Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Do keep us posted regarding Shopto. I would like to order from them too in case there's no North American retailer, as long as Shopto is shipping it by April 4th.

this is my conversation with shopto today. i dropped the bomb about potentially switching pre-order to see if that prompts them to get things resolved. if hear any more i will let you know. it seems you can't pre-order at game without paying and i get paid thursday so will switch the order then if i haven't had anything better from shop to first.

obviously the desperate post hoc justifications masquerading as strategy is to drive all the purchasers to GAME, so I assume @Ross has shares.



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I phoned Game earlier and they claim not to have anything on the system regarding this game. Amazon have now put the release date to 24th May 2014 :noway

I can 100% confirm this is wrong! I'm stood at work in game and looking at it on our system. It still says the 4th April with an rrp of 44.99.
I phoned Game earlier and they claim not to have anything on the system regarding this game. Amazon have now put the release date to 24th May 2014 :noway

They probably meant on the release schedule as it's not on it, but it's definitely on the till system :) pre-ordered mine today XD
Ye the release schedule don't get updated till Thursday that may be why they don't see it as it was only added to our system a few days ago
Ye the release schedule don't get updated till Thursday that may be why they don't see it as it was only added to our system a few days ago

That's the confusion i guess, they look on there and it's not there so they say it's not there when it is on the tills which is separate... ;)
I can 100% confirm this is wrong! I'm stood at work in game and looking at it on our system. It still says the 4th April with an rrp of 44.99.

i just got tweeted by my local store... this is what they say:


and shop to say this - and if they're telling the truth as is the follow up to my earlier question, that would suggest the publisher have told them this today.


great strategy @Ross. this is exactly what everyone should do, make it hard work for the people who want to buy the game to get any reliable information about how and where to buy it. why doesn't everyone work this way. it's so good.


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The thing I don't understand is how a few people have pre ordered from Game, yet some are saying Game aren't doing it, I have seen the game on the Game website and have had emails confirming it is available, also there is a guy on here saying he works at Game and the steel book will be available on a first come first serve basis for pre orders yet again when I emailed Game about it they said steel book is not available!! It baffles me that the company stocking the game seem to know less about it than their employees and worse still, the general public!! I am not bashing Ross one iota as its not down to him, but tru blu's lack of info to the 2nd biggest market is baffling. I was under the impression after seeing it up on the Game website was it was already announced and I'd missed it but obviously not, and as Ross had said he would have to ask tru blu for verification, they're not keeping him in the loop either. Either its people making shit up or tru blu don't seem to care about marketing the game.
Also I understand that the financial limitations dictate a short marketing campaign but we've seen absolutely no assets since bigant were running the show and with less than 2 weeks to go I would've expected something in the way of new screenshots or vids. If bigant were the bricklayer to tru blu's hod carrier they'd be sod all to show for some exceptionally talented bricklayers, and you don't shoot the monkey you shoot the organ grinder!
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Too much chaos at the moment in my opinion will only be solved with an official announcement from trublu.
The thing I don't understand is how a few people have pre ordered from Game, yet some are saying Game aren't doing it, I have seen the game on the Game website and have had emails confirming it is available, also there is a guy on here saying he works at Game and the steel book will be available on a first come first serve basis for pre orders yet again when I emailed Game about it they said steel book is not available!! It baffles me that the company stocking the game seem to know less about it than their employees and worse still, the general public!! I am not bashing Ross one iota as its not down to him, but tru blu's lack of info to the 2nd biggest market is baffling. I was under the impression after seeing it up on the Game website was it was already announced and I'd missed it but obviously not, and as Ross had said he would have to ask tru blu for verification, they're not keeping him in the loop either. Either its people making shit up or tru blu don't seem to care about marketing the game.
Also I understand that the financial limitations dictate a short marketing campaign but we've seen absolutely no assets since bigant were running the show and with less than 2 weeks to go I would've expected something in the was of new screenshots or vids. If bigant were the bricklayer to tru blu's hod carrier they'd be sod all to show for some exceptionally talented bricklayers, and you don't shoot the monkey you shoot the organ grinder!

it's strategy AJ, and it's worked. that's official...


I can 100% confirm this is wrong! I'm stood at work in game and looking at it on our system. It still says the 4th April with an rrp of 44.99.

could you pm me the pre-order code so i can contact my store about it?
All I know it is on our system with a deposit sku. Iv also preordered it myself and have the slip right here. Ithe release date here is 4th April.

As for the steelbooks I previously said we have nothing on here yet regarding this then Ross replied saying there should be some on the way and his guess was we would get some. If we did get some they will be given to pre orders only.

As for other stores saying they have not got it on the system I can't explain as it clearly and maybe they just haven't looked right lol

Obviously release dates can change at any point but at the mo we have it for the 4th April and are able to take pre orders. Hope this helps clarify anything Iv said previous. Like Iv said I'm only trying to help :/

Have to say you don't expect this level of uncertainty so late in the release cycle. The game is supposed to release on April 3rd and today's March 24th (or 25th in Aus) and we still have retailers in the biggest market for a cricket game giving out contradictory information.

At the very least Tru Blu should come out with a presser stating what's the true picture. Even if it's April 11th for UK, come out and say so. All this contradictory and incorrect information reflects poorly on Tru Blu.

And what about the marketing and PR blitz that was supposed to kick off over the "last 2 weeks" of the game's release? Is it still not the final 2 weeks before the game's release? Or do these magical "2 weeks" mean the same as "Early September" did to Mike Fegan? It's to be noted we still have not seen any official or unofficial gameplay video of DBC 14 from the final version of the game (with Day 1 patch).
Have to say you don't expect this level of uncertainty so late in the release cycle. The game is supposed to release on April 3rd and today's March 24th (or 25th in Aus) and we still have retailers in the biggest market for a cricket game giving out contradictory information.

At the very least Tru Blu should come out with a presser stating what's the true picture. Even if it's April 11th for UK, come out and say so. All this contradictory and incorrect information reflects poorly on Tru Blu.

And what about the marketing and PR blitz that was supposed to kick off over the "last 2 weeks" of the game's release? Is it still not the final 2 weeks before the game's release? Or do these magical "2 weeks" mean the same as "Early September" did to Mike Fegan? It's to be noted we still have not seen any official or unofficial gameplay video of DBC 14 from the final version of the game (with Day 1 patch).

it's ludicrous, but you've got @Ross in this thread and others going on about how their strategy has worked in spite of other's "pontificating". personally if their pre-orders are looking has good as he said, they owe planet cricket a commission because they have done an infinitely better job of publicising the game than either trublu or bigant.

the whole thing stinks in regards to how the UK has been handled, and any success in terms of pre-orders is 100% in spite of their marketing incompetence "strategy".

absolutely ridiculous that we're 10 days from release, possibly 11 in UK (if it is 4th) and we still don't have any certainty, no showcasing the existing collateral/trailer etc.
I agree its a shambles block but again I don't put the blame in bigant, not because I'm a sycophant, far from it, but remember how open and how we saw vids etc when bigant were in charge, IMO its tru blu we have to be disappointed with, and even though Riss has defended them, I wouldn't expect him to do anything but, he has a contract with them and a relationship, its like if your wife's a pain in the ass, you can say so, but no one else can! The only way we will know if bigant are happy with tru blu after this is if they work with them again once the current deal is finished, and even then I wouldn't expect bigant to publicly blast tru blu because it lacks integrity to do so. You don't air your dirty linen in public, and things should be dealt with in house.
I was in Game in Brighton on Sunday and there was nothing advertising the game. No posters, no empty 'coming soon' labelled boxes, zilch.
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