Brad Haddin - Cheat?


yes he is. cheating comes from inside. if a player isn't cheat, be it heat of the moment or anything, he wouldn't react the way haddin did, collingwood did last year. it is instictive and comes from within.
he should have claimed that he had his hands infront of the wicket , which is a no ball and even if the ball hits the wicket it doesn't matter as it is no ball. how can he justify cheating i cannot understand that.

and also, he has lost many respect including mine .
Doing it may have been accidental but not telling the umpires certainly wasn't. The tragedy is had he told them we could be talking instead about how sporting Australia are now and how they've buried the ghosts of the past.
Doing it may have been accidental but not telling the umpires certainly wasn't. The tragedy is had he told them we could be talking instead about how sporting Australia are now and how they've buried the ghosts of the past.

Indeed which is why many are labelling the guy as a cheat. Had Haddin done the right thing he would be congratulated. Unfortunately he didn't and why should he be let off? I don't know if Haddin is a cheat or not but either way he did the wrong thing. When you do the wrong thing you usually are punished. What disgusts me is that he won't get punished. If i recall Jacobs did a similar thing and the joke of a board called the WICB suspended him even though they needed him severly. This is why the Australian Cricket Team is unfortunately disliked so heavily. Guys in Union and League do many stupid things and are usually accountable for their actions. I just feel as a sporting fan the cricketers in Australia are not.
Indeed which is why many are labelling the guy as a cheat. Had Haddin done the right thing he would be congratulated. Unfortunately he didn't and why should he be let off? I don't know if Haddin is a cheat or not but either way he did the wrong thing. When you do the wrong thing you usually are punished. What disgusts me is that he won't get punished. If i recall Jacobs did a similar thing and the joke of a board called the WICB suspended him even though they needed him severly. This is why the Australian Cricket Team is unfortunately disliked so heavily. Guys in Union and League do many stupid things and are usually accountable for their actions. I just feel as a sporting fan the cricketers in Australia are not.

Agree with the bold disagree with the other.
Funnily enough, Haddin has asked Vettori to apologise to him. What the?
Vettori has nothing to apoligise for. He didn't call him a cheat. You could argue he hinted at it, but never used the words. When a guy is asked at a press conferance about an incident I think it's fair enough they give their honest opinion. Vettori was disappointed Haddin didn't make a sound at the time. Vettori was correct, he was keeping illegally and against the rules of the game by having his gloves in front of the stumps.

Haddin should be apoligising to Broom. Broom's trying to cement a spot for when the Styrises, Ryders and Orams return to the side he wants to keep his spot. Getting out that way hasn't helped his chances. Had he got NZ home he would have been in a better situation for sure.

Andy Moles was on talkback radio yesterday and said the team had moved on. They were focusing on the rest of the series and he commented that he doesn't mind that guys like Ponting and Haddin have commented back because it means it's affecting their preparation negatively.
Yes i do feel sympathetic for Broom. This could've been the kick start he needed. But he has another chance (and maybe 2 more depending on Oram and Styris).
Funnily enough, Haddin has asked Vettori to apologise to him. What the?

I'm sure this guy's going to give us plenty of fodder for comment over the length of his career!:D Cheers then Haddin, keep it up!:cheers
On the other hand, I would rather defend Chappell. At least what he did was within the rules and straightforward as in for all to see. Symonds not walking was the umpire's fault (but 3 times is too much, or maybe not). But why did he have to come out with a statement next day and boast about it?

But what Haddin did was totally unacceptable. You can't break the stumps (knowingly or unknowingly) and celebrate after letting a guilty expression coming on your face.
Well I wouldn't say that Symonds boasted about it, he commented that he chose not to walk, which is just being honest, and said he was glad he took the chance.

What a load of rubbish Brad Haddin is guilty of bad sportsmanship nothing more. Don't forget those two blokes out there in the red shirts they gave the batsman out. I was very disapponted when upon seeing the replay that niether Brad or the umpires did not call the batsman back to the crease. For me this case is one that cries out for a referal system for certain decisions. I believe that Brad has made some poor decisions in dealing with this incident (as have the press in their reporting of it) poor sportsmanship certainly a cheat no. keep that label for ball tampering, throwing and drug cheats!
I was watching the AB medal, and they showed highlights of the year and Vs the West Indies there was also a controversial dismissal. The ball went past the stumps, bounced off Haddins gloves back onto the stumps and claimed the wicket.

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