Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Ross, I think you are being a bit too hard on blocker. Blocker may not be everyone's cup of tea but he's one of the few folks on here who calls spade a spade and sticks to his view instead of changing it depending on who his perceived audience is.

Sure I don't agree with all of blocker's criticism regarding the UK release aimed at you, as I put most of the blame at Tru Blu's feet, but he makes a lot of good points and IMO his feedback would be quite useful in the build-up of DBC franchise.

leave it Wayne he's not worth it.

(but thank you.)
With all due respect, what about all the other people in this thread asking questions? I know the answer is going to be that you can't answer due to NDA, but blockerdave is only one member and he isn't the leader of some mass revolt against yourself, your company and Tru Blu!

Do we all get the same treatment as the person that you're at loggerheads with and have blocked? I'd hate to think we'd suffer because of your feud with one member.
just ordered from game ( very happy jumping around maybe) has any one else (ps3 the king of consuls only )
I was going to pre order today but am still holding off for information on the steel book, a member here posted it will be a pre order bonus on a first come first server basis but I would like confirmation on that from somewhere official as I got an email saying Game won't have steel books.
Just the small number of quotes I see here show a low class bitter and twisted sniper.

I'm sorry, but where the fearsome tweak do you see this? He's made points, rather bluntly compared to most here, which many have made and are legitimate: the fact that the game has no official UK release date less than two weeks before its meant to be out; and over general social media strategy which is something which I know second hand is a very hard thing to manage, but it is needed in the age that we live in now. I'm not expecting a large media blitz nor am I expecting the game on Union Street to have a midnight release nor huge amounts of PR for the game; I'd just appreciate being able to preorder the game and know 100% when I'll be able to play it. I know that its April and we're arguing over a week (well, two for me, but oh well!) but it doesn't look well on the game do have a confusing amount of release dates this close to release in the games number 2 market, especially with the past history of Cricket games...
Ross throwing his toys out the pram again, surprise, surprise.

The release of this game is as much of a shambles as Ashes cricket. The final product will be better, but for how much Ross mocked them he has to eat some humble pie. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke, eat up.
I was going to pre order today but am still holding off for information on the steel book, a member here posted it will be a pre order bonus on a first come first server basis but I would like confirmation on that from somewhere official as I got an email saying Game won't have steel books.

I only said that it will be sore order bonus IF we get them in as there's no special edition and that's how they work lol

Ross kindly replied to an earlier post I did as is checked our system to see about a special edition and he said that steelbook should be on the way to uk and IF there was he'd guess they would send some to GAME.. Like Iv said previously I'm just giving you guys an insight, trust me I'm as excited as you guys :)
With all due respect, what about all the other people in this thread asking questions? I know the answer is going to be that you can't answer due to NDA, but blockerdave is only one member and he isn't the leader of some mass revolt against yourself, your company and Tru Blu!

Do we all get the same treatment as the person that you're at loggerheads with and have blocked? I'd hate to think we'd suffer because of your feud with one member.

No idea what you're talking about. I am still here answering questions.


Ross, I think you are being a bit too hard on blocker. Blocker may not be everyone's cup of tea but he's one of the few folks on here who calls spade a spade and sticks to his view instead of changing it depending on who his perceived audience is.

Sure I don't agree with all of blocker's criticism regarding the UK release aimed at you, as I put most of the blame at Tru Blu's feet, but he makes a lot of good points and IMO his feedback would be quite useful in the build-up of DBC franchise.

I call a spade a spade and an arsehole an arsehole. That is the definition of someone that has the wrong view but sticks to their guns regardless.

I also like to think that I humbly admit when I am wrong and apologise for it, something that some people find very difficult to do.

Anyway, you're right, Blocker sticks to his view regardless of it being wrong or out of order, thanks for summing it all up.

Keep on sniping.
No idea what you're talking about. I am still here answering questions.

I meant in this thread specifically. Pages and pages of posts from lots of members and the one you seem to dislike a lot, i.e blockerdave, is the one responded to.

Fair enough you don't like him but it doesn't seem fair to answer all queries about the UK release situation with a blanket response aimed at blockerdave, when there are lots and lots of other members who haven't rubbed you up the wrong way and aren't on your block list. Do we all deserve the same response/fate simply because we're posting in the same thread and/or may have quoted (but not necessarily agreed with) him?
I meant in this thread specifically. Pages and pages of posts from lots of members and the one you seem to dislike a lot, i.e blockerdave, is the one responded to.

Fair enough you don't like him but it doesn't seem fair to answer all queries about the UK release situation with a blanket response aimed at blockerdave, when there are lots and lots of other members who haven't rubbed you up the wrong way and aren't on your block list. Do we all deserve the same response/fate simply because we're posting in the same thread and/or may have quoted (but not necessarily agreed with) him?

Nothing to do with liking someone at all. Blocker overreacted and called me a liar with no foundation whatsoever and regardless of many opportunities to recant he has decided to continue to snipe away, he can go fish himself. Is that clear enough?

I would remind all that I am responsible for making the game. Publishing and Marketing are the responsibility of Tru Blu. I understand the UK situation and given all the facts I agree with the way it has proceeded.


I'm sorry, but where the fish do you see this? He's made points, rather bluntly compared to most here, which many have made and are legitimate: the fact that the game has no official UK release date less than two weeks before its meant to be out; and over general social media strategy which is something which I know second hand is a very hard thing to manage, but it is needed in the age that we live in now. I'm not expecting a large media blitz nor am I expecting the game on Union Street to have a midnight release nor huge amounts of PR for the game; I'd just appreciate being able to preorder the game and know 100% when I'll be able to play it. I know that its April and we're arguing over a week (well, two for me, but oh well!) but it doesn't look well on the game do have a confusing amount of release dates this close to release in the games number 2 market, especially with the past history of Cricket games...

Again. No problem copping criticism, there's only TWO active members here that are on my ignore list out of the year and a half of posts - you're missing the point entirely - and there we go, the two of them on the same page, Birds of a feather.
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I only said that it will be sore order bonus IF we get them in as there's no special edition and that's how they work lol

Ross kindly replied to an earlier post I did as is checked our system to see about a special edition and he said that steelbook should be on the way to uk and IF there was he'd guess they would send some to GAME.. Like Iv said previously I'm just giving you guys an insight, trust me I'm as excited as you guys :)

I wasn't having a dig at you dan, I appreciate your reply, I think ill probably order it tomoro when I get in from work, that way if Game do get the steel book ill hopefully be early enough for one!! Its obviously not a different version but I think it'll be a cool thing to have, being the first of hopefully a successful franchise! In your experience do Game ship on the release date or so the customer gets it on release date? I could pick up a copy at my local Game(Stevenage) but if I don't finish work early enough on the 4th i'll have to get it Saturday.
Blocker overreacted and called me a liar with no foundation whatsoever and regardless of many opportunities to recant he has decided to continue to snipe away, he can go fish himself. Is that clear enough?

I would remind all that I am responsible for making the game. Publishing and Marketing are the responsibility of Tru Blu. I understand the UK situation and given all the fact I agree with the way it has proceeded.

We all know there is a spat between yourself and blocker. We all know you've blocked him and couldn't care less about what he says. So why focus on him then? Why not just ignore him and focus on the members that haven't 'called you a liar' and that aren't 'sniping away'? We don't all hold the same opinion as each other and shouldn't be guilty by association, surely?
I wasn't having a dig at you dan, I appreciate your reply, I think ill probably order it tomoro when I get in from work, that way if Game do get the steel book ill hopefully be early enough for one!! Its obviously not a different version but I think it'll be a cool thing to have, being the first of hopefully a successful franchise! In your experience do Game ship on the release date or so the customer gets it on release date? I could pick up a copy at my local Game(Stevenage) but if I don't finish work early enough on the 4th i'll have to get it Saturday.

ye i know you wasnt having a dig i was just making sure you all knew the facts ;)

as for pre ordering it online i cant really comment on as the online guys are ran differently to the stores but they do seem to be on the ball when sending it out, however if its possible i would do it in store as your guaranteed your copy and if we get the steelbooks your pretty much guaranteed one! also you will be supporting your local store :) ha
I agree with blocker when he criticize the marketing or arrangements and situation. I dont think anyone will say that whole thing is handled brilliantly by Trublu and situation should have been the way 10 days from release as it is now but I would never support or suggest him to call anyone a liar or anything without a proof.

I wrote before and will write again that we are not aware of what is going on behind the scene and unfortunately ross under his NDA is not allowed to share this information so accusing him if being a liar without being informed about everything is not the best idea.

I am also very frustrated and not at all amused with the situation but I hope we get the game soon as I am tiered of waiting for news previews and everything and I hope it gets sorted soon but repeating same things again will not really help the cause.
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We all know there is a spat between yourself and blocker. We all know you've blocked him and couldn't care less about what he says. So why focus on him then? Why not just ignore him and focus on the members that haven't 'called you a liar' and that aren't 'sniping away'? We don't all hold the same opinion as each other and shouldn't be guilty by association, surely?

I am answering questions all day long, including yours right now, I don't see your issue at all.

If every now and again I thank Blocker for sniping, why's that a problem for you? I mean, I'm just calling a spade a spade and apparently that's all good.
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