Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

This is the reply I've got from ShopTo:


I can confirm we will begin processing pre-orders for this title shortly. We will be dispatching these out this week, however our aim will be for these to arrive for the official Uk release date, this Friday.


I don't suppose @BigAntStudios could give them a polite nudge in the right direction?!

I'll give it my best. Sounds like you're going to have it within the week of the Australian release.
?47 on ShopTo. I'm guessing the price is higher because it is coming from Australia? Never had any problems with Amazon in the past so I'll probably stick with them.
I'll give it my best. Sounds like you're going to have it within the week of the Australian release.

Thanks Ross, ShopTo have them in stock so it looks like the 11th is nailed on.

I have the next couple of days off and pre ordered with next day delivery, hence my irrational desire to get this game a little bit earlier!
however our aim will be for these to arrive for the official Uk release date, this Friday.

I think he's just saying this to cover his own a**. ShopTo *always send their games out early.

*apart from GTA V and COD.
The day the game arrives think my day will be something like this.

Games arrives

Go under mattress retrieve wad of cash give to wife, in polite terms tell her "piss off out and buy something nice"

Give kids kiss goodbye (half term) ,lecteur them about being good, don't talk to strangers, don't go near to the road,,,,,,,, blah, blah, blah, blah, ....... "Who am I kidding kids go do what you want. BYE :wave

DB on. :thumbs
I'll be pre-ordering with the hope of it coming Friday. Early is just a bonus.

Wake up, do the normal stuff. Open and play.

Oh also, does anyone have a list of teams in the game anywhere out of interest?
Andy at ShopTo seems to be a busy guy today. Just been informed by him that they don't have it in stock "just yet". Though knowing the way ShopTo usually are I'm pretty confident we'll have it by Friday at the latest. Ridiculously reliable.
I've been a reader of this site for many years but finally decided it was time to register! I've just pre-ordered from Shopto as I always do, my past three pre-orders were actually delivered on the Thursday as the games came out on the Friday! I'm so excited by what I've read about this game! :D
I've only ever really ordered games from amazon or bought them in store before. Do you know what GAME are like in terms of delivering games early or quickly? I probably won't switch to Shopto anyway, I'm going to avoid hassle (and increase the possibility of a steel book) by sticking with GAME, but I'm interested to know people's experiences.
I've only ever really ordered games from amazon or bought them in store before. Do you know what GAME are like in terms of delivering games early or quickly? I probably won't switch to Shopto anyway, I'm going to avoid hassle (and increase the possibility of a steel book) by sticking with GAME, but I'm interested to know people's experiences.

The latest I've ever had a game was on release day, and the earliest I've had it was 2 days before. Never had any problems with Game.
Quite confident everyone will get game on Friday , just went into my local GAME store in Birmingham and they said they were expecting the game to be in stock tomorrow and said everyone who had pre ordered the game would get it at the latest Friday
Dont know if should be saying this but on friday I will be down and out with a dose of the flu! I can not work in case I infect anyone in my work place so quite possibly I could be off for 4 or 5 days! Is anyone else out there feeling a bit under the weather with friday approaching.?

I've got a bit of a sore throat coming on. :)
after my scepticism that it was coming anytime soon... i've been proven wrong, but is anyone else so excited to get this game now?! Can't stop going on youtube to see the different features and the realism is fantastic! ROLL ON FRIDAY (hopefully Wednesday or Thursday though :cheers)

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