Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

On the positive side, their social media stuff is vastly better this week. Just wish there was a simple answer for the UK next to the 'Releasing April 3rd' in their posts.

For Rugby League Live 2 they seemed to handle this with a UK specific Facebook page so they could tailor the messaging to that market - though in that case pushing Super League over the NRL makes it quite a different game from a marketing perspective, so maybe that doesn't make as much sense for cricket.
Couldn't have said it better and as I've said it in one of the post earlier, this is nothing new for cricket gaming fans. We have been shat upon before and unfortunately the trend has continued with this game.

I can say one thing for sure, if it had been any other product or service I wouldn't have purchased it after the sort of fiasco this release "strategy" has turned out to be, i.e. poke fun at the very people who have been the biggest supporters of the product. But this is a cricket game we are talking about and we really don't have much of a choice.
I don't really mind all that much (this weekend would have been great for me but after this week it will be another 2 or 3 until I have the time to really sit down and play it), but I do feel inclined to stick up for some of the people with frustrations as they are understandable.

I don't know if this is a strategy or there are some hiccups or what, no one here knows what's really going on. what I do know is what I can see with my own eyes and that is, whatever is going on it is clearly not sitting well with the people that have followed the game for months (years?) who have provided bug feedback on every CA, who have been responsible for a lot of online media chatter, and perhas most importantly have donated their time and skill to the "More than 4000 Community created Players and teams ready to download and use in game." which is definitely something the game is trading on in lieu of having an official license.

so I think casting people as braying fan boys is unfair, they have (not me, I barely posted here before january) contributed something and the complete absence of this fanbase would harm the game. imo, you posting here has been mutually beneficial for everyone, people here have got info and to give feedback and see the game in CA and you've managed to build a core fanbase on the first iteration of a new game and build a pre-existing community in a game where community is essential. so, if this is a startegy it is clearly at the expense of the most dedicated and important fans and that's kinda off in my opinion. no one owes them anything, they're here because they are excited about the game and just want to play it, but they do deserve to be treated with as much respect as you'd treet the average consumer. If tru blu really are aiming to create frustration and confusion among the small fanbase they've got to encourage publicity, well, they're kinda crappy people. If this is merely a off shoot of a larger strategy, they're crappy people because by now they've had time to see they are upsetting their fanbase and nothing as been changed.

or it could be that there are hiccups and well if there are hiccups one week before the game comes out then people are also entitled to say they're doing a pretty bad job.

I get that you're not allowed to say things, but it does kinda confuse me that you can't understand why you're frustrating people.

Firstly, I've never taken anyone for granted and am responsive to the community at all times.

I have acknowledged that it's frustrating for everyone including us, however having no information is not an excuse to reach conclusions without foundation.

When you say "whatever is going on is not sitting well with people", most people here are intelligent enough to understand the situation and I respect those people greatly. Just because others carry a megaphone and must post on every page and at every opportunity does not make what they say any more valid than the vast majority that do not feel the need to do so. Some people need to get that sometimes "less is more" and that we got the point the first time around.

It's a leap too far to say that things are being done at some particular group of peoples expense, that does not make any commercial sense. There is a strategy in place in response to events that have taken place, obviously.
Couldn't have said it better and as I've said it in one of the post earlier, this is nothing new for cricket gaming fans. We have been shat upon before and unfortunately the trend has continued with this game.

I can say one thing for sure, if it had been any other product or service I wouldn't have purchased it after the sort of fiasco this release "strategy" has turned out to be, i.e. poke fun at the very people who have been the biggest supporters of the product. But this is a cricket game we are talking about and we really don't have much of a choice.

I make games, good ones, and am responsive to the community that you tell me I am shitting on.

You really would think I'd murdered someone at this point with that kind of reaction.
One thing people are perhaps perhaps not taking note of is that this a not your usual partnership between a developer and a publisher, as Ross has said, it is very complicated and I think it is not for us to know their strategy and every detail and we should try and understand the restraints Ross is operating under.

I think Ross is only a messenger between us and Tru Blu and is trying his best to be as forthcoming as possible about this. I also don't think it is unwarranted to blame Tru Blu because some of us believe that they have not been as transparent as we have come to expect from Ross and his team.
101 pages about UK release dates, god i do hope there is some good news soon.
Ross has just said on Bigant forum he is hoping for more information on monday, it's not a 100% but some good news for now.:clap
Some people need to get that sometimes "less is more" and that we got the point the first time around.

Amen. Letters Of Ross; 101 verse 1503


what I do know is what I can see with my own eyes and that is, whatever is going on it is clearly not sitting well with the people that have followed the game for months (years?) who have provided bug feedback on every CA, who have been responsible for a lot of online media chatter, and perhas most importantly have donated their time and skill to the "More than 4000 Community created Players and teams ready to download and use in game." which is definitely something the game is trading on in lieu of having an official license.

Drama O'Clock much? Worst case scenario the game is the 11th, that's hardly worth the 101 pages of nonsense and vitriol that has been spewed in this thread, mostly directly AT Ross who has little input into this release information. It's a giant storm in a teacup whipped up by an over-passionate minority.

It's certainly not representative of the majority of the forum and furthermore I take offense to being included in the people you describe in the paragraph above because if the NZ release of the game was coming a few days after an Australian release you'd have 99.4% less hullabaloo because it's such a stupid thing to get wound up about, and I believe I speak for all the NZ members here in saying it would absolutely not be the drama it's become in the UK release thread. We deal with these kinda delays and stuff in Movies, Games, Music and Television all the time, is it frustrating, of course? Am I going to sign up to an Ellie Goulding-visited message board and vent my spleen at her directly for not releasing her album on time in NZ? No. Because Ellie is awesome and I'm not a nutbar.

There's some valid arguments to had regarding the promotion of the game in social media and in the press, and there's been some great case points made and I would almost certainly imagine, they've been noted. There's zero call for the Jurassic Park level of shit that's been piled in, on and directed towards Ross in this thread. Those same people that want to continue to read tea-leaves and invent conspiracies or frustrations of their own creations and fling it at Ross deserve all that and more, to poignantly quote Mr Fegan.

To suggest that Ross defending TruBlu means he's not frustrated is asinine and shows the complete disregard for the complex realities of the situation. If you honestly expect Ross to start throwing TruBlu under the bus for any perceived frustrations from a particular corner shows how little you and/or others understand how business works. Ross has the right to defend any strategy or situation he's in, because he's the one with the hand to play, we're spectators or customers and we get the game, when we get the game. Simple as that, really. But there's absolutely no way a guy who is in the business of paying salaries, supporting a company that relies on business connections and companies like TruBlu,for him to start throwing them under the bus in a public third party forum is totally ridiculous. He's going to defend them, end of line.

We're owed nothing.

Once we have money invested in the game, we're owed a great experience, one that regardless of the date you play the game, we can pretty safely assume we're going to get.

*drops mic*
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Shows the passion for cricket on here Biggs(We are nuts:yes), as i have said before. I ordered IC2010 from the uk so a week later is not that big a deal, i was not waiting 6 months. Let's hope by monday the focus will be on a great cricket game not the release.:thumbs
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Ellie Goulding wouldn't be complaining about the UK release. That's all I know.

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