BOWLING CONFIGS - Testers needed

have you really noticed a deterioration in the pitch during a 5 day test, cause I certainly haven't.
Jonah, it would be great if we could automatically alter the condition of a pitch but I don't think its possible. However, your suggestion of a different set of bowling configs for each day interests me. You say it maybe fiddly, but it takes at least 3 hours to play a full day, so you wouldn't be changing them that often. You would just need 5 folders each containing a different set of configs). An example of configs might be

day 1 - good bowling conditions - good bounce
day 2 - excellent batting conditions - average bowl conditions good bounce
day 3 - good bat conditions, bowling conditions improve
day 4 - average bat conditions - less bounce
day 5 - poor bat conditions - low bounce

This is just a suggestion - what do people think ?

Paul, I was referring to the settings on the tcompbat and tinternat for the timing of shots. I think the cpu will generally always time the ball well ; these settings determine how often CPU will stray from perfect timing of shot.

As for fielding, I have edited the fielders.cfg every way imaginable and still all that is altered is the power of the throw - its a shame really, but I think you are right in saying the direction cannot be altered.

yes I think it is possible to have occasional lower bounce on damp pitches - I will look into it for you. Any requests for green or normal pithces whilst we are at it ?

re the bowling conditions over a 5 day game;
Perhaps turn could be increased for spinners over the course of 5 days, to replicate the pitch 'breaking up' and 'cracks appearing' a little. However, it would be good if it varied from ball to ball, but I don't know if this is possible?
jonah, it could be done but, the amount of turn is determined by settings in the tinternat.cfg file. You would need 5 different versions of this file as well as 5 different versions of the bowling configs to do as you suggested.

Therefore at the start of each day you have to change :

I suppose if these were installed in 5 different folders it would be quite easy to do ??

It could be a pain but it would make a test much more realistic.
Hi Zim,
Is it possible to vary the bowling speed of Medium fast bowlers?. Whenever i change the "Normal" parameter in county.cfg, it vary the speed of Fast bowlers, but if i change it to "Fast" parameter, nothing changes. Can u help me to vary the speed of the Medium Pacer.
It would have to be 5 different folders too;
damp,green,normal,hard and dusty.
ya ... zim its ture about pitch condition....
if conditions will change then i think it will be hard to bat on day 5. ... still i m checking on other pitch.,... then i will let u know.,..
boss, I would like to know the answer to this one too - sangamm claims it is the fast setting in the tinternat.cfg but I cannot get this to work.

Jonah, you wouldn't need 5 different folders for the pitch types as each of the bowling configs contains info for all the pitch types.

eg folder 1 would contain info for day 1 of test -
fast.cfg etc contains info for dusty, hard, normal, green and damp pitches. All these could be set for a typical first day on all the pitch types. Would also need a tinternat.cfg in each folder so the appropriate amount of seam & spin movement can be adjusted. eg spin movement in day 5 folder would be greater than in day 1 folder.

This can definately be done and once all the files have been set up, it would just be a simple case of going into the appropriate days folder and copying and pasting the files to the BLC directory.

how are you checking that the pitch is changing condition
I have played many tests now & the pitch never changes

eg start of test - playing on a normal pitch
Might have loads of rain on many days but pitch doesn't become green or damp etc. It is always normal right to end of day 5 :(

please let me know soon
Yes, of course, you're right Zim. Just me being dim ???
Might be worth trying though....
I know this is out of the topic but could someone please send me the West Indies kit by Aamir

I have been trying over a week now but the link doesnt work.

PLEASE!!! send it at [email protected]
zim... play whole day.. n in the last session... save ur game n then run it again... u will see a huge difference after this....
try to do on hard wicket... pitch n ground looks like that there is not enough light.... try it...
Iaq, this has happened to me , for example, I have edited the hard pitch tims, sometimes, when I have saved the game and re-started, the original hard pitch will appear, then at other times the new one. As far as I can tell, this follows to obvious pattern.Also, I have noticed about the light.
i m looking in it so that an automatic pitch is possible....
about dull light i think in last session we have to just survive a day...
but this is good for gameplay
now I understand what you was talking about - yes I have noticed this too on many occasions about saving and restoring a game and the light and pitch appearance changes.
However, the actual condition of the pitch stays the same Ie before saving game if it was a normal pitch, when you save and restore, it will still be a normal pitch :(

I am still going to look into preparing different configs for each day of a test. It will only be of interest to real die hards of the game, but I am convinced it will add more realism to tests.

I have nearly finished preparing the configs needed for a 5 day test match - there are many settings that need changing in the 5 files needed but I am nearly there. I will have them finished over the weekend, so if any die hard test match people are out there, if you are interested in trying these new settings, let me know and I will mail you in the next 2 days.

Brief summary of changes are

day 1 - exellent bowling conditions, plenty of movement but no real turn for spinners, v.good bounce - hard to bat
day 2 - v.average bowling conditions,not much movement, good bounce - excellent batting conditions
day 3 - even contest between bat and ball - average bounce
day 4 - good bowling conditions, more turn for spinners, average batting conditions, average bounce
day 5 - exellent bowling conditions, plenty of movment & turn, poor batting conditions, low bounce


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