Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

I am answering questions all day long, including yours right now, I don't see your issue at all.

If every now and again I thank Blocker for sniping, why's that a problem for you? I mean, I'm just calling a spade a spade and apparently that's all good.

It's not a problem. It just seems to distract everyone from the issue at hand and comes across as if you're focussing on your feud with him and not with giving answers to issues posted. Maybe it's just the nature of a forum. The way I'm typing probably sounds like I'm being aggressive and calling you out, which couldn't be further from the truth. You call a spade a spade, I question when something doesn't make sense to me. We all have our different ways.

The question on everyone's lips is, 'when can we expect to get some clarity re: the UK release date?'.
I don't care if Lee1981 has a point. Can't he make it in a more civilised manner?
Why do people have to call a post s**t just because they don't agree with it?

That's the thing, he's being perfectly civilised. Just toughen up a little, you'd make a shit zombie IRL... I'd mow you down with sword made of daisy's. Just chillax, no need to be captain downer all the time, if you don't "get it" everyone else doesn't need to explain it to you all the time.

...the fact you're mostly on the wrong side of common sense isn't everyone else's fault.

I still don't get why people think this UK thing is a drama, didn't get it page one, don't get it now.

Edit: Chris Gayle signed Zim's tshirt
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It's not a problem. It just seems to distract everyone from the issue at hand and comes across as if you're focussing on your feud with him and not with giving answers to issues posted. Maybe it's just the nature of a forum. The way I'm typing probably sounds like I'm being aggressive and calling you out, which couldn't be further from the truth. You call a spade a spade, I question when something doesn't make sense to me. We all have our different ways.

The question on everyone's lips is, 'when can we expect to get some clarity re: the UK release date?'.

and it's been from my lips for days. When Tru Blu tell you.

You need to get out more - Try visiting another thread where I am answering many a question with no focus on the sniper at all.
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its coming out on 4th april in UK.
just want my local GAME shop and they told its releasing on 4th april.
Much more plausible are the NEW ones that have recently appeared with the distributor listed as "Alternative Software", who have handled HES's previous titles in the UK: They currently list release as April 11th.
I'd assume a UK release on the 11th with that - one retailer in front of the rest with a date on the 4th isn't enough vs the company that's certainly the distributor - even if they apparently must not be named for strategic reasons - listing the 11th themselves.

If there's a strategy here - it would seem to be more related to trying to stop the companies like Ozgameshop that will send UK copies back to Australia for 2/3rds of the local retail price, then to anything strategic within the UK market.

One week is just enough that it makes it not worth attempting to import into the UK from somewhere else, but just long enough that it makes the wait inside Australia/NZ for a $20 saving not worth it.
I am not saying that this is true but at least you're thinking about one of the issues. Hmmmm who are Ozgameshop going to buy from and when will they get stock?
Well at game we get an update on new releases come through on Thursdays and whenever a date is changed it's always been on a Thursday so il keep my eyes on it:spy
Are you implying that you're not naming the UK distributor in the hope that the companies that onsell the game back to Australia at low prices won't find out who it is and therefore won't be able to secure stock and thus ruin their plans to do cheap imports?

Alongside perhaps having made individual agreements with local UK retailers to supply stock to them - hence the sporadic nature of the stores being confirmed?

Very ambitious strategy. Though I'd be annoyed if I was in the UK and having all the doubt about the release that the strategy causes. I suppose it would however fit the 'successful' criteria
This is one of the most complex deals I've been involved in. Retail rights separated from digital, publishing from distribution, there is a lot to it and many interests involved that need to be satisfied. It is not as simple as some may think.

My primary concern is the game getting to market and that those markets pay fair value for it. As long as you can get the game as close to the 4th as is possible then I am satisfied, everything else is noise.
This is one of the most complex deals I've been involved in. Retail rights separated from digital, publishing from distribution, there is a lot to it and many interests involved that need to be satisfied. It is not as simple as some may think.

My primary concern is the game getting to market and that those markets pay fair value for it. As long as you can get the game as close to the 4th as is possible then I am satisfied, everything else is noise.

This makes a great deal of sence.. I now understand the situation alot better. Would be nice if a) people were happy to pay the price they should be paying for living in a certain country and/or b) companies didn't try to make a financial gain by making this available in the first place. And here we were thinking the issue would be India retailers selling cheap to Oz.
Would be nice if a) people were happy to pay the price they should be paying for living in a certain country and/or b) companies didn't try to make a financial gain by making this available in the first place.

Unfortunately that's not the case though as money is everything; somebody who spots an opportunity to make a profit will take it and a consumer has no motivation to pay more money for a homogeneous product. As you say I guess there could be a motivation to pay fair value for the product and support the developers but would an average customer recognise how obtains its stock?
I am not saying that this is true but at least you're thinking about one of the issues. Hmmmm who are Ozgameshop going to buy from and when will they get stock?

You have stated a number of times that you never discount your games and that if a retailer is selling it cheaper then they are wearing that discount themselves. Based on that, does it matter to you if someone like is selling it cheaper? Presumably they are paying the same for their stock as everyone else so they are wearing the difference aren't they?
You have stated a number of times that you never discount your games and that if a retailer is selling it cheaper then they are wearing that discount themselves. Based on that, does it matter to you if someone like is selling it cheaper? Presumably they are paying the same for their stock as everyone else so they are wearing the difference aren't they?

Each locality has its own local price. It does matter.

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