Bug Report Discussion

Platform: PS4
Game Version: 1.05
Game Mode: Online
Match Type: any
Teams used: any
Ground: any
Over Count: NA
Issue : Gameplay modifiers working online
Bug description : Even though it shows gameplay modifiers option as locked while playing online, when we set the gameplay modifiers to on prior to the start of the online match, it remains. For example, if you set it as easy, even if you play in legend mode, you ll be playing in easy difficulty. While your opponent plays on the hardest difficulty (if he set it to off).

So kindly lock the gameplay modifiers settings (batting, bowling, physics) for the online mode.. hope it ll be like this:

Rookie - Easiest
Amateur - Easy
Pro - Medium
Veteran - Hard
Legend - Hardest

Please @MattW try to fix it in the next patch as we have already started the first online league in legend mode and this gameplay modifiers is playing a major impact. Once again thanks a lot for all the hard work you guys putting in.

In addition to this, can we please remove the option to have pitch marker enabled or disabled on legend mode? Why not disable it fully like previous games? Also, I hope the length colour will not come too early before release of ball. Thanks.
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Reading the above post about online gameplay..
It's better to have customized gameplay as it's there in offline.( Modifier options in online match creation)
Much easier to find the exact balance and less headache for the developer.
Game Mode: Offline/Online
Match Type: Any
Version: 1.04
Teams used: Eng/Aus (Licenced)
Ground: Any
Over Count
Issue - Runout/stump issue still
Detail - Guys even after the patch, I am still facing the following issues
1) Stumping against spin/fast bowling (player doesn’t move at all)
2) The run out error is still there. Batsmen is taking forever to drag the bat on the ground
3) Playing online, my batsmen is still walking in circles at the batting crease

I have played 6 matched online and the stumping incident happened in every match.
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Reading the above post about online gameplay..
It's better to have customized gameplay as it's there in offline.( Modifier options in online match creation)
Much easier to find the exact balance and less headache for the developer.
We should have one locked difficulty system as we've had in the past. No point having sliders headache for online players. Just make the timing bar similar to dbc 14/17 so the ball doesnt fly away unrealistc fr six when misstimed or driving easily for 4. That's it!
We should have one locked difficulty system as we've had in the past. No point having sliders headache for online players. Just make the timing bar similar to dbc 14/17 so the ball doesnt fly away unrealistc fr six when misstimed or driving easily for 4. That's it!
Yes, at the moment we are setting up some rediculously easy scores, I wasnt even trying hard got 219 in a T20 and someone else i know got 101/2 in a 5 over game!??
Platform: PS4
Game Version:
Game Mode: Casual
Match Type: T20
Teams used: Eng v WI (academy updated)
Ground: SCG
Over Count:
Before the toss
Issue (one line description): Every match has a weather delay
Bug description (detail): The last five T20 matches have all started with a weather delay with overs being reduced to 16 per side.. I'm either very unlucky or there is an issue. As an aside, it would be helpful to have clearer information on the over reduction, either on the HUD (in brackets like on the scorecard summary), or something to alert you at the start of the match.

I have had this too. Too many weather curtailed matches but even more critically - all of them reduced to exactly 16 overs a side. I remember someone else reporting the same. Has anyone got any T20 reduced to anything other than 16 overs a side?
We should have one locked difficulty system as we've had in the past. No point having sliders headache for online players. Just make the timing bar similar to dbc 14/17 so the ball doesnt fly away unrealistc fr six when misstimed or driving easily for 4. That's it!
As I asked in the Patch 1.05 thread - If people can play online and make sure they've got modifiers turned off on both machines and let us know if there's any issues with difficulty with it in that state, that would be good - that would then narrow the issue down.

Yes, the issue relating to sliders taking effect online will be looked into - but again, I need clarity from people about exactly what settings they are using when making complaints about online difficulty.
As I asked in the Patch 1.05 thread - If people can play online and make sure they've got modifiers turned off on both machines and let us know if there's any issues with difficulty with it in that state, that would be good - that would then narrow the issue down.

Yes, the issue relating to sliders taking effect online will be looked into - but again, I need clarity from people about exactly what settings they are using when making complaints about online difficulty.
A little clarity please, what exact "modifiers" must be turned off? I would like to test this in detail for you with a few friends
A little clarity please, what exact "modifiers" must be turned off? I would like to test this in detail for you with a few friends
Ensure that the batting and bowling sliders (gameplay modifiers) are set to off (or 'Enabled' is set to 'No').
Ashes 17 is definitely a step forward from don bradman series....
and thanks for quick response to bugs with the patches.....
but few issues still remain as per my experience in online.
●unfortunately with the last patch gameplay modifiers are working online,i hope it will get locked in nxt patch...
● can u reduce impact of cutters in nxt patch as in online after 5 overs cutters turn from outside legstump to off wide guideline which makes it unplayable
●there is a runout bug in which u try to cancel run but batsmen gets stuck fr 3/4 seconds.....
● another running bug in which batsmen neither slide nor dive and ends getting run out
● when a shot is played on backfoot striker is responding too late to run...
i hope u will look into this.....
thanks for making cricket games and keep up the good work...
As I asked in the Patch 1.05 thread - If people can play online and make sure they've got modifiers turned off on both machines and let us know if there's any issues with difficulty with it in that state, that would be good - that would then narrow the issue down.

Yes, the issue relating to sliders taking effect online will be looked into - but again, I need clarity from people about exactly what settings they are using when making complaints about online difficulty.
Basically, people in the Ashes cricket group were discussing why the batting had become so easy that every misstimed ball even could for a huge six or a four. So, we tried to go to sliders and found a bunch of stuff there including options such as ”batting difficulty” and ”bowling difficulty” which was set to ”medium” difficulty. Only thing we did, was to make the bowling and batting difficulty to ”hardest”, thinking that the sliders were on medium batting/bowling difficilty and enabled all the time in online. The reason behind making it hardest was, we wanted our old-school DBC 14 timing back, where misstimed shots would actually not travel crazy fast and be caught and timed ones were rewarded for good shots. I don’t know what exact setting you guys used there, but can we have that back?

Me and a guy tried the sliders online to make sure people are not using it as their advantage. But, the results were... You could use sliders by your own advantage without letting people know you did. So, let’s say if one player is playing on default bowling/batting difficulty on sliders (medium) the other one can be using (easy) which will make his batting/bowling timing even more easier and he can hit sixes even more often.

So my questions is, can’t we change that ”medium” batting/bowling difficulty to ”hardest” or whatever that would make it like previous games and then just lock the sliders for online so it never works? People on default sliders can hit six on a ball that was 150KP/H, then time a ball the exact same way when it was 130KPH and still get a six resulted

PS. The bowling difficulty was harder on ”medium” than it was was on ”hardest” in the modifiers. I hope that could be fixed too so we get hardest everything. Hardest batting, bowling, fielding etc as we’ve had in the past without the sliders on. We hope that it’s not tooo easy or so hard that we barely can play lol, but as i mentioned, more like DBC 14, a little like dbc 17... Thanks for listening. If you didn’t understand, you can ask me again.
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As I asked in the Patch 1.05 thread - If people can play online and make sure they've got modifiers turned off on both machines and let us know if there's any issues with difficulty with it in that state, that would be good - that would then narrow the issue down.

Yes, the issue relating to sliders taking effect online will be looked into - but again, I need clarity from people about exactly what settings they are using when making complaints about online difficulty.
Mate, the batting difficulty only felt/was super easy on legend. And at that time, sliders were not enabled, but i guess they were still workint online as we tried changing them - which they were having affect on. We have currently suspended our league play because of this issue and i hope it can be fixed so we dont have to wait too long :) keep up the good work.
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Mate, the batting difficulty only felt/was super easy on legend. And at that time, sliders were not enabled, but i guess they were still workint online as we tried changing them - which they were having affect on. We have currently suspended our league play because of this issue and i hope it can be fixed so we dont have to wait too long :) keep up the good work.
My sliders are all set to OFF and I am still able to hit huge sixes (pro mode), the one legend difficulty match i played was reasonable, but then again i wasnt trying to hit everything for six, I am going to play some more and test, but yes it seems that the batters are way way way overpowered :(
My sliders are all set to OFF and I am still able to hit huge sixes (pro mode), the one legend difficulty match i played was reasonable, but then again i wasnt trying to hit everything for six, I am going to play some more and test, but yes it seems that the batters are way way way overpowered :(
Us legend-mode guys have 3+ years of experience since launcj of DBC 14. Legend mode feels like PRO mode sadly. These bugs have made us suspend our league.
When you load a saving load on ps4 its says Censored names why i not do have psn or online nothing like that is they way you changed it normal on your ps4

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