Bug Reporting Thread

Platform: PS4
Mode: NA
Match: NA
Teams: All
Ground: NA

I'm sure this issue has been mentioned before but just in case it hasn't just the other week I edited a stadium that I had downloaded with logos and the next time I went onto the game all my downloaded logos had been deleted so I had to redownload all the teams and everything again.
Platform: Ps4 pro
Game Version: 1.09
Game Mode:Any
Match Type: Any
Ground: Any
Bug Description: Collision detection errors. Two different occuring instances.
Issue detail:
Video 1: Ball hits the bat, the hotspot also records it as an edge but the game gives it as an LBW. The sound also indicated bats.

[DOUBLEPOST=1529319420][/DOUBLEPOST]Platform: Ps4 pro
GameVersion: 1.09
Game Mode:Any
Match Type: Any
Ground: Any
Bug Description: Paddle sweep goes to the opposite direction
Issue detail: Paddle sweep goes to the opposite direction to where it is supposed to go to.

Platform: Ps4 pro
GameVersion: 1.09
Game Mode:Any
Match Type: Any
Ground: Any
Bug Description: Super huma Wicket keeper most of the times and drops dollies from spinners
Issue detail: wicket keepers takes catches which are impossible to take in real life. Issue was present in previous patch, but it has increased after 1.09. And drops straight forward edges of spinners, no mini game triggered either.
[DOUBLEPOST=1529319787][/DOUBLEPOST]Platform: PS4
Mode: Competition
Match: T20
Teams: Academy
Ground: Any

Issue: Misfields treated as drops.

Any misfield is treated as a drop in terms of commentary, crowd reaction and replay.
Platform: PS4 and PC
Version: The latest
Mode: Casual
Match: Test
Teams: Get Best
Ground: Harare (get best)

Issue: Again the batting order from the AI is incorrect and skips a player out who will then come in at 11. This always seems to happen in the second innings of a test.

Platform: Xbox one
Mode: Any apart from Ashes
Match: Any apart from Ashes
Teams: All except licensed Ashes teams
Ground: All
Overcount: n/a
Issue: Lack of names during commentary
Long description: I never hear any player names mentioned during commentary apart from during Ashes matches with licensed players. Almost certain some names were announced sometimes before latest patch.
Platform: PS4
Game Version: v0.
Game Mode: Casual
Match Type: ODI/Test
Teams used: England vs. various
Ground: Various
Over Count: Various
Issue (one line description): Commentary/Replays
Bug description (detail): Since the last patch, often when a fielder drops the ball on the bounce, the commentators refer to it as a dropped catch and we're shown a replay. Like I say, this is when the ball has bounced before reaching the fielder.
Platform: Xbox one
Mode: Ground Training
Match: n/a
Teams: used custom created player
Ground: n/a
Overcount: n/a
Issue: Pitch marker is not honored during ground training.
Long description: Bowler balls random lengths and lines despite me choosing `Marker` setting in the ground training mode.
Platform: Ps4
Version: Latest
Mode: Legend
Match: Any
Teams: Any
Ground: n/a
Overcount: n/a
Issue: Too many edges
Long description: With this recent patch, have been facing too many edges. I mean even with ideal timing, ideal shot selection and okay/good footwork, getting edges. Pls help. Kindly make it as before. Like edges ll happen only with any red indicator something like that (early/late timing - poor shot - poor footwork). Because of this, unable to play on off side now a days.
Platform: Ps4
Version: 1.09
Mode: Online - legend
Match: Any
Teams: Any
Ground: n/a
Overcount: n/a
Issue: Impact of edges, cross seam deliveries and super human close fielders
Long description:

1. Impact of edges: Please balance the impact of edges on legend difficulty in online mode. Unable to play our online league games bcos of this. It was fine before this recent patch. But now it has messed up the short format online leagues completely. Against 160 kmph fast deliveries, it's very tough to get ideal or good input in the batting timing window (in all the three - ie, foot work, timing and shot selection).. I mean even if the footwork is in yellow colour (Okay foot work), it's edging. Ie, it's like all should be in green.. even if any one of the three is in yellow or red, it's edging. Pls help.

2.Pace of cross seam deliveries: The pace of standard / swing deliveries are normal. While the pace of cross seam deliveries is too fast. With 160 kmph deliveries, the reaction time is too less especially when the connection between the two players is bad while playing online. When the bowler bowls 160 kmph (fast cross seam) and 120 kmph (slow leg cutter) combo with the same fast bowler, it becomes too lethal. Making the pace of cross seam just like standard / swing deliveries will be very helpful.

3. Super human close fielders: No matter if you time it ideal or not, when you hit towards the leg gully / short cover / short mid wicket / leg slip fielders, they catch everything. Please look into this.

None of the above issues affect the offline players much. Also in offline we have gameplay modifiers, so we could tweak it to make the game balanced. While in online as it is locked, we are helpless. We have been conducting online leagues since dbc14, and our Facebook group has 3100 members out of which almost 90% of the people stopped playing ashes cricket online leagues because of these issues. We play in legend mode because we like the timing of the ball length colour which appear just during the release, also we love the minimal timing to get perfect jump / perfect release input while bowling. That's the only reason why we aren't be able to switch to Pro or Veteran mode.

For reference please check the scorecards in this link:

The average total is just around 30 to 60 runs in T20 matches. Even the best players couldn't be able to survive bcos of these edges.

Have already talked with our respected Ross @BigAntStudios via facebook and he said the team is looking on this issue. He also assured that there will at least be one more patch for ashes cricket. Thank you very much sir! No doubt ashes is the best cricket game ever produced. Thank you very much dear Ross and Big ant team for all your hard work. God bless!

@MattW @Acid Burn @francisjery @Ali.Naveed
Not sure if this is a bug but annoying all the same... Have reported before but...
Platform: Ps4
Version: 1.09
Mode: Any with a ladder with more than fourteen teams.
Match: Any
Teams: Any
Ground: n/a
Overcount: n/a
Issue: Ladder not scrolling to reveal lower positions.
Platform: Xbox one
Mode: Career
Match: n/a
Teams: used custom created player
Ground: n/a
Overcount: n/a
Issue: Custom field gets reset
Long description: I generally bowl with a custom field that I make on the go during the game. I then, mostly set it as default using square button for all batsmen. This 'mostly' stays fine for that spell but when a new spell starts or at times, even during the same spell, it gets overridden to some different field. I've to re-create the field then which is a tedious. Another problem that makes this worse is that I can't create a new custom field on the first ball of when the previous one gets overridden, no matter what i try, it just keeps setting a different field. The only option is to bowl a delivery and then create a new custom field, which will be gone in a few overs time and the cycle repeats.
Platform: Xbox one
Mode: Career
Match: n/a
Teams: used custom created player
Ground: n/a
Overcount: n/a
Issue: Custom field gets reset
Long description: I generally bowl with a custom field that I make on the go during the game. I then, mostly set it as default using square button for all batsmen. This 'mostly' stays fine for that spell but when a new spell starts or at times, even during the same spell, it gets overridden to some different field. I've to re-create the field then which is a tedious. Another problem that makes this worse is that I can't create a new custom field on the first ball of when the previous one gets overridden, no matter what i try, it just keeps setting a different field. The only option is to bowl a delivery and then create a new custom field, which will be gone in a few overs time and the cycle repeats.
I face the same problem! It's very annoying :(

Anyway while I'm here I may as well mention a issue! I believe this issue was supposed to be fixed but it unfortunately isn't...

Platform: PS4
Mode: Career/Competition
Match: First Class
Teams: West Indian Domestic
Ground: N/A
Overcount: N/A
Issue: USA and Combined Campuses and Colleges teams are used in the West Indies First Class tournament in the game instead of the Windward Islands and Leeward Islands teams.
Last edited:
Platform: PS4
Mode: N/A
Match: N/A
Teams: N/A
Ground: N/A
Overcount: N/A

I have discovered what I think is a new stats bug where if you change/update players stats, the stats don't show correctly when you look at a players stats sheet. Hopefully it shows correctly in a game but I haven't checked yet.
Platform: PS4
Mode: T20
Match: Online
Teams: custom
Ground: N/A
Overcount: N/A

continous issue where a bouncer is bowled, game does not register any input, ball goes over keepers head, halfway to boundary it is back in keepers hand and game is frozen

Second, lbw given out, reviews, all is perfect for lbw shout, ball hits middle stump
umpire overturns and says not out
Platform: Ps4
Version: 1.09
Mode :any
Match :online
Teams :Any
Overcount :any
While batting with classic control sudden change of footwork to backfoot on changing length for red balls to pacers.
There is a disconnection in a online match
It happens quite often and it's gets stuck.
Please look into this.

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