Beta Patch Improvement Area Thread

@ everyone with the freezing issue. The best chance Transmission have of fixing it is if you can describe in as much detail as possible what was happening or just happened when it froze. Had the ball just been hit to a fielder? Is it being caused by a faulty animation? The more detail you give the more chance they have or fixing it.

My freeze moments: England are bowling. Have bowled about 32 overs. Sidebottom releases the ball and game freezes with ball midway down the pitch (like it can online sometimes)

Second freeze: Stuart Broad bowling. Bowls delivery. In the cut scene turns to look at batsman. game freezes.

Don't know if that is enough info or detail??
I haven't had any freezing at all...yet. ;)

OK - I have now had the freezing occur at exactly the same place, same time, and same circumstance (and same bat channel? :D)

Since applying the patch I decided to go back and do the Legends Coaching again. Maybe I just love the sound of Beefy's accent or Warnie's bogan drawl. But whenever I get to a specific section of this coaching, it freezes.

I go to the Advanced Bowling and select the final one ("Drift" I believe) and get to the part where you have to bowl a few overs until you induce a stumping. I follow protocol and deliver a leg-spin delivery. Right before the ball pitches, the game freezes. I restart my computer and try again. It happens at EXACTLY the same point. I restarted my computer again, and went back to this section again, and AGAIN the game freezes at precisely the same point - right before the ball hits the pitch. And always with the first ball you bowl in this section.

I hope this helps with something.
Here are some points which needs to be tweaked in the final patch:

1) Spinner Effectiveness: They are a bit overly effective, especially in Test matches. I play only in Hard mode and I had some games where after the batsmen have played away the pacers, they just crumble in front of spinners. I'm not using exploits so it's a bit annoying. But there also have been games where the batsmen have played the spinners very well.

2)The Break-The-Shackle shot: When the AI gets bogged down (say after 2-3 overs of maiden, 1-2 run overs) it's almost predictable that they will attempt a lofted FF cover drive or lofted BF straight drive. The annoying thing is that they do not attempt to manouver the ball into the gaps when they are bogged down (although they do so when they are getting runs) but tries to smash the ball into the above two mentioned areas even when there's a fielder placed exactly for that shot. It happens quite regularly and AI seems to be pretty dumb to do this time and again. There have been occasion where they could've hit anywhere in the ground excpet those two (fielders placed there) and they just loft it there and gives away wicket. This is especially bad in test matches.

3) Judgement: I've got a lot of wickets when AI left the ball (especially from spinners) which in any case they should'nt have left. For example, there have been ocassions where I've bowled a doosra on middle stump, good length area, batsman ( top-order) left and ball takes the top of off-stump. Also, there have been quite a few occasions where the batsmen have left the ball and it have hit the leg-stump, although this happened mainly for tail-enders. A bit of tweak needed here mainly against spinners. The judgement of AI against pacers seem to realistic and I've enjoyed realistic dismissals where the batsmen have left the ball and was bowled.

4) Missed singles: Although there have'nt been any suicidal run-outs, the AI seems not to take the single which are on offer. Sometime they hit it straight to the deep fielder and they dont run. It may not affect Test matches much, but in ODI and T20s, it's pretty annoying as AI misses out on 15-25 runs in every match.

For batting, I can say that it's still a bit easy. 'Easy' does'nt means one can have an endless slog and get 50o-600 runs.. that is not possible now that the AI changes it legth and the timing windows have been decreased. i treid to do so and got out cheaply.
By 'Easy' I menat to say that one can easily score 8-10 runs of an over by simply playing proper shots. This should be tweaked so that one cannot just score at that rate but at rate of 4-6 runs an over.
Sorry - I know I already posted in another thread, but I will describe my freezing problem here too, if you will allow me :

I have turned shadow down to low and switched off special effects thinking this may help but I am still having the game freeze on me.

I have played the first innings (both bowling and batting) of the first Ashes test and the freeze only happened to me when the player is bowling and the AI is batting. Game was fine when I was batting and the AI was bowling - no freezing problem there.

The game hung on me six times over the course of bowling 77.3 overs. First three times were when the ball had been hit by the AI along the ground for a four. As the ball was approaching the boundary the game just froze - twice with Broad the bowler and once with Anderson.

Next time was when the ball had been hit in the air off Swann. Then again when Swann was just reaching the crease to release a bowl.

The last time - which was most annoying - was with Collingwood bowling, just as I made a beautiful catch and the fielder hit the ground with the ball safely in his hands (this really hosed me off, as previously I must have dropped about 20 catches !!)

FYI - I am playing an offline one player game. I am on the Ashes first test on normal level, player as England, AI as Australia. I am also using a custom field.

Anything Transmission can do to address this through the finalised patch will be much appreciated.

Or even if anyone can suggest the way that graphics settings should be (both ingame or through the graphics card control panel) to minimise the chance of the game hanging would also be appreciated.

The freeze is quite annoying because otherwise I am delighted with the whole experience of playing the patched game.


For batting, I can say that it's still a bit easy. 'Easy' does'nt means one can have an endless slog and get 50o-600 runs.. that is not possible now that the AI changes it legth and the timing windows have been decreased. i treid to do so and got out cheaply.
By 'Easy' I menat to say that one can easily score 8-10 runs of an over by simply playing proper shots. This should be tweaked so that one cannot just score at that rate but at rate of 4-6 runs an over.

Although the timing window has been decreased, poor lofted shots seem to always go to the boundary in my experience, so for me runs are like 15rpo to 20rpo which so far has made play with the pre-patch version which is annoying as there are so many positives in the patch but this makes it unplayable personally.
Although the timing window has been decreased, poor lofted shots seem to always go to the boundary in my experience, so for me runs are like 15rpo to 20rpo which so far has made play with the pre-patch version which is annoying as there are so many positives in the patch but this makes it unplayable personally.

Why are you constantly using it then? Try playing through a whole test match without slogging, far more rewarding. :)
Add to next patch

How about some 'real' sounds? Especially the on field sounds of bat hitting ball, appeals and bowler scuff sounds at delivery.
Agree with others - definitely some 'correct' field settings.
Widescreen support.
3rd umpire screens.
Umpire voice for out or not out decisions - the animations are already there.
Team milestones being recognized - 100, 150, 200, etc. through commentary and crowd applause.
Remove the cut scene of players leaving the field for lunch/tea because every time one of the fielding team is shaking hands with one of the batsmen. Maybe show highlights of the wickets that fell during a session. The replays are already there.
Am I asking too much? Probably, but you have to ask.:D
Why are you constantly using it then? Try playing through a whole test match without slogging, far more rewarding. :)

If I am playing a T20 or ODI match, I would rather not have to keep playing a normal shot to an infield and go at a very slow rate. Especially in multiplayer, it is just pointless. This is why I am persisting with the pre-patch version where you get more realistic scores when playing against a friend, and you can play some proper cricket rather than restricting yourself to one type of shot. However I am not going to play a test match as my mate won't want to just play a normal shot so for me this needs fixing.

Edit: I will also assume that if the lofted shots remain the same, the online game is going to turn into stick cricket.
This is the only problem with the patch though, everything else is fine.
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Don't worry. Heath has been tweaking it all week...

I assume this is in reference to the lofted shot. If so, then hopefully I can go back to saying this is the best cricket game ever. If the "poor" lofted shots went back to pre-patch, to me the game would be complete.
How about some 'real' sounds? Especially the on field sounds of bat hitting ball, appeals and bowler scuff sounds at delivery.
Agree with others - definitely some 'correct' field settings.
Widescreen support.
3rd umpire screens.
Umpire voice for out or not out decisions - the animations are already there.
Team milestones being recognized - 100, 150, 200, etc. through commentary and crowd applause.
Remove the cut scene of players leaving the field for lunch/tea because every time one of the fielding team is shaking hands with one of the batsmen. Maybe show highlights of the wickets that fell during a session. The replays are already there.
Am I asking too much? Probably, but you have to ask.:D

Did you read the first post? Things such as what you've asked for simply won't be implemented in patches - the point of patches is to fix bugs and improve gameplay. The good news is, the P.C. boys will most likely be able to do something with the sounds and there's a chance of better field settings as well. :)

You should do what I'm doing - I'm compiling a wishlist for the next game whenever I think of anything important and when the time is right, I'll post it. Alternatively, find the wishlist thread for the next game (there's one around somewhere) and post some suggestions there.
My feedback of the beta patch

First of all I would like to congratulate transmission and codemasters for a wonderful patch. However, there still need to be areas where the developers need to work on for the final patch. Below are some

1. Although the suicidal run out bug is fixed, the AI doesn't run at all when the ball is hit at long off/ on.

2. When the AI is not allowed to score runs for 1 or 2 overs, the AI hits lofted shots, which is not right realistically. Rather, the AI should place the ball for singles and twos. I guess this has already posted before.

3. The lofted shots should not have so much power. More than 90% of the lofted shots (doesnt matter how bad the timing was) goes to boundary.

4. I had bowled 95 overs when playing srilanka v/s Newzealand (AI), and I did not get a single edge from fast bowlers. I have tried all types of bowling tricks possible. I really missed the edges. The AI scored 400 runs.

5. I wish I could see the replays anytime I wanted and also the angle/ zoom. Many times the replay camera is so far away that we miss the closeness of the action, which is required. For eg, when there are slip catches dropped, I would like the camera to be on top of the bowlers head rather than at mid off or when the batsmen is clean bowled, the replay camera is in covers.

6. Although I see cracks in the pitches after the 3rd day, the bounce, spin is same like the first day. Can this area be explored to get a realistic gameplay?

7. The AI bowler bowls same kind of short deliveries sometimes with same line and length, which I can pull easily for boundaries. ALso, the AI doesnt ball at all on the leg side of the batsmen which I can flick.

All in all.... a great patch, which made me get up in the middle of the night and bowl nearly 100 overs to AI. :happy

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