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Are shopto going to change their release date to reflect the WW release date?

Im getting an itchy trigger finger and am very close to preordering with GAME

i contacted them on friday and asked about that (GAME having 4th), and they said they had 11th from the publisher but were looking into it and would update the date as soon as they know more.

i guess nothing would happen over the weekend.

if they haven't updated it by mid-morning i might contact them again. if it's still looking like 11th later in the week i might switch my pre-order. GAME are cheaper, too.
i wouldn't mind... by a lucky fluke i happen to be working from home 1st April!

Fingers crossed!

Are shopto going to change their release date to reflect the WW release date?

if it's still looking like 11th later in the week i might switch my pre-order. GAME are cheaper, too.

Yeah same here unfortunately, if it still says the 11th by the end of the week then I will be jumping ship to GAME, but i'm confident they will change their date this week.
Fingers crossed!

Yeah same here unfortunately, if it still says the 11th by the end of the week then I will be jumping ship to GAME, but i'm confident they will change their date this week.

yeah that's what i expect too. to be fair i'm reluctant to change simply because their standard of service so far has been excellent. it would be surprising for them not to change, though of course we still don't have any "official" word for the UK so who knows.
For this and only this reason I have kept my pre-order at gameXchange and will not change it until end of this week and will order from one with earliest release date.
a lot to read through in this thread... why so expensive though?
it would be surprising for them not to change

Yeah you'd think that they would be pretty pissed off that a rival company has the game listed a week earlier...and cheaper.
Pre-ordered my copy from GAME today :) took them a while to find the pre-order code but all good :)
They don't know but if they get some ill get one :)

Ye the steelbook will be for pre orders only! Even then it will be first come first serve lol that how it works at our store,I posted a lot about this in this thread but guess it's been lost haha.
What place should I order the game from to get it delivered to France ?

(I don't know anything about the UK game retailers)
Latest I've heard from ShopTo: "I have spoken to the team and we should have more information on this from the publisher on Wednesday this week."
I will order 2 PS3 copies, one from shopto and another from amazon. Which ever turns up at my doorstep faster I will keep it and return the other one. Or if none of them comes on release date, its going to be a trip to GAME for me. So desperate for this!!!!
I will order 2 PS3 copies, one from shopto and another from amazon. Which ever turns up at my doorstep faster I will keep it and return the other one. Or if none of them comes on release date, its going to be a trip to GAME for me. So desperate for this!!!!

Don't forget Game too.;)
Latest I've heard from ShopTo: "I have spoken to the team and we should have more information on this from the publisher on Wednesday this week."

Keep us posted :thumbs

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