Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK

Thanks Ross for doing your best and keeping us up to date
As best you can ..
We all know you don't have to do this and it's
Sad that some expect to much , when this is your business
Which you have been doing for a long time ..
Thanks Ross for doing your best and keeping us up to date
As best you can ..
We all know you don't have to do this and it's
Sad that some expect to much , when this is your business
Which you have been doing for a long time ..

given the random line-breaks, one can only assume that's intended as poetry, right? in which case you really need to work on your prosody. D-
So, I should hit order from Game UK? That's the quickest way of getting it to Switzerland? I'm not too fussed about the steel box.
So, I should hit order from Game UK? That's the quickest way of getting it to Switzerland? I'm not too fussed about the steel box.

I have chosen this path, I wanted to get it in Germany. Just had a talk with there representative they will use royal mail and will try to post it in a manner that we get it on release day (which is hard with royal mail but we should get it in 3 to 7 working days, unfortunately no express package or courier service available).
It really doesn't. I'd throw a citation required out there, but since it's all hearsay and we're not really privvy to the inner-workings of the HES marketing division it prolly went like this:

[Enthusiastic Ross] "Hey, TruBlu... Now that you've issued the press release can I talk about the UK release"

[TruBlu Guy] ", hold fire"

[Enthusiastic Ross] "Okay..."

[Enthusiastic Ross] "Still waiting..."

[Enthusiastic Ross] "...still here..."

[Enthusiastic Ross] "...getting reamed by PlanetCricket nerds now..."

[Enthusiastic Ross] "...Hello?..."

[TruBlu Guy] *answering machine beep*

But in all seriousness, he was prolly told by his HES contact that the deal was done, just that the i's weren't dotted or something and he had to wait until the Queen approved Daniel Craigs corgy while drinking a warm beer at the 'Cork n' Bishop' to climb Big Ben during the Olympics...

...or some equally vague British excuse.

For the upteenth time, Ross has been nothing but genuinely honest with us, I dunno why you think there's a conspiracy now. It's a bit boring, TBH. Love your work, though.

Not too far wrong... Need to add the bit where I say there is some mother****er stating I am a liar and I'd like to put him on his arse please let me tell it like it is?

I see there's lots more "and agains" to come. See I do get some things right....
You heard it here first, folks. Any DBC14 release delays can be attributed to Daniel Craig's warm beer swelling corgy.
latest info i have received from shopto... that there's no new info :) suggests they're still being given 11th as the date but will let us know when they know more. i think i've probably hassled them enough now or they'll start throwing out of order abuse at me.



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I live in Castleford so I can only assume the towns 4 brain cells didn't get distributed to the Game staff. :yes

Haha well il not saying other stores aren't good at there jobs but ;) as you can imagine it's hard to keep up with every release or developed game and maybe none of the staff in your store like cricket lol

But in all seriousness be a dement with them and tell them it does exist lol
Haha well il not saying other stores aren't good at there jobs but ;) as you can imagine it's hard to keep up with every release or developed game and maybe none of the staff in your store like cricket lol

But in all seriousness be a dement with them and tell them it does exist lol

Will you be able to give us info when you have DBC in the stock ??
All that "and again"...

To be fair, he's just a guy excited about the game and has contributed to the Cricket Academy servers more any almost anyone. If it weren't for Blocker's contributions gamers would have much worse/fewer players to download on day 1.
Latest I've heard from ShopTo: "I have spoken to the team and we should have more information on this from the publisher on Wednesday this week."

^I'm hoping this guy wasn't telling porkies.
Right youve made your point very Clear Blocker, this little tit for tatt whoever is too blame has gotten very old. Im assuming you are both grown men, so despite your obvious greviances shall we just let the matter lie. As having to read through the verbal attacks to get any important information is highly annoying. Despite this being a UK release thread none of this nonsense is helpful.
Right youve made your point very Clear Blocker, this little tit for tatt whoever is too blame has gotten very old. Im assuming you are both grown men, so despite your obvious greviances shall we just let the matter lie. As having to read through the verbal attacks to get any important information is highly annoying. Despite this being a UK release thread none of this nonsense is helpful.

me???? excuse me i haven't made any verbal attacks i'm actually either a)defending myself or b)passing on the info i've received from shopto

only one person here is indulging in personal abuse, but the mods have made perfectly clear competence as a game developer gives him impunity.
"Competence" ...oh, lol.

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