ball off backfoot shots sometimes. Not a huge annoyance, but it'd be nice to see that gone.
I've just had my first freezing experience. The crowd sound stuck and then shortly after that, the game locked up. I don't think it was an ordinary crash, because the game didn't crash immediately - the sound stuck first. Anyone else had that happen?

That happened to me the other day, though on the Xbox. The crowd sounds turned into what sounded like looping truck noises, the commentary disappeared and then the game froze after a couple of minutes. Don't think it has to do with the patch.

ajdude added 2 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

Problems with the game

- Field settings. Annoying on a lot of parts. Firstly, you cannot save fields, this needs to be introduced. Secondly, I'm not sure on this (It confused me all the way through the sixty overs) but it seemed that when I changed the field for a bowler at one end (lets say Swann, for the sake of arguments). When the seamer came on at the other end the field was the same (or atleast the same name, ie Balanced 10). I might be wrong on this, but it was annoying all the same..


I made a post about this, it appears to be random. Also kinda annoys me that nobody noticed my post, but oh well, haha.
Just had my first freeze with the Beta Patch. It was right at the toss. Clarkey won it & for some reason the game didn't like it , so the game froze & i had to manually quit the application.

Later I was playing & a graphical corruption occurred. All of Denly's Pads, Gloves & Bat turned to BLACK. Unfortunately FRAPS wasn't running then , or else i would have taken a screenshot.

I think its important that we report all the bugs ( if any ) present in the Beta Patches as they will all go towards making a better game for us in the future.
I've just had my first freezing experience. The crowd sound stuck and then shortly after that, the game locked up. I don't think it was an ordinary crash, because the game didn't crash immediately - the sound stuck first. Anyone else had that happen?

This has happened to me a few times with the unpatched version of the game (can't play the beta becos of incompatibility). The commentary gets stuck (weird short-looping sound, almost like a siren) and it stays like that for an over or two before a full freeze. My workaround is to save the game the moment the sound gets stuck. Reloading the game works fine. Tis a pain though. It usually happens when I've played the game for a while (hour or so), and not immediately; but at no particular time I can remember - pretty random when it starts happening
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