Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

I don't think that these two statements ARE contrary?

Information is still imminent (depending on your definition), the hold up may be trivial, and both things part of a strategy that we are yet to understand.

Either way I don't see it as a lie.

it's contradictory in that we were told the information was coming imminently it was just approval and would be expedited. the information has not been released, and now we're told that was the strategy all along.
one of those things is a flat out lie.
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Neither of those statements are contradictory if you have half a brain and are not defending an indefensible position.... Mangy rabid dog with a bone.

Edit: yeah, thanks for quoting, not really required... the broken record hasn't changed.
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it's contradictory in that we were told the information was coming imminently it was just approval and would be expedited. the information has not been released, and now we're told that was the strategy all along.
one of those things is a flat out lie.

The strategy could have *been* to get approval and then release the information. Depends on whether your definition of "imminent" is a matter of hours, days or weeks.
Just playing devil's advocate: I agree it's frustrating, but Ross has been nothing but open wherever he can. I think you're being a touch harsh.
Well I have never yet been able to persuade my wife that if I offer to something imminently I should be able to get away with not doing it for more than a week.

I see I'm in a minority of one however, and while I am obviously not going to admit I am wrong (only partially because I'm not) I will move on.

I will agree on this though - it's ball bustingly frustrating, we have a great looking game coming soon, we should be celebrating that and instead we're still in the dark debating the semantics of imminent.

If only we get a few more involved we could have a mass debate. #thereimovedon
Well I have never yet been able to persuade my wife that if I offer to something imminently I should be able to get away with not doing it for more than a week.

I see I'm in a minority of one however, and while I am obviously not going to admit I am wrong (only partially because I'm not) I will move on.

I will agree on this though - it's ball bustingly frustrating, we have a great looking game coming soon, we should be celebrating that and instead we're still in the dark debating the semantics of imminent.

If only we get a few more involved we could have a mass debate. #thereimovedon

Of course it is frustrating! As a cricket gaming fan you are waiting for ages for a decent game and then in 2013 you are expecting two cricket games to be released but we get a grand total of ZERO. And now with less than 2 weeks left for the game to be released we still don't know where we can order the game from and are still searching around to find as much information as we can.

But the good news, which overshadows everything else, is that the game will be out in less than 2 weeks! That's what's keeping me happy the last few days, i.e. the knowledge a decent cricket game is round the corner. It would make things much better if we know where we can pre-order the game in US/Canada and UK so we have it in our hands by April 3rd or 4th and I'm hoping Ross would be able to, or get the Tru Blu folks to, provide the info by early next week.
For those that are interested here's a place to pre-order for cricket fans here in Germany or in mainland Europe for 52,99 Euros:
Don Bradman Cricket 14 PS3 Game |

With the current exchange rate it is the cheapest place to pre-order from. 52,99 Euros and in Pounds its listed for ?42.99.

This shop belongs to, so for UK fans check out this link:
Don Bradman Cricket 14 PS3 Game -

I can vouch for 365games, brilliant retailer, imo i think they are better than gamesxchange and not just because of the release date, they usually deliver a day before :cheers but still waiting for that amazon listing as i have had money saved for 2 years specifically for this game. :cheers still hopes are high and i can not wait for this beast thanks to ross for keeping us informed throughout this epic journey can not describe your input and helpfulness in informing us the members its been top notch :cheers
...we have a great looking game coming soon, we should be celebrating that and instead we're still in the dark debating the semantics of imminent.

IMO, most of us are celebratin' #justsayin
I hope oits 4th april.
can't wait any longer because I will be pre ordering in the UK from my local game shop
I checked not long ago and it wasnt on their site as of yet.

How much did you pay @RedskinsUK?

Might end up getting someone to buy me it back home, would be the same game infact, and send me it.
i just don't know whether to put on 4 candles or 11

Does 7 days really matter all that much, honestly I think it's taking up way too much space in the lexicon of the board to be honest. Love a dog with a bone, but the vitriol aimed at Ross, the constant requirement to whinge about some miniscule element of the release date is past the point of comedy for me now...

39 pages in on this thread and the same stuff is being debated as on page 2. So much mis-information and bullshit it's astounding, I think we're maybe, just maybe coming across to @Ross and his team as a little entitled and a little weird now... Which I don't think is the intention of some, certainly not you, but I'd read the room and take the fact he's actively blocking your posts now as kinda a subtle hint that you've maybe pushed the barge out too far.

Whether you get the game at the same time, or a few days after everyone else, really doesn't matter. We know when we're getting the game now, which is a vast improvement on the past 18 months. Whether we agree with how it's all been handled, we DO agree it's a fantastic looking game and I'd really, genuinely suggest, letting bygones be bygones and moving into a slightly more positive "lets get pumped about the game arriving in the UK" or whatever, because the whinging-brit cliche has been thoroughly fufilled in the 39 pages of the thread and while I'm sure it's frustrating to think you might get the game a few days behind everyone else, that's exactly what happens in many nations around the world and you certainly wouldn't get 39 pages of ring-around-the-rosey from me if it was arriving in NZ a few days after Australia, because we deal with that release shit all the time.

Not having a go, just think we've reached a natural conclusion to this storm in a teacup and could all probably do with handing around the humble pie, taking a bite and moving on. @Ross included.

Blocking people sucks, regardless of how bigger asshole they are/aren't but in life ignoring someone only wastes your own valuable time and effort and I certainly don't think Blocker is worth the effort it takes to block someone, so to speak. All things considered, he's a pretty down to earth guy, even if he does get stuck on some small tiny thing and beat it until it's a withered husk of a horse... It would be a shame for @BigAntStudios to miss out on all the nice, funny shit @blockerdave has to say about the game when it is out and being enjoyed.


...far be it from me to be the voice of reason, which is certainly not my M.O around here, but even I can break character and broker a peace deal.

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