Buying Don Bradman Cricket in UK knew what you were doing wording it like that.

Not really helping yourself.

*chews popcorn*
Right youve made your point very Clear Blocker, this little tit for tatt whoever is too blame has gotten very old. Im assuming you are both grown men, so despite your obvious greviances shall we just let the matter lie. As having to read through the verbal attacks to get any important information is highly annoying. Despite this being a UK release thread none of this nonsense is helpful.

I am. I trade on my reputation and being called a liar constantly for pages is not cool and I will give as good as I get.

I am sorry that it is boring for you all but it started when someone went off half-cocked and has no idea how to respectfully apologise for their error and move on.

Cue... "and again" vvvvv


To be fair, he's just a guy excited about the game and has contributed to the Cricket Academy servers more any almost anyone. If it weren't for Blocker's contributions gamers would have much worse/fewer players to download on day 1.

Being excited is no excuse. He knows he tweaked up, just can't man up.
Ross gets plenty of posts deleted or edited - though obviously I wouldn't pretend for a second that I wouldn't treat the CEO of a company making a cricket game a bit differently than a normal member.

I would also say that Ross' history of being extremely open, honest and constructive in his discussions on here also earns him far more respect when it comes to whether he is "lying" or being "inconsistent" or any other variation of that.

I think Ross has certainly earned a huge amount of trust - and I do think that needs to be reflected in how people approach complaining about posts that might not be accurate down the track, or where it might be hard to accept the consistency of two statements with eachother - his openness and honesty in the past is enough to assume the best in the future.

He has certainly not set out to deliberately mislead anyone at any stage.

I'd certainly rather Ross didn't post every time Blocker does just to make a point of his having ignored him and either genuinely 'ignore' him and just don't respond to anything - or take him off the ignore list and respond to him as normal - the vast bulk of his posts are better contributions than the average member, I'd hope you could both find a way to see past it.
Very well said Matt.

Ok, difference response from the same guy @blockerdave

No worries @MattW that's reasonable.

I actually thought he might have apologised for the slur as I did think better of him but it just kept coming. I'll keep him ignored and move on.
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Tristram = of sorrowful birth. I learned that reading King Arthur.

Given recent events I consider that rather apposite
That wasn't aimed at you in particular blocker just the tit for tatt that is going on. Regardless of whatever point either of you were trying to prove or disprove I think everyone has agreed it has gone beyond that.
my local game has now confirmed they have pre-order codes too (on twitter).

I will feel a bit dirty going and getting the game from them instead after shopto have been helpful but on the upside i'll get the game earlier and because the store closes before i would get home from work i have a wonderful excuse to leave work early.
my local game has now confirmed they have pre-order codes too (on twitter).

I will feel a bit dirty going and getting the game from them instead after shopto have been helpful but on the upside i'll get the game earlier and because the store closes before i would get home from work i have a wonderful excuse to leave work early.

Absolutely logical to do it if shopto sticks to 11 and they give it out on 4th no point in waiting for shopto.
my local game has now confirmed they have pre-order codes too (on twitter).

I will feel a bit dirty going and getting the game from them instead after shopto have been helpful but on the upside i'll get the game earlier and because the store closes before i would get home from work i have a wonderful excuse to leave work early.

Ha I was literally just about to pm you the code so you can wow them when you go in ha.. Glad you got one finally ordered

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