Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

genuine question @ChinamanSpin, because i know you're a "supporter" but by no means a "fanboi"...

do you feel let down at all that there is still nothing official about the UK, given the rest* of the world has has certainty for over a week now, and there were several punchy posts to the effect that there was nothing major or sinister causing the "UK TBA" bit and information would follow very quickly but we're still without any concrete info even now?

obviously everyone knows my opinion and i have laboured it more than enough but i am genuinely interested in what you (and others in the UK) think?
I've tried my best to be upbeat about it, and I know @Ross has said there is nothing to worry about and I'm sure he's not lying, but I can't deny that it is disappointing. On the day of the press announcement, I said something along the lines of the uncertainty being the worst bit and I still stick with that. If we are told "the game will be released in the UK on the 20th April" and that we can order now from Amazon, Shopto and other retailers, that's fine. I will then know and I can stop worrying (for want of a better word) about the game. I haven't commented on the situation in the last few days because I thought we'd know by now. The fact that we are two weeks from the release and we don't have concrete info from TruBlu about the UK is disappointing.

I'm a big supporter of the game and thankful of the information @Ross has shared with us, but I can't help feeling that the way the actual release and marketing has been handled (especially in the UK) has been reasonably poor.
@blockerdave I am a little on the fence with it to be honest, I believe Ross when he said he was not worried which indicated to me that a deal had been done, but can see your point in as much as it hasn't been official from tru blu but from customers badgering game etc. it is my opinion that UK distributors have agreed a deal in principal with tru blu where they would stock limited copies for now, but would wait for the demand from retailers before completely jumping on board. I'm not sure if this is correct as I have no experience in sales etc, its just my opinion. I believe that as far as bigant were concerned they are confident that those in the UK will be able to get the game if they make enquiries to the relevant parties, but the actual physical appearance of copies being readily available on shelves at every "game" etc is still not confirmed. Tru blu probably want to send more but if a stockist doubts the demand will warrant large orders there probably waiting to see what level of demand there is. Just my opinion though, and I don't think I would be in a posituon to be apportioning out who is to blame for the lack of physical copies and concrete information.
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@Ross is in this thread saying their strategy worked. I am saying since we were told we would have uk certainty by now and we don't one of those statements were a crock of shit and the guy shouldn't be insulting me making a great play of his integrity

On the flip side you should not have been calling him a liar which was uncalled for . I am always for peaceful solution of matters but really I dont respect Trublu one bit. As a consumer I am very satisfied with bigant due to there strategy but extremely unimpressed with Trublu they are doing something that is opposite of marketing for the game I feel.
What flip side? I have said he is holding two mutually exclusive positions and vociferously maintaining them as truth. One of the cannot be
On the flip side you should not have been calling him a liar which was uncalled for . I am always for peaceful solution of matters but really I dont respect Trublu one bit. As a consumer I am very satisfied with bigant due to there strategy but extremely unimpressed with Trublu they are doing something that is opposite of marketing for the game I feel.

That a fair point, I certainly have no issue with bigant, they made the game and it looks very good, and before trublu were on board Ross was certainly far more open about the game, since trublu have been on board its been less transparent, but I do believe that Ross has his hands tied a bit so to speak, he probably gets drip fed information from trublu and then has to keep schtum even though its his game. I've said it before I don't know who is accountable for the lack of UK info, if its trublu or UK stockists, I'm inclined to think its the latter, but I hope the game is a massive success not only because I am excited about the product, but more so in future bigant can afford to self publish, without trublu, having followed this game for a while I personally enjoyed the progress and information given before trublu came on board and Ross was able to be, well himself I Spose!
What flip side? I have said he is holding two mutually exclusive positions and vociferously maintaining them as truth. One of the cannot be

what do you expect a man in contract to do ?? clearly he cannot talk against his contract and publisher and should not disclose what exactly is going on or what kind of problems they are facing.

I would not have tried to get anything on it and would have blamed those who were responsible of the whole fiasco.


For those that are interested here's a place to pre-order for cricket fans here in Germany or in mainland Europe for 52,99 Euros:
Don Bradman Cricket 14 PS3 Game |

With the current exchange rate it is the cheapest place to pre-order from. 52,99 Euros and in Pounds its listed for ?42.99.

This shop belongs to, so for UK fans check out this link:
Don Bradman Cricket 14 PS3 Game -

awesome thanks.
i agree. i don't expect him to give any information, certainly none counter to his interest.

i do expect him not to take offence regarding someone treating with scepticism position (a) when a week later he's going to strenuously maintain the mutually exclusive position (b) was the "strategy" all along.
Like I said before; Ross is merely delaying the game so i can go to my cousins wedding and still play the game on launch. I think that its a very nice thing that he has done and you should all appreciate how nice he's being :)

(Yes, the fact that there's nothing confirmed for the UK is quite dumb...)
i agree. i don't expect him to give any information, certainly none counter to his interest.

i do expect him not to take offence regarding someone treating with scepticism position (a) when a week later he's going to strenuously maintain the mutually exclusive position (b) was the "strategy" all along.

His position is still not changed at all and I dont think he will ever say that Trublu did a bad job and above all we still dont know what happened behind the scene what was expected and what happened and what was scenario when he said that he is not worried and what happened after.

I would have always gone the middle way and never would have accused of anyone lying without having complete information of things, which unfortunately none of us got and on the flip side he got.

I am not saying that what you said was all wrong it was correct and I am highly disappointed with the situation and I didnt wanted it to be as it is now, but I would have avoid calling someone bad without having any concrete evidence in my hand.
His position is still not changed at all and I dont think he will ever say that Trublu did a bad job and above all we still dont know what happened behind the scene what was expected and what happened and what was scenario when he said that he is not worried and what happened after.

I would have always gone the middle way and never would have accused of anyone lying without having complete information of things, which unfortunately none of us got and on the flip side he got.

I am not saying that what you said was all wrong it was correct and I am highly disappointed with the situation and I didnt wanted it to be as it is now, but I would have avoid calling someone bad without having any concrete evidence in my hand.

Either way we're getting the game so it does not matter :)
Either way we're getting the game so it does not matter :)

Not all of us are as satisfied as a person as you are. I am for once is not at all happy about the way we are getting the game after closely following the whole thing for more than a year and never expected last 2 weeks to be so quite and boring.

I would be very honest that this situation is kind of an anti climax.
I would have expected more in the way of videos etc but if its trublus way anyone familiar with them should have foreseen it going this way. Again though the lack of marketing is trublus decision not bigants.
Okey guys, i have just been to my local GAME shop. Asked the guys and they were not aware of the game being in existence. However i asked the guy to check their system and guess what, they have it on their system.

I have been made aware that they are taking pre orders but no release date has been confirmed. hope this info helps.

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