Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Thanks for the support :)

I would suggest to others that in order to enjoy RLL2 you should have at least a little bit of interest in Rugby League.

Only game the world where you can be the MIGHTY Castleford Tigers! That alone sells it for me :lol
Tru Blu really appear to be resoundingly incompetent. Despite all this time and numerous delays, they still aren't able to deliver a firm release date for the UK.

To further compound their own inability to deliver, they seem to be preventing UK retailers (GameExchange) from importing the game.

So much for the customer coming first.
Tru Blu really appear to be resoundingly incompetent. Despite all this time and numerous delays, they still aren't able to deliver a firm release date for the UK.

To further compound their own inability to deliver, they seem to be preventing UK retailers (GameExchange) from importing the game.

So much for the customer coming first.

I'm not 100% sure importation is being prevented, I thought the EU had rules/laws about that(?), nor that it would be Tru Blu that would be involved in any case but I could be wrong.
Tru Blu really appear to be resoundingly incompetent. Despite all this time and numerous delays, they still aren't able to deliver a firm release date for the UK.

To further compound their own inability to deliver, they seem to be preventing UK retailers (GameExchange) from importing the game.

So much for the customer coming first.

TBH it's good they stopped them importing it. It goes against all the work & money they are spending on getting it here in the 1st place. So they have to protect that. Even tho there's still no date, totally agree with them blocking them doing it.
TBH it's good they stopped them importing it. It goes against all the work & money they are spending on getting it here in the 1st place. So they have to protect that. Even tho there's still no date, totally agree with them blocking them doing it.

Given what Ross had said about the margins being higher on the Australian SKU, I thought it would actually make them *more* money if the UK imported from AUS?
I assumed this is why A) The UK is delayed and B) Imports from sources *other* than Tru Blu are reportedly being blocked.
I'm not 100% sure importation is being prevented, I thought the EU had rules/laws about that(?), nor that it would be Tru Blu that would be involved in any case but I could be wrong.

This is the quote from GameXchange as per earlier posts on this thread:

'This product will now not be available to us as the publisher has stepped in to prevent the import'
If people want this game they should get it imported from elsewhere its not coming here anytime soon be on PC before its in the uk
Oh my word! This thread is absolutely priceless. Over 100 pages is unbelievable, having read through most of it you could fit all of the worthwhile comments into about 5 pages at most.

Yes, everyone wants to get their hands on the game and see if it is as good as we all hope it will be but lets have some perspective. It is a game at the end of the day, whether you have to wait a week or two to play it who cares? We have been waiting for a decent cricket game for years, a couple of weeks isn't going to matter.

As for Big Ant, a lot of the comments in here are way over the top and generally ill informed in respect of how they have handled the situation. You won't get many game developers that give as much time and information to their community of fans. Take EA and the Fifa series as an example of how it shouldn't be done.

Anyway, this is my first reply in this thread. I will be buying the game because I see it as an investment in Big Ant. Hopefully DBC14 will be the start of a great series of games. After all, us cricket fans deserve it. :)

I am allowed to just keep quoting my post every few pages? :)
'This product will now not be available to us as the publisher has stepped in to prevent the import'
Which would be because they would have needed to get stock sent before the release date from a wholesaler here - which would reasonably be prevented by distribution contracts limiting when they can release stock to retailers, which is the only way to maintain release dates while still supplying around the world.

I can't see any scenario where someone importing it from Australian retailers gets it sooner than someone buying it locally in the UK. Unless you're paying for it to be put on the next plane.
MightyApe suggest they 'll be sending it next Wednesday...

Goes out Wednesday have it on Monday.........latest. Meh, I am in the fortunate position of not having to worry about costs.......the girlfriend on the other has different ideas about that....:spy
I've ordered from Mighty Ape. To me there is a difference between GameExchange importing it as a UK company, to me placing an order and paying for delivery from an Australian company.

Restriction on trade if Aus companies are blocked from shipping to the UK, is it not?!

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